Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,792 The ghost pinches the hand

"Brother, come up quickly, I can't hold it anymore!" Li Mazi's anxious voice came again. I looked back at him in confusion, and then I realized that he was holding my ankle tightly, with a look on his face. Turning red from holding back.

I didn't have time to think about what was wrong, so I quickly held on to the ladder and quickly climbed into the bedroom.

Li Mazi sat aside and took a few deep breaths, and then asked me with a frightened face what happened just now, why he suddenly rushed out the window. If he hadn't reacted in time, I would be half disabled now even if I wasn't dead.

"You said I rushed out of the window? When did it happen?" I also looked shocked.

Li Mazi said that when I gave him the signal to go to the bedroom to take a look, one second it was normal, but the next second he suddenly turned around and rushed towards the window, which shocked him.

I felt a chill in my heart, and then I quickly moved the invisible needles around, and at the same time took out two cherished high-quality talismans from my arms, stuck one on myself, and gave the other to Li Mazi.

"Brother?" Li Mazi looked even more nervous. You must know that I rarely use high-grade spiritual talismans, because even now it is difficult for me to make this level of spiritual talismans. Most of the time, it still troubles the man in the T-shirt, so I usually only use it when Only use it when it's critical to save your life.

I quickly told what had just happened, and then explained: "I did feel that it was a real playground just now, but you didn't see me going out. It can only show that this Yin spirit is not only very powerful, but also Make good use of the formation! As long as I fall into the formation, I will never be its opponent. In order to prevent it from being attacked again, I still use the magic talisman first. This time, I am alone and you will save me. Next time, it will be two people. We all got hit, and we don’t know what will happen.”

"Little, little brother." Li Mazi's voice suddenly turned into a cry: "I've been, I've been tricked..."

"What did you say?" I looked up suddenly, and then I realized that the bedroom had changed at some point. Although it was still a house, I was sure that this was not Professor Zhou's bedroom.

I quickly told Li Mazi to hold the umbrella and not to make any move. Then I stood up and looked at the room.

The furnishings of the room are very simple, with only a double bed and a bedside table, and the rest is blank.

The window is on my left. Through the window I can only see the dark sky but not a sound, no life!

I exhaled and controlled the invisible needle to fly towards the window. As expected, the invisible needle could not get out of the window at all. Although I was a little disappointed, it was not unacceptable because I was prepared.

"How's it going?" Li Mazi poked his head out from behind the umbrella and asked nervously.

I shook my head and didn't say anything, but this was indeed a very clever formation. As for what the formation was, I still couldn't figure it out.

Li Mazi nodded, looked around and said strangely: "Brother, do you think this house looks familiar?"

"Huh?" After listening to Li Mazi's prompt, I looked at the room carefully, but I still didn't see the reason, because the room seemed too featureless.

Li Mazi patted his thigh: "Isn't this the small hotel just now?"

When he said this, I also thought about it. The hotel we sent Xu Shen to just now was indeed such a hotel. Why did Yin Ling let us see this hotel?

At this moment, Li Mazi put away his umbrella and stood next to me. Just as I was about to scold him and tell him not to move, I saw him rushing towards me with his umbrella in hand.

"Mazi, you're crazy!" I grabbed the umbrella, pushed Li Mazi aside, and shouted with a dark face.

Li Mazi, however, seemed to have not heard what I said. He got up from the ground and continued to pester me. I was so disturbed by him that I couldn't think about the purpose of Yin Ling, so I could only accompany Li Mazi to fight.

In fact, if you really think about it, Li Mazi is not my enemy with one move. But firstly, I was afraid that he would be injured and I didn’t dare to use 100% of my strength. Secondly, I didn’t know what happened to him, but his strength was surprisingly strong. At first I almost got tricked.

I raised my parasol and threw it on Li Mazi's shoulder, and sat down on it. He was struggling violently under me, and his hands kept scratching my abdomen. I endured the severe pain and bit my finger open, smeared the blood on his forehead, and yelled "Sick!"

Li Mazi stopped moving, as if a immobilizing spell had been cast on his whole body. I breathed a sigh of relief and sat aside to wait for him to wake up.

After about a minute or two, Li Mazi got up from the ground, looked at me with a horrified face, then took out a high-quality spiritual talisman from his arms and said tremblingly: "This... this high-quality spiritual talisman can't control that... Toy?"

My face was solemn, and after a while I shook my head: "No, it must be the reason for this formation. As long as we find a way to break the formation, the attack power of that thing will be greatly reduced."

In a word, we are now on the territory of the Yin Spirit, and everything here is dominated by it. My strength cannot be used at all, otherwise it would not be so arrogant.

After hearing what I said, Li Mazi's expression improved a little, and he turned his eyes and returned to the topic just now. He felt that the Yin spirit had its own purpose in letting us come to this room, and maybe Xu Shen was really with us. Professor Zhou’s matter is a bit involved!

I nodded. When I saw Xu Shen, I felt something was wrong, but it was just my own feeling that couldn't be true, but Yin Ling wouldn't do unnecessary things.

"Let's get out of here first. We definitely won't be able to handle it today. We'll split up tomorrow. I'll keep an eye on Professor Zhou, and you go keep an eye on Xu Shen." I quickly made arrangements, then got up from the ground and looked around again. environment.

Who knew that the scenery around me had changed as soon as I got up, and we returned to Professor Zhou's bedroom again.

"This?" Li Mazi looked at me in shock and asked me what I had just done.

I was confused: "I didn't do anything... No, could it have something to do with the decision I just made? Did the Yin spirit ask me to find Xu Shen?"

After saying that, Li Mazi and I looked at each other. Although we thought it was a little impossible, this was the only way to explain it.

I shrugged and said, "Okay, let's just follow its meaning."

I said this a little bit frustrated. I had to do things according to the wishes of a ghost before I even encountered it. It really made me a little unhappy!

Li Mazi hummed, and I made a gesture to him, and then opened the bedroom door again with an umbrella in front of me. This time, nothing happened. The living room was very quiet, as if everything just now was a dream. .

I exhaled and walked directly to the wall shelf, scanning the things in front of me row by row, and then my eyes were fixed on one thing - the wooden dog. The wooden dog at this moment looked very different from what it looked like during the day. , a pair of eyes seemed to have spiritual energy.

"Is this this thing?" Li Mazi followed me and asked in disbelief.

I nodded and said it should be it. If it hadn't used the formation just now, I wouldn't be able to tell anything, but now it can't hide it from me. Although it had calmed down, its eyes still betrayed it.

"Tsk tsk, this trip was not in vain." I held the wooden dog in my hand, feeling a little relieved. Now that you know what vagina is, the next thing is not that difficult.

After getting the vagina, I breathed a sigh of relief, and Li Mazi and I went into the bedroom to rest for an hour or two before dawn.

Bang bang!

Just after dawn, there was a knock on the door. I got up and opened the door, and it turned out to be Professor Zhou.

As soon as he saw me, he nervously asked how the situation was.

I briefly explained the progress to him: "This matter is not that simple. It probably won't work for a day or two. If you are afraid of scaring your wife and children, you should find a reason to let them play for a few days."

"Master Zhang, you must hurry up! Last night I just squinted for a while and heard a woman urging me to die. I could feel that she was serious. If you don't believe it, just look..." He said He rolled up his sleeves and handed his arm under my nose.

I saw a purple mark on his little arm, as if he had been pinched by someone.

I looked at him doubtfully, and saw him explaining with a white face that in his dream yesterday the woman pulled him and told him to die. He struggled desperately to wake up from the dream. When he woke up, he felt that It hurt a lot, and at first glance I could see a pinch mark.

Li Mazi and I looked at each other. It seemed like this thing could really kill people in dreams!

I comforted Professor Zhou for a long time before his mood improved a little, so Li Mazi and I planned to go back to catch up on our sleep. Before leaving, I remembered something and asked casually: "That Professor Zhou, do you have a man named Xu?" Deep student?"

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