Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,786 The female ghost in red

I don't want to add any extraneous details, but this voice has been lingering in my ears, singing over and over again, and the sadness in the voice seems to have turned into a physical entity and rushed toward me.

No, if someone in the palace dared to sing like this in the middle of the night, they would probably have been beheaded, right?

Although I don't often watch palace dramas, I still understand this basic common sense. You can't make loud noises in the palace even in broad daylight, let alone at night. If you are discovered, your life will be in danger.

But I'm too lazy to care. Anyway, my purpose here is to rescue Ru'er. I ordered Yin Ling to bring a recently deceased male corpse from the mass grave in a week. By then, exchanging the corpse for Ru'er would not only allow the plan to be implemented smoothly, but also achieve my goal.

Thinking about my plans for the next few days, I took a deep breath, tried to ignore the increasingly sad singing outside, closed my eyes and started to rest.

That Li San doesn't seem to be a fuel-efficient person. Who knows how he will deal with me next? It's better to save some energy.

The rain got heavier and heavier in the second half of the night, and I couldn't sleep soundly in this environment. The sound of wind, rain, and the sound of women singing were lingering in my ears. I felt more tired without sleeping than after sleeping.

"When you have money, buy the matchmaker's words. All the pearls are fake... They are all fake." The clear voice of singing children came, and I waved away impatiently: "Don't make any noise."

Just in the middle of the quarrel, I suddenly woke up. I stepped back violently, my head hit the wall with a bang, and I grinned in pain.

The woman in red in front of me had a pale face and bleeding from the corners of her eyes. She was still babbling and singing, singing just a few lines. She looked at me like she was looking at a heartless man.

I can tell at a glance that this is a female ghost. She is not very spiritual, but her resentment is quite strong.

"Every wrongdoer has his own debtor, and there's no point in looking for me." Now that this level of evil spirit no longer threatens me, I rubbed my head and tried to persuade him.

The female ghost in red didn't know if she understood what I said, so she stood up and walked out. I breathed a sigh of relief. It would be best if she didn't pester me.

But when she reached the door, she stopped and turned to look at me with questioning eyes.

I looked at her in confusion and saw her curling her fingers at me.

"You want me to follow you?" I'm not stupid, I can't tell from such an obvious action.

The female ghost in red nodded and looked at me persistently. When she saw that I wasn't moving, she started to circle back and forth around me.

I was annoyed by her leaving, so I couldn't just take her in. I could only accept my fate and follow her out.

The rain has stopped, but it obviously stopped not long ago. The air is full of the fragrance of earth. I have to say that the air in ancient times is good.

It’s just that I clearly feel like I’ve slept for a long time, but looking at the sky, it seems like it’s only late at night...

The female ghost in red led the way, looking back at me from time to time, as if she was afraid that I would not follow. I shrugged helplessly. Now that I was out, I would naturally go and see what happened.

The places she took me to were relatively remote, and I didn't meet anyone on patrol for a long time, which made me feel relieved.

"Where are we going?" I couldn't help but ask after walking for half a quarter of an hour.

The female ghost in red looked at me as if she didn't know how to answer. I pointed to her mouth and asked her if she could only sing but not speak.

Originally I was just joking, but she nodded seriously. I was speechless for a while and motioned for her to continue leading the way.

After nearly half an hour, she finally stopped. In front of her was a wintersweet tree. It was only June and it was still early to leave the flowers, so the wintersweet tree looked lifeless.

The female ghost in red squatted down, dug her hands into the roots of the wintersweet tree, and then looked up at me expectantly.

"You want me to dig it up?" I asked, and she nodded again.

In desperation, I had no choice but to pull out the dagger and dig where she pointed. Although she couldn't speak, her movements were quite good. Under her guidance, I dug something in no time.

"Is that... a corpse down there?" I stared at the female ghost in red, and saw that her face instantly turned angry. I said again: "Is it yours?"

She said nothing, but her expression said it all.

I breathed out, forget it, just think of it as a good deed. If this body is buried here, it must have been tortured to death. The female ghost just wants to live in peace now, which is the minimum requirement.

I sped up my movements, and after a while I dug out a complete corpse. The corpse was tall and not rotten. It looked like it was asleep.

The female ghost in red looked at me, pointed at the corpse, and made gesticulations for a while before I finally understood, but I was even more stunned.

"You said you would give me the body?" I asked in confusion. This corpse is tall and slender. It can be exchanged for Ru'er. It is even safer than the Yin spirit bringing the corpse in from outside the palace. But why did this female ghost give the corpse to me, or how did she know about this plan?

The female ghost in red nodded, then took a deep look at the corpse and turned away.

But she only took a few steps, and her soul became more and more transparent until she disappeared, leaving me standing there in confusion.

But I didn't have time to think too much. I was afraid of being discovered by others, so I had to sneak back to my residence carrying the body, and then tried to contact the Yin spirit.

Yin Ling came back about half an hour later. As soon as he came in, he said, "That Li San has indeed rebelled. Fortunately, I didn't tell him the whole plan. Why did you come back to me?"

I pointed to the body on the ground and asked him if he recognized it.

"Is this Ying'er? Why is she dead?" Yin Ling also looked confused.

I shook my head and recounted what had just happened.

After hearing this, Yin Ling was silent for a long time before saying: "No wonder, it turns out that..."

Seeing its appearance, I quickly asked it what was going on, and it sighed and told me that Ying'er came to the palace with Ru'er and was considered Ru'er's best friend. However, she got engaged outside the palace, and she only left the palace to get married when she was old enough. She must have had an accident on the way, and then died suddenly. But in this world, people are dying every day, so no one will remember a little palace maid. of life and death.

Yin Ling said that if it was Ying'er, then it wouldn't be a surprise to know the plan.

"She probably saw me today and wanted to do her last best!" Yin Ling sighed.

I quickly shook my head and said no. Even if she knew Yin Ling's plan, but now the plan has changed, how did she know that I wanted to replace Ru'er?

"No, hurry up and enter the ebony core!" I thought of a possibility and quickly urged.

Although Yin Ling was puzzled, he did not delay. He only asked me to be careful and quickly penetrated into the ebony core.

"Why did it take you so long to go to the toilet?" A sinister voice came over, and as the voice fell, Li San stepped in from the outside with a sinister smile.

I didn't speak, my mind was running rapidly. Yin Ling was confident that she had not told Li San the whole plan, but that didn't mean that Li San couldn't guess it. After all, he had already mentioned that Ru'er would die for your majesty, and related some things as long as Li San was smart enough.

Although Li San didn't know the purpose of my coming in this time, he also knew that I was going to see Ru'er, so this corpse was just used by him to test us!

As for whether Ying'er was being used to help others harm Ru'er, or whether she really wanted to help Ru'er, it's unclear, but I'd rather believe that she was sincere.

"Haha, no matter how long it takes, wouldn't it be possible for you, Third Brother, to find him?" I chuckled, my hand already touching the dagger. I'm not afraid of him when it comes to fighting alone.

Li San clicked his tongue twice, walked to the body and kicked it: "The general still can't let go of his daughter..."

I asked him coldly what he wanted.

I don’t know if he felt that I was no longer a threat, so he directly told me his purpose: King Yan will enter Beijing soon, and Zhu Yunwen must die!

"It has nothing to do with me whether he dies or not. I just want to save Ru'er. Look, there is no conflict between our goals. If you let me take Ru'er away, Zhu Yunwen may die faster." I didn't lie to him. , Zhu Yunwen's death or not will have no impact on history, so I really don't care.

Besides, no one knows what history is like. Although Ru'er wanted to die for Zhu Yunzhen, no one knows whether he succeeded. Saving Ru'er is just my guess. Since Zhu Yunwen allowed me to see this in the world of ghosts, I can only believe that his wish is related to Ru'er. As for whether it is true or not, I will naturally know after he is rescued.

Li San looked at me carefully, as if to confirm whether what I said was true or false.

"You'd better believe me. You can't get any benefits from me anyway." I held the dagger and stared at Li San closely.

"Okay..." He was about to agree when the palace suddenly burst into flames.

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