Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,790 Collecting Essence and Blood (Additional Update)

The strange thing is that I have no way to determine the specific source of this gaze.

The group of people went downstairs and looked at the uneasy Professor Zhou. I exhaled and told him that there might be something fishy in his house, but it was well hidden and had not been discovered just now. So I will do it again unexpectedly at night, and I should be able to tell something by then.

"You don't have to worry too much. As long as the source of the problem can be found, there will be a solution!" I patted Professor Zhou's arm to reassure him.

Professor Zhou sighed: "Then I'll trouble Master Zhou Zhang."

I didn't say anything more, took Li Mazi and left University C, but did not return to the store.

Li Mazi asked me where I was going, and I told him to prepare something later. This time, Professor Zhou's stuff probably wouldn't be that simple.

In fact, what needs to be prepared is very simple, which is the essence and blood of some animals. That thing is hidden too deeply, so something must be used to lure it out.

Of course, the essence and blood is definitely better from living people, but I am somewhat reluctant to waste my essence and blood on such an obscure thing. Fortunately, although the essence and blood of animals is not as useful as that of humans, it is better in quantity. As long as it is a Yin spirit, it should not be able to withstand this temptation, right?

Li Mazi asked me worriedly whether such a large amount of blood essence would attract other things. I shook my head and said it didn't matter. It would be a good thing for us if it could attract other things.

Li Mazi asked me puzzled why, and I chuckled and said, "Yin spirits are also territorial. If other things dare to come and snatch the blood, it means that the Yin spirits that are pestering Professor Zhou are not that powerful. But if nothing else comes, we have to be more careful..."

After listening to my explanation, Li Mazi nodded half-understanding, and then said nonchalantly: "Anyway, there is definitely nothing wrong with what you said."

I rolled my eyes speechlessly. Li Mazi has grown up after following me for so long. It's okay to do small business alone occasionally. But once he goes into business with me, his brain will be rusty and he will rely on me for everything.

After preparing the things, I contacted Professor Zhou and asked him if there was any way to take them to their home without us passing through the living room.

Although I couldn’t determine the source of that line of sight, in terms of direction, it could only be the living room.

Professor Zhou was unambiguous and asked us to enter directly from the direction of the bedroom. He would prepare ropes and ladders. It happened that the professors from the two houses downstairs were not here tonight, so no one would notice.

I nodded and told him we would arrive at 11pm so he could get ready!

It’s not that I don’t want to go earlier, the key is that the entrance to C University is at 11 o’clock. Only at this time can I ensure that I won’t be seen by students. After all, it is a university, and you don’t know where there will be young couples hanging around. Together.

After explaining everything, Li Mazi and I found a barbecue stall and ordered some mutton skewers to eat with beer. Since it was not officially summer yet, the business of this barbecue stall was not good. Plus, Li Mazi and I There are only three tables in total. The other two tables were still young couples. The table behind us looked a bit boring. The boys kept drinking, while the girls looked worriedly but didn’t know what to say. The table next to us was a bit bored. How could they be like that? The one who came to have barbecue was obviously showing off his affection. One moment she poured him a glass of beer, and the next moment he fed her a skewer. It was really exciting to watch.

But Li Mazi was happy to see it, because the two little girls at the table were both good-looking.

"Hey, little brother, do you think that boy is the one who talked to Professor Zhou today?" Li Mazi raised his chin at one of the tables.

I followed his gaze and saw that it was the boy who was drinking. Because he was sitting with his back to us and not wearing glasses, I really didn't notice it for a moment.

However, after Li Mazi reminded me, I recognized him. This lean and gentle man was indeed the boy from the day.

Li Mazi was still talking there: How big of a problem can a university student do? It feels like you are drowning yourself in death. Could it be that you are heartbroken?

"Didn't you see that my girlfriend is still sitting there?" I rolled my eyes speechlessly.

Li Mazi clicked his tongue twice and looked at me with a look of resentment: "Brother, you can't even see this? Maybe this girl just likes him and is taking advantage of him now."

"What are you talking about?" A cold voice came. I looked up and saw the girl looking over. It turned out that Li Mazi's voice was too loud just now in excitement, and she actually heard it.

I quickly explained that Li Mazi was drunk and I would apologize on his behalf.

The girl glanced at our table, and I immediately realized with embarrassment that we had ordered six bottles of beer in total. Except for the two bottles placed in front of me and Li Mazi, the other four bottles were not touched at all.

But the girl didn't say anything else, she just looked at us displeased, then turned around and whispered to persuade the gentle boy to go.

Her voice was so soft that I couldn't hear her clearly. I could only vaguely hear something about a paper or a dream. After listening for a while, I lost interest and asked Li Mazi to drink.

Maybe because of the incident just now, Li Mazi couldn't pay attention to that table anymore, so he clinked glasses with me in a depressed manner.


At this time, there was a crisp sound, and I was startled. I quickly looked up and saw a broken beer bottle lying at the feet of the gentle man. It was obvious that he had dropped it on his own initiative.

"Are you sick? Go crazy and go outside. Now my girlfriend is injured. What do you say?" The boy at the table next to him immediately stood up, took his girlfriend's hand and yelled.

I glanced at it and saw that the girl's hand had been cut by glass fragments. Although it was not big, it was an innocent disaster. The boy's anger made sense.

"Get out!" Unexpectedly, the gentle man actually shouted. Another boy got angry and rolled up his sleeves and wanted to hit someone. Fortunately, his girlfriend stopped him and said it was not a big deal and the other guy was drunk.

The gentle man's girlfriend immediately apologized and took out a hundred yuan from her wallet as compensation.

The injured girl smiled and refused, pulling her still angry boyfriend away.

The gentle man’s girlfriend smiled sheepishly at us, then went out to pay the bill and wanted to take the gentle man away.

But the gentle man got drunk and went crazy. It was something she, a girl, couldn't do. After a while, a group of people gathered around to watch the show.

I sighed helplessly, stood up and hit the gentle man on the back of the neck with my palms. The gentle man who had been making trouble just now softened immediately.

"You, you..." The girl was stunned, pointing at me and speechless.

I explained a few words and said that I would send them to a nearby small hotel, and there would be no way to go back to school like this.

The girl had no choice but to agree. Mazi Li and I carried the gentle man out of the snack street, found a hotel room, and threw the gentle man in.

"What a big deal it is for kids these days to drink themselves like this." Li Mazi muttered dissatisfiedly as he twisted his shoulders.

The girl sighed: "It's not his problem. This time it's... Oh, forget it! Thank you for helping me carry him over. Please leave your mobile phone number. I'll treat you to dinner another day as a thank you."

Although the girl didn't finish speaking, I could still tell from her expression that something was wrong with this gentle man. But we had just met him at noon, and he was obviously normal at that time. In this short afternoon, he could How big of a deal happened?

"Well, although it's a bit presumptuous, I still want to ask what's wrong with this boy. We also know people in C University. Maybe we can help." I don't know why, I asked out of nowhere. Li Mazi looked at me with wide eyes.

It’s not surprising that he was surprised. The older people get, the less they want to meddle in such nosy matters. I have rarely been so warm-hearted in recent years, but he didn’t say anything and just watched from the side.

The girl sighed and said we couldn't help with this matter, so she politely asked us to go out.

"Hey, beauty, don't refuse in a hurry! Brother Zhang's skills are astonishing. If you can't tell me your names, we can do a few words in front of the professors we know tomorrow. It will be of some benefit to you." Li Mazi rolled his eyes, wondering what evil idea he had thought of.

The girl looked at him hesitantly, but Li Mazi immediately said that at least we had helped, and we couldn't not even know who we were helping.

The girl said helplessly: "I am Yang Qian, and this is my boyfriend Xu Shen. I will treat you to dinner when he gets better, but you really can't help us with our affairs."

Seeing that Yang Qian didn't want to talk anymore, I didn't force it. I just looked at Xu Shen lying on the bed and couldn't help but wonder what happened to him. Maybe it was because of his conversation with Professor Zhou. ?

I shook my head to let these strange thoughts go away. After a few polite words with Yang Qian, I took Li Mazi out and walked out. When I walked out to the door, I accidentally looked back at Xu Shen...

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