Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,787 Jianwen’s Sorrow (Additional update)

The blazing fire illuminated the entire night sky. I quickly picked up the body, pushed Li San away, and ran towards the fire regardless.

how come? Even though it was midnight, it was only the first day of June. How could there be a fire? King Yan probably hasn't entered the capital yet.

But I can't help but think too much. If I can't save Ru'er, I may never be able to go back...

Fortunately, as a fire broke out in the palace compound, the palace people were busy putting out the fire, and no one paid attention to me, an outsider. This also allowed me to successfully enter the burning palace.

"Come out quickly and take me to find your daughter!" I roared, and the Yin spirit immediately came out and led the way.

Fortunately, it had just rained heavily, so the fire could not be ignited for a while, and soon it reached a palace.

There were three people lying inside, two women and a man.

The two women are naturally the queen and Ru'er, while the man is Zhu Yunwen's eldest son.

"Fortunately, Your Majesty has escaped..." Yin Ling sighed, but I had no time to pay attention to him. I placed Ying'er's body in Ru'er's position and prepared to carry Ru'er.


As soon as I raised Ru'er's hand, I heard a crisp sound and something fell out of Ru'er's hand.

I looked down and saw that it was the jade fan.

"This is His Majesty's personal fan. Put it in Ying'er's hands quickly so they won't suspect it." Yin Ling said hurriedly.

Only then did I understand why a woman died in Zhu Yunwen's place, but there was no doubt in the world. It seemed that this fan played a vital role.

But now is not the time to think about this. I quickly put the fan into Ying'er's hand, carried Ru'er and followed Yin Ling out through another path.

The palace was already in chaos. Listening to their arguments, it seemed that the Yan army was about to break the city. Yin Ling and I didn't have time to think too much, so we carried Ru'er out of the palace gate with the fleeing crowd.

Of course, we didn't dare to stay in the city for too long. We escaped from the broken city wall and ran all the way to the mass grave. At this time, it was probably the only place no one would care about.

When they arrived at the mass grave, Ru'er woke up. The Yin spirit didn't want her to see him, so he hid in the ebony core.

"Where are you? Who are you?" Ru'er stared at me warily.

I couldn't explain to her in detail, I just told her that Zhu Yunwen had successfully escaped, so she didn't have to die for Zhu Yunwen.

Ru'er looked at me doubtfully, and I could only tell her that even if she didn't believe it, there was no point in going back now. The palace had been occupied by the Yan army.

Ru'er didn't say anything more, just remained silent for a long time, and then asked who are you?

I smiled and didn't reply to her, I just asked her to leave quickly.

"You won't come with me?" She looked at me in surprise.

I shook my head and didn't explain. I was waiting for Zhu Yunwen, or Zhu Yunwen's ghost. Why the hell should I go back.

Ru'er didn't continue to ask, just turned around and walked out of the mass grave. As for where he ended up, I didn't care.

"I want to accompany her." Yin Ling emerged from the ebony core: "Even if she can't see me, I can still protect her. This world is too chaotic."

I didn't stop it, I cut off its connection with Ebony Core and watched it follow Ru'er away.

Although it is determined to let Ru'er die for Zhu Yunwen, it is still reluctant to part with her daughter after all, right?

As soon as I sighed, I felt a dazzling white light coming over me. I hurriedly looked over, but I only saw a vast expanse of white, and then I fainted.

Damn it, why don’t you come out and thank me, so that I can have peace of mind!

This was the only thought I had when I fainted.

"This is where?"

I propped myself up and sat up, confused for a moment about my situation.

"Brother Zhang, you finally woke up. If you didn't wake up, I would have thought you were gone..." Li Mazi rushed over.

I watched him for a while and finally realized what had happened. Did I come out of the negative space? In other words, it was Zhu Yunwen's wish.

I took a breath and asked Li Mazi to tell me what happened.

Li Mazi curled his lips and slowly told the story.

It turned out that in the middle of our fight with the jade fan, I fainted without any warning, and Li Mazi also fainted because he couldn't withstand the jade fan's attack.

But he woke up in a moment, and when he woke up, the jade fan had returned to normal. He didn't dare to stay, so he dragged me to the car, took the jade fan back to the city, and then quickly sent me to the hospital.

Unfortunately, the hospital examination showed that everything was normal, but I just couldn't wake up. Li Mazi had no choice but to stay with me in the hospital. In the meantime, I contacted the man in the T-shirt and asked him to introduce famous doctors in Hong Kong. However, after listening to Li Mazi's words, the man in the T-shirt vowed that nothing would happen to me, so Li Mazi could only listen.

I exhaled. It seemed that the man in the T-shirt knew that I had entered the vaginal space, otherwise he wouldn't be so relieved.

"Where's the fan?" I suddenly remembered something and asked quickly.

Li Mazi said strangely, this jade fan has not had any problems since I fell into coma, so he kept it in the store for the time being. But just in case, he simply closed the shop during this period, fearing that the jade fan would suddenly wake up and burn a lot of people to death.

I nodded. Li Mazi did a good job. As for the reason why the jade fan was silent, it was probably because he was waiting for me.

"By the way, how long have I been in a coma?" I've been in the vaginal space for nearly two months. If I've been lying down for two months, my body shouldn't be able to move so easily.

Li Mazi said exaggeratedly: "You have been lying down for three days. If you don't wake up, I will have to tell Xinyue, otherwise I will not be able to bear it."

Three days... Although the time is different from the Yin Realm, it is not short.

I rested in the hospital for another half day and was about to be discharged. Li Mazi worriedly pulled me over for another checkup. After making sure that nothing was wrong, he went through the discharge procedures for me.

After leaving the hospital, I went directly back to the store and asked Li Mazi to take out the jade fan.

Li Mazi asked me in fear, is this fan going to cause trouble again?

I shook my head and was about to say something when the jade fan suddenly lit up. Li Mazi screamed and hid behind me, the sun-shielding charm already attached to his body.

"It's okay, he won't do anything." I said to Li Mazi, but Li Mazi obviously didn't believe me and still stayed away and didn't dare to show up.

I ignored him and just stared at the man emerging from the jade fan: "Is your wish fulfilled?"

"That's right, although Ru'er and I still couldn't meet each other in the end, this is already the best ending. Staying in the fan all these years can be regarded as another kind of staying together. I should thank you." Zhu Yunwen said lightly The way.

I smiled and told him he was welcome, and asked him what his plans were next.

When you reach the level of the Ghost Emperor, it doesn't mean you can disappear just by disappearing.

"I plan to penetrate your ebony core." Zhu Yunwen said seriously.

I opened my eyes wide and didn't understand how he knew about this ebony core. Zhu Yunwen smiled and explained that he could see everything in the underworld space, and naturally he also saw that I took Ru'er's father into it.

"I have no regrets. You fulfilled my wish, and I can help you once in the future. Just think of it as repaying your kindness! What's more, the ebony check is also a good place for me to cultivate." He said lightly.

Of course I won't refuse, just kidding, this is a Yin spirit at the Ghost Emperor level! If he hadn't just wanted me to help him fulfill his wish this time, I would have been played to death. Now if a ghost emperor wants to help me, he will not refuse as long as he is not a fool.

After Zhu Yunwen entered the ebony core, the light on the jade fan disappeared instantly. At this moment, the jade fan was just an ordinary antique.

"What's going on? Didn't you lie in bed for three days? Why did Zhu Yunwen say that you fulfilled his wish?" Li Mazi only dared to appear after seeing Zhu Yunwen disappear, with a puzzled look on his face.

I told him about the Yin Realm in general, and he slapped his thigh: "Damn, it's such a good time to travel, but you don't take me with you, you are really heartless."

"Get out of here." I pushed him away and looked at the jade fan in a daze.

It was this jade fan that made Zhu Di believe that it was Zhu Yunwen who died. Logically speaking, Zhu Yunwen's ghost should not be controlled by the jade fan. Why was he trapped in it?

I don’t know if I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn’t even know when I expressed my doubts.

"Hey, isn't this simple? He was not trapped by the jade fan at all. He simply stayed in the fan voluntarily." Li Mazi said with a smile.

I have to say that although Li Mazi is often unreliable, this sentence is correct.

Even Zhu Yunwen said just now that he stayed in the jade fan just to stay with Ru'er forever in the world of ghosts. Nai Ru'er was willing to die for him, and no one could keep his soul without obsession, otherwise they would really be a pair of ghostly mandarin ducks.

"Brother, we will make a lot of money this time. This jade fan and jade box are a set, right? Hey, do you think we should sell it to Mr. Liang?" Li Mazi looked at the jade fan with bright eyes, no Say with good intentions.

I know he was angry with Mr. Liang for letting go of it halfway, but it’s no wonder that Mr. Liang didn’t do it. Besides, I don’t want to sell this jade fan anymore.

"Forget it, keep it, just think of it as a thought! Look at it when you have time, think about Daming Palace, and think about the people you met in that world."

I put the jade fan away in a small warehouse. This fan carried Zhu Yunwen's thoughts for hundreds of years. It would be a pity to sell it. Besides, I also have a beautiful memory with the Ying'er sisters in the fan.

Looking at the jade fan, I had to sigh with emotion. After the death of a generation of emperors, the thing they were most worried about was not the Ming Dynasty, but a lover who truly loved each other. I have to say that Zhu Yunwen was indeed a passionate seed! This can also be seen from his behavior.

This jade fan incident, apart from entering the realm of ghosts, it can be said that there is no danger at all. It seemed that I completed the task step by step under his guidance, and finally received a ghost emperor-level helper as a gift. Li Mazi was right, he really made a lot of money...

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