Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,796 The Evil Gathering Formation is Broken (Additional Update)

Thinking about what happened this time, my mind has become a mess.

First of all, there is the strange Yin spirit. With her spiritual power, if she wanted to kill Professor Zhou, she would not be able to wait until Professor Zhou asked me for help. Besides, between Xu Shen and Professor Zhou, if Xu Shen really plagiarized Professor Zhou's paper, it shouldn't be like this.

Although his drinking can be explained by his failure to plagiarize successfully, I saw him drinking. It was clearly a vent of resentment...

I shook my head, not wanting to think about these things anymore, and rushed directly to the hospital after leaving school.

But instead of going to the ward, I found a relatively empty place to wait.

After nightfall, except for the busy emergency room, the entire hospital became quiet and even foggy.


I'm a little surprised, why is there fog in this season?

But I didn't take it to heart and started to arrange it.

Since Yin Ling knows how to use formations, I can only use formations. I just don’t know who of the two of us has better formations.

The formation I arranged comes from the "Yin Fu Sutra" and is called the Evil Gathering Formation. It uses my blood as the medium to summon all the ghosts within a radius of dozens of miles. Of course, only those summoned by my evil gathering array can be controlled by me. Otherwise, if I accidentally summon another ghost fairy, it will be enough for me to drink a pot tonight.

After the formation was set up, the moon also reached the center, the fog became thicker and thicker, and the cold air became stronger and stronger. I touched my arm and found that my whole body was cold.

I looked at the time, then took the wooden dog out of my pocket, bit off my middle finger and wrote my birth date on it with blood, and finally placed it in the eye of the evil gathering array.

Then I folded my arms and waited.

It was just past twelve o'clock, and one after another black shadows quickly approached from all directions, plunged into the evil-gathering formation, and rushed towards the wooden dog.

I sneered, Mugou is now my substitute. If the evil spirits living above are not afraid that Mugou will be destroyed by these ghosts, then they don’t have to show up!

Of course, this is also very dangerous, because the moment the wooden dog is destroyed, I will be greatly affected. If the Yin spirit can survive until that time, I may not be able to control her.

But now there is no other way. Judging from today's situation, if this evil spirit is not subdued, Professor Zhou will not be far from death...

Looking at more and more ghosts, and then at the wooden dog placed in the center of the formation, I looked around vigilantly. Time was running out. In ten minutes at most, the wooden dog would be torn into pieces.

"Haha." A sneer came from Mu Gou. I immediately took out the invisible needle, pinched my fingers and threw it away.

The finger technique caused a burst of sparks on the wooden dog, and the ghosts leaning up around him screamed and hurriedly retreated.

I approached the wooden dog cautiously. When I was only one meter away, I made my finger gestures and at the same time let the invisible needle come up.

Seeing the invisible needle approaching the target, I was slightly relieved. As long as the invisible needle can force the Yin spirit out, I can find a way to deal with it.

But before I could finish breathing, I realized something was not right, because the invisible needle lost its target, and the finger tips dispersed because they could not find the target to attack.

how so?

I looked at the situation in front of me in astonishment. I saw thick fog rising around the wooden dog. After a while, the wooden dog could no longer be seen. In the end, I was completely immersed in the fog and could not see my surroundings clearly. environment of.

I felt a thump in my heart. If I didn't understand that the mist was caused by Yin spirits at this time, I deserved to be tricked to death by it.

Damn it, I still underestimated this thing after all! I didn't expect it to be so skillful with its formations, and I fell into it without even realizing it.

Speaking of the last time at Professor Zhou's house, it can be said that it did it in the living room when I wasn't paying attention, but this time it did it blatantly in front of me.

After all, I noticed the fog from the beginning, but didn't notice anything wrong.

I patted my face to wake myself up, and then controlled the invisible needle to fly towards the foot of the Evil Gathering Formation in my mind.

The evil gathering array must be broken quickly, otherwise once those ghosts tear the wooden dog apart, I don’t know how much trauma the ghost will suffer, and I will definitely suffer a lot of backlash!

Originally, I was thinking of using this to force it out, but now it seems that even if I am in full strength, I may not be able to win against it, let alone if I encounter backlash.

Oops! The formation is gone!

I quickly retracted the invisible needle, closed my eyes and stayed in the mist, and slowly walked out based on my impression of the hospital. No matter what, I would get out of here first.

One step, two steps... No, I'm not the only one here.

Although the other footsteps were very light and coincided with my footsteps, because the hospital was too quiet at night, I still heard it and listened to the direction of the footsteps.


I took out the dagger from my waist and stabbed it on the left side. At this moment, I saw an exquisite figure. This person was dressed in red Hanfu, with long hair flowing in the wind, but her face was covered with a veil, so her appearance could not be seen clearly.

My face tightened, knowing that this woman was the evil spirit inside Mu Gou.

"Who are you, and why do you want to harm Professor Zhou?" I held the dagger, and the invisible needle lay between me and her.

Yin Ling chuckled a few times, and then told me in a cold voice that this was all retribution!

"I advise you not to hinder me, otherwise it won't be so easy next time." Yin Ling looked at me fiercely, then turned around and left.

I quickly controlled the invisible needle and followed her. She smiled softly: "Since you are seeking death, just stay in this formation honestly."

As soon as the words fell, she disappeared, followed by a thicker mist, which even condensed into substance. I could feel the water droplets sliding over my body...

Seeing that I couldn't catch up with her, I gave up. The most important thing now was to break the formation.

No, it should have been ten minutes long ago. Why hasn't the backlash from the evil gathering array come yet?

I rubbed the back of my head and was puzzled. In the end I could only think that the Yin spirit had easily broken the spirit gathering array.

"Who is this Yin spirit? How can he be so familiar with formations?" I said to myself.

Buzz buzz...

Just then, a slight buzzing sound came. I was shocked. Damn it, I actually forgot that Li Mazi and the others were still in the hospital. This evil spirit trapped me here. It must have caused trouble for Professor Zhou, and they couldn't stop it.

Break the formation, break the formation! As long as it is a formation, there must be a flaw. I really don’t believe that I can’t break this ghost formation.

I took out a few medium-sized spiritual talismans, smeared the blood essence on one of them, and then let them disperse around. After making a finger gesture, several spiritual talismans lit up and hung in four directions, making the fog a little bit lighter. There's some temperature.

I closed my eyes and walked towards the talisman with essence and blood.

Because the magic talisman is mixed with my essence and blood, you can feel it even if you don't open your eyes. As long as you keep going like this, you will definitely be able to get out of the formation.

But after walking for about ten minutes, I felt something strange. Although the distance between me and the magic talisman was shortening, the shortening was too limited. The distance between us had only shortened by two or three times in such a long time. rice.

I stood there and didn't dare to go any further because I suddenly remembered what kind of formation this was.

I have never encountered this formation before. I have only heard it mentioned in Chu Yi. The name should be called Cloud Mist Strange Barrier...

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