Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,795 Xu Shen’s Secret

I didn't have time to think about it, so I hung up the phone, hailed a taxi outside the school gate and went straight to the First People's Hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, I called Zhuang Ruo again, and she asked me to go directly to the third floor of the inpatient department. I asked the nurse on the side to find the place.

"Mr. Zhang?" As soon as he arrived on the third floor, a woman in her thirties wearing a white coat came up to her.

I nodded my head and asked her how Professor Zhou was doing.

Zhuang Ruo smiled and said that Professor Zhou's problem was nothing serious. He just broke his leg in a collision, but it was not serious and he could recover after resting in bed for a while.

Then she pointed to a ward and said, "This is his ward, but while you were here we found something was wrong with him."

"Something's wrong?" Just as I was about to rush to the ward, my attention was attracted by Zhuang Ruo's next words.

Zhuang Ruo nodded, hesitating for a moment, but finally spoke: "To be honest, I know it's not a good idea to say this, but Professor Zhou seems to have some mental problem. He has been mumbling since he woke up. He said to himself that he is not dead. You are his friend, do you know that he has any hidden history of mental illness? We can also prescribe the right medicine. "

"I'll take a look first, please, Doctor Zhuang." After hearing what Zhuang Ruo said, I felt confident. After thanking Zhuang Ruo, I pushed away Professor Zhou's ward.

Professor Zhou was lying on the bed with his right leg in a cast. He looked indeed mentally disturbed.

He probably heard the sound of the door opening, and his head turned around. The moment he saw me, he struggled to get up, and kept shouting: "Help me... help me... help me..."

I quickly turned around and locked the door, then held down Professor Zhou's body: "Don't move yet, tell me what happened."

Professor Zhou held my arm with both hands, as if this way he felt safe, and then he slowly told me what happened not long ago.

After he went out in the morning to talk about his thesis, he was ready to go back to school. Thinking that the journey was not far away, he chose to walk back.

Unexpectedly, when he was halfway there, a female voice that only appeared in dreams appeared in his ears, telling him to go to the middle of the road.

"Of course I didn't dare to walk into the middle of the road, but she kept talking and kept talking, and my mind was dizzy from what she said. When I reacted again, I saw a car crashing into me. Fortunately, I Hide quickly, otherwise you will not only break a leg, but you may also lose your life! Master Zhang, you must save me, no matter how much money you want, this thing is going to kill me, she is going to kill me !" Professor Zhou became more and more excited as he spoke, and he held my hand with great strength.

I patted his arm: "Don't worry, since I took this case, I will definitely help you. You have a good rest tonight, and I will go see her again..."

At this point, I suddenly paused. This morning, because of Mr. Liang, I still thought the ghost was Zhuge Liang, but I ignored that Professor Zhou said from beginning to end that the one who led him to commit suicide was a female ghost!

Although the history of the Three Kingdoms period has been interpreted in various novels and TV series, and I have watched many of them, there are only a few women that I have an impression of, such as Da Qiao Xiao Qiao, Sun Shangxiang, Zhen Ji, and Diao Chan. A few, but these people are all famous for their beauty. I really can't think of any that can be related to wooden dogs.

"Master Zhang?" Professor Zhou saw me lost in thought and shouted quickly.

I looked at him and said seriously: "Professor Zhou, there is one thing I want to tell you. There are more or less reasons for being entangled with these things. You must think carefully about what strange things happened during this time. As long as you know why the Yin spirit is entangled with you, it will be easy to solve!"

Professor Zhou held my hand tightly and then shook his head.

I patted his shoulder again: "I will ask my friend to stay with you tonight, so you can sleep peacefully overnight."

Teacher Zhou was busy grabbing me, for fear that I would leave. I told him with a wry smile that I had to go out and prepare something, otherwise I would not be a match for Yin Ling when night fell.

After hearing this, Professor Zhou let go of my arm. I hurriedly went out and called Li Mazi and asked him to come to the hospital.

When Li Mazi arrived, he looked unhappy and asked me why I called him at this time. He was looking very happy.

I patted him on the shoulder: "You are staying with Professor Zhou at night. I always feel that he is hiding something from us. Please pay more attention. By the way, what's going on with Xu Shen?"

"It's nothing, I just keep flirting with girls. Hey, don't tell me, this Xu Shen flirts with girls very accurately. Those little girls are eager to pounce on them. Tsk tsk, what a blessing." Li Mazi finished. He also touched his chin, as if he wished he was Xu Shen.

I ignored him and told him to pay attention to his safety and not to fight hard if he encountered a ghost. After all, the wooden dog is on me, and this Yin spirit can still cause trouble for Professor Zhou. This is no longer something ordinary Yin spirits can do, at least it must be at the level of ghosts and immortals.

Li Mazi also knew the seriousness of the matter, so he stopped playing around and entered Professor Zhou's room in a prepared manner.

However, I didn’t let him bring anything else besides an umbrella, because even if he brought it, he wouldn’t be able to fight the Yin spirit, and it might even anger the Yin spirit. It would be better to just bring an umbrella, which only has a defensive function. At least there is no problem in holding on until I come.

After leaving the hospital, I went back to the store and packed everything in my bag. I also brought some things that I hadn’t used for a long time. After all, I didn’t understand the ways of the evil spirits, so I couldn’t tell which things would become Life-saving.

When I was ready, I planned to go back to the hospital, but the moment I left the house, I changed my mind. Instead of rushing to the hospital, I called Yang Qian and asked if I could see her alone.

Although Yang Qian was surprised, she didn't refuse. She just asked me to meet in the school cafeteria, and she was very vigilant.

I'm not angry either. It's normal for girls to be a little wary these days.

When we arrived at the cafeteria, we chose a corner location so that not only would we not attract attention, but our speech would not be heard by others.

Yang Qian was a little cautious: "Well, although I said I would treat you to dinner, Xu Shen's mood is not good yet, so..."

"I'm not looking for you just to have a meal." I couldn't help but laugh or cry. I dared the child to think that I was thinking about her meal.

Yang Qian was confused and didn't understand what else I could do to talk to her about other than eating.

I didn't go around in circles with her, and told her that I wanted to know about Xu Shen's situation, but I didn't want to go directly to Xu Shen, so I approached her.

There must be some hidden secret between Xu Shen and Professor Zhou! According to the old lady, it was Xu Shen's fault, but now Yin Ling is holding on to Professor Zhou. If there is something fishy between this, it would not be good for me to go directly to Xu Shen.

Yang Qian was a little restless: "I don't know much about Xu Shen."

"Don't worry, I don't want to inquire about any private matters. I just want to ask about his relationship with Professor Zhou." I tried to slow down my tone so that she wouldn't be nervous.

Yang Qian glanced at me nervously, stood up and was about to leave. I grabbed her and said, "Professor Zhou was in a car accident, do you know?"

"Ah? When did it happen?" Yang Qian looked at me in panic: "Is it an accident or... man-made?"

"Why do you think it was man-made? Do you think it was Xu Shen who did it?" I thought that Yang Qian would not reveal anything, so I simply emphasized her tone.

Yang Qian shook her head in panic and kept saying that Xu Shen couldn't do it. Xu Shen was not such a person.

I quickly asked her what kind of person she thought Xu Shen was.

Yang Qian seemed to be lost in memories, her mood slowly eased, and then she said with a smile: "Xu Shensi is gentle and gentle. He doesn't talk much, but he is very good. Teachers and students all like him, and he is also very approachable. It’s not that I’m arrogant because of my excellence, so I’m very popular in school, it’s just...”

At this point, Yang Qian's eyes flashed with anger and even resentment, but no matter how I asked her, she refused to tell me. She only said that Xu Shen would not do anything illegal.

"I'm sorry, but this information is very important to me. I hope you won't tell Xu Shen that I came to see you today." Looking at Yang Qian's look, I couldn't ask any more questions.

Yang Qian nodded and turned to leave. I looked at her back and said softly: "I heard that Xu Shen plagiarized his paper, right?"

"Who did you listen to?" Yang Qian turned around and glared at me fiercely. The girl who was weak and weak just now changed in an instant. She stared at me, as if forcing me to give her an explanation.

I shook my head and said that this is what the outside world is saying now.

Yang Qian hammered her fist on the table and said angrily: "Sooner or later he will suffer retribution."

After saying that, she ignored me, turned around and left.

I looked at Yang Qian’s back and fell into deep thought. I wonder who this ‘one who will suffer retribution sooner or later’ in her mouth is?

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