Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,791 The Yin Spirit Who Can Arrange Formations

As soon as we left the hotel, Li Mazi came up to me and winked at me obscenely: "Hey, brother, why are you staring at Xu Shen? I didn't know you had that hobby."

"Get out!" I pushed him angrily, then frowned and said, "I can't figure it out either. I always feel that Xu Shen's affairs seem to be related to this business. Maybe I'm overthinking it."

Li Mazi hummed and pulled me to the snack street again. You must know that the two of us were interrupted by Xu Shen's business before we had eaten much, and we were very hungry now.

But this time I didn’t eat barbecue again. Instead, I found a small shop and had a peaceful meal of sizzling rice before running to school.

It was only after nine o'clock when we entered the school. It was still early before the time we agreed with Professor Zhou, so we walked around the school casually.

Li Mazi asked me uneasily if I had brought everything with me, just in case.

"It doesn't matter whether I wear one or not. You must be wearing one for self-defense anyway." I replied while looking at the beautiful woman. Although it's not summer yet, girls are already wearing short skirts, and they all look beautiful.

Li Mazi smiled and did not dwell on the issue anymore, but began to comment on the beautiful women passing by. I pushed him to lower his voice. If he got into trouble again, his actions tonight would be affected.

Fortunately, Li Mazi is also a person who knows how to measure his words. Not only is his voice low, but the content of his words is also restrained. Although some girls find it strange, they are too embarrassed to come forward and say anything.

Just messing around like this, the time agreed with Professor Zhou soon arrived, and there were a few students rushing to the dormitory on the road.

Professor Zhou had already set up a ladder downstairs, which was directly connected to the air-conditioning cover on the third floor. I asked Professor Zhou to climb directly from the air-conditioning cover into the bedroom without preparing a rope.

"Well, Master Zhang, what should we do now?" Professor Zhou was a little embarrassed: "I sent my wife and children back to my mother-in-law's house, but I can only delay it for a day or two."

I waved my hand to tell him not to worry, I had my own thoughts.

"You go to the study to rest first, and don't come out no matter what happens at night!" I whispered. The study in this house is the only one without antiques, which means that it is relatively safe and I feel most at ease.

Professor Zhou hummed and went out on his own. Because of my instructions, he didn't act like there was anyone at home, which made me feel relieved.

"Brother, what should we do now?" Li Mazi had already held the parasol in his hand. It looked like he would definitely run faster than a rabbit if something happened.

I told him to stay by the window. After a while, I would sprinkle the essence and blood in every corner of the bedroom to lure the evil spirit into the bedroom. Don't let it escape then.

Li Mazi quickly squatted by the window, staring at the bedroom door.

I saw it funny, but I didn't say anything. I took out a bottle full of animal essence and blood from my bag and started sprinkling it.

After the four corners were sprinkled with animal essence and blood, I squatted behind the door and waited!

"Brother, why is there no movement?" After about half an hour, Li Mazi opened his mouth to me without making any sound, but I understood what he meant. I shook my head. Logically speaking, there would be some movement, but everything was normal...

I stared at my watch and told Li Mazi to wait another hour, and if there was still no movement, go out and take a look. Li Mazi nodded, and the expression on his face became more solemn.


Just as we finished our discussion, a slight sound similar to that of a microwave came over. I immediately raised my hand to tell Li Mazi to stop talking and listen attentively.


There was another sound, and I felt a chill in my heart. The sound was right next to my ears, but when I looked up, there was nothing outside the door...

I raised my hand and made a few movements, asking Li Mazi to guard the bedroom. I went out to take a look. Li Mazi nodded nervously while holding the umbrella.

I used the invisible needle to let it explore the path in front, while I followed carefully behind.


I pushed the door open gently, and the next second I was dumbfounded: after opening the bedroom door, it should be the living room, but why is it now a playground?

I quickly turned around to tell Li Mazi to be careful. This ghost was very unusual this time. Who knew that when I turned around, the playground was still empty, so where could Li Mazi be?

I exhaled. The invisible needle was still probing in front of me, but it didn't touch anything.


I shouted in my heart. Li Mazi and I had indeed entered Professor Zhou's house, so it was impossible for me to go directly to the playground in the next second. You must know that the playground is far away from the faculty building. Even if I ran over with all my strength, , it will take nearly twenty minutes!

Damn, I was still careless!

I didn't have time to think too much, so I could only turn around and run to Professor Zhou's house. Li Mazi and Professor Zhou were still there. This evil spirit probably brought me out to deal with them first.

No, you have to go back quickly! This Yin spirit can make me fall into the trap without being noticed. Li Mazi is definitely no match for it, let alone protecting Professor Zhou. They are definitely in danger now.

In my anxiety, I didn't care whether I would be seen by others, so I directly captured a lonely ghost and let it run away with me.


After running for about five minutes, I suddenly stopped, waved my hand to let the ghosts leave, and then looked at the surrounding environment. Then I realized that I was trapped... because after running for a full five minutes, I still couldn't get out of the playground. No, it should be said that I didn't move at all. The movement of running forward just now seemed like a joke.

Damn, what the hell is this?

I exhaled and chose a direction. I closed my eyes and let the invisible needle explore the path. I followed behind and walked out. If the Yin spirit simply trapped me, as long as I walked in one direction unconsciously, I would definitely get out.

Walking in the dark, I could feel that what I was stepping on was indeed the C-large playground, and the fragrance of flowers coming from the surroundings was also the fragrance of magnolia flowers surrounding the playground.

In other words, the Yin spirit trapped me in the real playground!

I couldn't help but take a breath. You have to know that all this happened the moment I opened the door. The Yin spirit not only got me to the playground instantly, but also had time to create a trap that I couldn't see through at a glance.

Li Mazi and the others were really in danger... When I thought about it, I couldn't help but speed up my steps. Who knew that as soon as I took the step, I missed the step.


"Brother Zhang!"

The cry in front of me was mine. I didn’t know how long I had been walking, but then I felt a weightless feeling. I was caught off guard and screamed out loud. And the last sound was actually...Li Mazi?

I hurriedly opened my eyes, but found that my current movements were very strange, because I was hanging upside down, and the ladder used to enter Professor Zhou's house was right in front of me.

I couldn't understand what happened for a while. It took me a few seconds to realize it. Cold sweat broke out on my back: Did I jump off the building?

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