Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,794 Plagiarized Paper

I was refreshed, but I didn't expect to find the problem so quickly. I quickly asked for the address and learned that they had just returned to school and were having lunch in the school cafeteria No. 1. I immediately picked up my coat and walked out.

Before I left, I still put the wooden dog on my back, thinking of finding a time to send it back to Professor Zhou. Since this evil spirit was eyeing him, it would only be useful if it was placed with him!

I found Li Mazi outside the No. 1 cafeteria. He was holding a telescope in his hand and was walking into the cafeteria in a deserted place with a lewd expression on his face.

"What are you looking at?" When I patted Li Mazi, he was startled and turned around to ask me to keep my voice down.

I rolled my eyes. This place was at least five or six meters away from Canteen No. 1. How loud would it be to attract the attention of the people inside?

Li Mazi probably also knew that what he just said was a bit silly. He smiled sheepishly and handed me the telescope in his hand, gesturing for me to look at it.

I took the telescope in doubt and looked at the place he just looked at under Li Mazi's guidance. It didn't matter if I didn't look at it. I was stunned instantly when I saw it!

I saw that Xu Shen, who was drunk yesterday, looked like a normal person at this time. Not only that, he also looked very sunny, but I always felt that the smile on his face did not match his delicate appearance.

"It's nothing..." I said strangely.

Li Mazi tutted twice and told me not to worry. Seeing his appearance, I patiently continued to read. He really didn't lie to me, but after just five minutes of watching, I found that Xu Shen passed by no less than ten girls, and Xu Shen would flirt with them. Yang Qian's face next to him had turned black. , but Xu Shen seemed not to see it.

I put down the telescope and asked what was going on?

Although yesterday we only saw Yang Qian taking care of Xu Shen in every possible way, Xu Shen was willing to come out with Yang Qian under those circumstances. The relationship between them must be very good. It has only been one night, and it should not become That's it.

Li Mazi clicked his tongue twice: "This Xu Shen is not a good thing. You don't know. They were coming out of the hotel when I went over this morning. Tsk, this Xu Shen didn't care about other girls and took care of him all night, saying What he said was very unpleasant, and it’s a shame that I have such a fair face!”

I still found it strange and asked Li Mazi not to follow in a hurry, but to tell me specifically what happened.

Li Mazi sighed and told me what he saw. It turned out that Xu Shen and Yang Qian were not boyfriend and girlfriend, they were just relatively close. After Xu Shen woke up this morning and found out that Yang Qian had taken care of him, instead of being grateful, he felt that Yang Qian had deliberately taken advantage of this moment to get close to him, saying that even if he was at a low point now, she was not worthy of Yang Qian. He also said What Yang Qian only valued was his ability. Everyone only valued his ability.

Although Yang Qian was very angry, considering that Xu Shen was a little unwell after being hungover, she still accompanied her all the way. After entering the school, Xu Shen didn't say anything, but he never gave Yang Qian a good look, and even said to those around him Beautiful women of all colors ogle.

"Here I go, I didn't expect this guy to be such a scumbag." I shook my head, these days people really can't be judged by their appearance.

However, this discovery was of little use to us, so I was not interested. I patted Li Mazi on the shoulder and told him not to make such a fuss next time.

Li Mazi curled his lips: "I'm not making a fuss, I just thought Xu Shen looked like he was pretending."

"Pretending?" I looked at Li Mazi in surprise.

Li Mazi nodded and said that he didn't know why. After seeing Xu Shen do this to a girl, he was so angry that he wanted to turn around and leave, but he always felt that something was not right so he stayed. Unfortunately, he still doesn't know why. Nothing was found.

"Okay, then you continue to stare, I have something else to do." I glanced at Xu Shen again, then stuffed the binoculars into Li Mazi's arms.

After I separated from Li Mazi, I went directly to Professor Zhou's downstairs, thinking about sending the wooden dog back.

I went upstairs and knocked on the door, but no one answered after knocking several times, so I had to take out my cell phone and call him.


The call went through, but no one answered until it automatically hung up.

I scratched my head strangely. Even if I was in class, I shouldn't have time to hang up the phone, right?

"Hello, are you here to see Professor Zhou?" Just when I was thinking about whether to make another call, an old lady walked out of the opposite door and asked me with a kind face.

I nodded quickly: "Yes, but there is no one at home and he doesn't answer the phone. Do you know where he went?"

"Oh, he took a call early this morning and went out. He should be discussing the paper. He probably won't be back for a while." The old lady explained.

Also, Professor Zhou's paper will be published soon, and there will definitely be a lot of follow-up matters. It is not appropriate for me to go to him at this time. He should get back to me when he sees the phone call.

I smiled and thought this was a good opportunity, so I said, "The professor is really amazing this week. He has written one paper after another. He is worthy of being an old professor! This time the paper comes out and I think he will win another big prize."

"Isn't that right? We all admire him very much. He puts all his energy into his thesis, and he deserves such achievements." The old lady nodded: "That's him. This person has bad eyesight, and the students he taught were not very successful. He finally got a good talent, but he even plagiarized his tutor's thesis and was caught. Alas..."

"Isn't it? Aren't many of Professor Zhou's papers involving students?" I was a little surprised. This was different from what I knew.

The old lady shook her head and sighed: "That's not because Professor Zhou is a good person. Every time he does a paper, he always mentions his students and gives them all the credit. It's a pity... mud can't hold up the wall."

"Here, what did you mean by plagiarizing your tutor's thesis?" Anyway, it was fine, so I continued chatting with the old lady.

The old lady glanced at me, then looked at the bottom of the building, and then said mysteriously: "Oh, isn't it about this paper? It was supposed to be finalized two days ago, but something like this happened. Son, it was delayed for two days! Professor Zhou usually likes this student very much, but who knew he had a white-eyed wolf? If he hadn’t discovered it in time, the paper would have been published by the student first. Tsk, a young man these days wants to be famous. I thought I was going crazy, but luckily Professor Zhou had a good heart so he didn’t pursue the case, otherwise this life would be over..."

Listening to her words, Xu Shen's face suddenly flashed in my mind, and I said casually: "Yes, this person is too outrageous. Although I don't have much contact with Professor Zhou, I can still tell that he How could this student hurt his heart so much? By the way, old lady, do you know who this student is? To be honest, I will also be cooperating with Professor Zhou next, so I have to prepare in advance."

"It seems to be called Xu...Xu or something. By the way, Xu Shen should be that name. He looks so gentle and elegant, but I didn't expect that he turned out to be a book thief." The old lady patted her head with a sigh on her face.

My heart skipped a beat, it was indeed Xu Shen!

"Well, why don't you come in and sit down? Professor Zhou won't be back for a while." The old lady suddenly said.

I smiled: "No, it's no big deal if I look for him. If he comes back, please give him a message and tell him that Zhang Jiulin is looking for him."

After leaving the staff accommodation area, I wandered around the school aimlessly.

Xu Shen actually plagiarized Professor Zhou's paper?

So he drank like that yesterday because he was caught?

If this is the case, his attitude towards Yang Qian can be explained, because he is a person with bad conduct. It's a pity that Yang Qian looks pretty good.

Just when I was thinking wildly, my phone rang. It was Professor Zhou who called me back.

I quickly picked up the call: "Professor Zhou, where are you?"

"Are you Professor Zhou's friend?" A clear female voice came from the other side.

I was stunned. I took the phone in front of me and took a look. I was sure it was Professor Zhou's call. Then I put it to my ear again and said, "I am. Where is Professor Zhou?"

"Hello, this is the First People's Hospital. I am doctor Zhuang Ruo. Professor Zhou had a car accident. He is in the hospital now and we can't contact anyone else. Since you are Professor Zhou's friend, I don't know if it is inconvenient for you to come over. Come?" Zhuang Ruo said in a gentle voice, like a machine.

And I was shocked, and all I could think about was the sentence "Professor Zhou was in a car accident..."

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