Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,788 Genius Death Case

I've had nothing to do lately. Apart from occasionally hanging out with Li Mazi, I just stay in the store and read newspapers and fall asleep. My life is boring but comfortable.

That day I picked up a copy of the daily life newspaper and read it. The main reason I read the daily life newspaper was because it contained some anecdotes about what happened in various places, which was more to my liking.

However, as I have experienced so many things, it is now difficult for any news to attract my attention.

I just didn't expect that as soon as I opened another page of the newspaper, my hand holding the newspaper shook and I immediately became interested.

The huge headline on the newspaper read: "The mysterious death of a genius - was it an accident or deliberate murder?" 》

It is not unusual to say that deaths occur almost every day in an era of advanced Internet. However, the death of a genius that occupies more than half of the newspaper page is rare and makes people suspicious.

I immediately read the entire report carefully and couldn't help but sigh.

This genius death happened in this city. One of the deceased people lived in the same district as me, and we could drive there in half an hour. This attracted my attention even more.

According to reports, three people have died in succession within this month. These three people can be said to be geniuses in their respective industries. The first deceased was a tycoon in the financial industry. The company he ran has grown rapidly in just a short period of time. The market value increased several times within a year, but at the beginning of this month, he was found dead in the newly purchased villa.

The deceased did not have any abnormal phenomena and just died in his sleep. The Public Security Bureau did an autopsy and found no hidden cause of the disease. In the end, it could only be attributed to sudden death from overwork...

The second deceased was a great writer. The first book he wrote was highly praised. He just won a grand prize two months ago. But just half a month ago, the writer died in a car accident. Unfortunately, the place where the car accident happened happened to be in the blind spot of the camera. There were no witnesses when the car accident happened, and there was no sign of the driver. The strangest thing is that the cameras on other sections of the road showed that there should be no trace of the road at the time of the author's death. Cars pass by.

The third deceased was a college student who majored in computer science and designed a game. Just last week, the game was acquired by a well-known game company. The college student's net worth is rising! Just a week ago, this college student died, with a mouse cord tied around his neck in front of everyone. Even though many people tried to stop him, he still could not be saved.

Newspapers exaggerated three incidents into conspiracy theories, which aroused my interest, so I checked online.

This investigation found that these three incidents were not related at all. The three deceased people had no relationship at all, and none of them had relatives who had played in the fifth server. Therefore, the Internet is more likely to believe that these three deceased people committed suicide due to excessive stress.

Of course, there are different opinions. After all, except for the college student, the other two deceased could not have committed suicide. For a time, various conspiracy theories emerged one after another, and some people directly said that it was haunted, while others predicted that the next deceased would appear soon...

"Death of a genius? Brother Zhang, what do you think you are doing?"

The sudden sound startled me, and when I turned around I saw Li Mazi standing next to me, holding the newspaper I had just put aside.

I angrily asked him why he didn't say a word when he came in, but he innocently said that he called me as soon as he entered the door, but I didn't hear him.

I patted my head, thinking that I was too absorbed in watching the news, so I smiled and asked him why he came to see me. If he wanted to drink, I wouldn't do it.

Li Mazi is one of those people who feels uncomfortable all over if he doesn't drink for a day, and he still has to take a sip even if he doesn't have the conditions to do so. Although I am not an alcoholic, I still like to take a few sips, but I have really drank too much recently. I was drunk by Li Mazi just the day before yesterday and I am now sober. I can't drink anymore.

"Hey, do I seem to only know how to drink?" Li Mazi snorted: "I have something good for you."

I stared at him in disbelief. How could I do anything good if I didn't understand him?

Li Mazi mysteriously took out an envelope from his arms and handed it to me. I took it suspiciously, opened it, and saw two concert tickets inside.

I was a little speechless: "I said pockmark, what is this a good thing?"

I don't understand these elegant things, so I just changed places to sleep.

Li Mazi laughed and said that this was just one of the good things, there were others.

I became even more suspicious and asked him what he was doing.

He scratched his head and told me with some embarrassment that someone asked him to ask me for help. That person also gave me the tickets for this concert, and there would be other benefits after I helped.

"No, if there's business coming my way, why don't I take it?" I threw the ticket aside and tapped my fingers on my thigh.

Li Mazi quickly explained that because it was a trivial matter, he originally didn't want to take care of it, but when someone approached him, he was too embarrassed to refuse. However, he couldn't solve it, so he had to ask me for help.

I knew in my heart that it must be Li Mazi who wanted to take a small job privately, but he ended up coming to me to wipe his butt.

"What's going on?" I thought it would be okay to be idle anyway. Besides, it wouldn't be a good idea to smash Li Mazi's sign. After all, he often took over the business on Antique Street.

Li Mazi hurriedly said: "It's not a big deal, it's just... I just keep having nightmares, and they're all the same dreams."

I nodded and thought it was really not a big deal, and it might not have anything to do with Yin spirits, so I agreed to Li Mazi to go take a look.

Li Mazi immediately smiled, pulled me out of the door, and swerved to a place.

"Hey, isn't this the famous University C? Why, are the students here looking for you?" I was excited when I saw the name of the school. University C is famous for two things. One is that it is a first-class institution of higher learning, and the other is that it is a first-class institution of higher learning. There are many beauties.

Sure enough, after standing for a while, we saw batches of long-legged beauties coming out of the school gate. Both Li Mazi and I had green eyes.

Li Mazi chuckled, admiring the beauty while telling me that the person who was looking for him was not a student, but a professor from University C.


I'm a little surprised. It's not like I haven't dealt with these professors before. Each one of them is either fake or really aloof. Anyway, they are definitely not easy to get along with. I am not happy to deal with them.

But since I came here, I had to give Li Mazi some face, so I had no choice but to go and have a look.

Li Mazi made a phone call as soon as he entered the school. About ten minutes later, a male professor in his fifties, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, a short haircut, and a suit hurried over. Although the weather was not hot, he was sweating a lot.

I actually knew the other person, not because I had any friendship with him, but because I often saw him in the news, Zhou Guangxing, a famous history professor at C University! The papers he published are very authoritative and have made outstanding contributions to the study of the Silk Road. Not only that, his students are also very good, and they are also featured in many of Professor Zhou's papers.

"You are Master Zhang Jiulin, right? I have admired you for a long time." He slightly bent towards me and stretched out his right hand.

I stretched out my hand to shake his hand, and took the opportunity to look him over quietly. I saw that his hall was darkened, his breath was weak, and his face was a little sallow. He looked no different from a seriously ill person, and I couldn't help but feel curious. If it's just a nightmare, then at best it's just a bad state of mind, right?

When he saw me looking at him, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Master Zhang, am I hopeless?"

"Let's find a place where we can talk. We'll wait until we understand the specific situation." I waved my hand. He did have a faint yin energy about him, but it was not obvious. The key point is that it is not surprising at all to feel this kind of yin energy in the history professors. They often deal with various antiquities, and it is inevitable that they will encounter some things.

The three of them found a teahouse near the school. After the tea was served, Professor Zhou smiled bitterly and said that he had been having nightmares recently and would be woken up every day, making it impossible for him to work peacefully.

"I heard Mazi say, what on earth was your dream?" I frowned.

Professor Zhou looked around cautiously, then lowered his voice and said: "I always dream that I will die badly..."

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