Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,797 Strange Barriers of Cloud and Mist

The cloud and mist barrier is different from ordinary formations. This formation does not hurt people, but it is extremely convenient to trap people!

You only need to release the mist when using it, and you can be attacked without anyone noticing. Of course, it is not that simple to learn to use this formation. At least according to Chu Yi, this formation has been lost...

The more I thought about it, the more frightened I became. I didn't expect that the evil spirit inside this wooden dog was so terrifying. It could make me helpless with just one formation.

"Fuck!" I kicked the ground. It would be okay if I was trapped here alone. The key point is that Li Mazi and the others don't know what to do now, so how can I find a way out with peace of mind.

There was a sense of despair in my heart. Even in the first year of junior high school, I had only heard of the formation. Even if I found a way to break the formation, the day lily would be cold.

I don’t know how long I stood there. I finally came to my senses when my whole body was completely cold: No, even if I can’t find my way out in the end, I still have to try. I can’t just admit it. Li Mazi is still waiting. He's waiting for me to save him.

Thinking of Li Mazi, I patted my head and hurriedly took out my mobile phone from my pocket. When I saw that the signal was still full, I felt happy.

Many formations have this flaw, but with the improvement of warlocks, mobile phones cannot be used in general formations. But this Yin spirit is not a modern person, so her formation will definitely not make improvements in this area. Sure enough, the signal is very good!

I quickly called Li Mazi, and just as I was thinking about it, I was picked up. Li Mazi shouted anxiously: "Brother, where are you? Come here quickly, I can't hold on any longer."

"Mazi, listen to me, tell Professor Zhou that this thing is actually here for revenge, and ask him if he has offended..." I started to speak quickly, but before I could finish my words, I was interrupted by Mazi Li. Because Professor Zhou fainted...

Go ahead, he fainted at such a critical moment?

I cursed, and as soon as I thought about it, I said to Li Mazi: "Leave him alone and protect him with an umbrella. I am trapped by the formation. Come to the open space behind and help me see if I can break the formation." "

"I gave this umbrella to him, what should I do?" Li Mazi was startled, obviously reluctant.

I stamped my feet: "This Yin spirit is not coming for us. As long as you leave Professor Zhou alone, she won't do anything. Hurry up!"

Li Mazi hummed and asked me not to hang up the phone.

There were rustling sounds over there, probably from Li Mazi trying to escape. There was also a woman's voice. Although it wasn't clear, she could still tell that it was the voice of the ghost.

To be honest, I'm a little unsure whether Li Mazi can escape smoothly, but this is the only way at the moment. If I am stuck here all the time, Professor Zhou and Li Mazi will definitely die. If I get out, there may be another chance, so this risk must be taken!

Besides, Li Mazi also has a high-quality spiritual talisman on him, which should be able to save his life if he is really in danger.

Of course, I didn't tell Li Mazi these things. Firstly, it was a waste of time. Secondly, if he knew there was danger, he would be less courageous and might have bigger problems, so I could only keep it a secret.

"Brother, this woman really didn't touch me, but I think Professor Zhou is worried. That umbrella won't last long at all." Li Mazi's frightened voice came over a few minutes later.

I quickly told him that now was not the time to think about this and asked him to come over and save me.

After a while I heard footsteps, and I asked Li Mazi if it was him.

Li Mazi hummed, and then said in a strange voice: "Brother, aren't you just standing in front of me? Can't you see me?"

I was stunned. Did this Yin spirit set up a strange barrier of cloud and mist for me based on the illusory formation?

After thinking for a while, I seriously told Li Mazi the current situation, and then asked him to try to see if he could come forward and take me away. Of course, I also reminded him that once he found the fog, he should leave quickly. At this time, both people could not be affected by the trick.

Li Mazi reassured me, and then took a few steps forward, and I felt my wrist being held. At the same time, Li Mazi's careless voice came from the phone: "I said, brother, you don't know how to do it." You are playing house with me, come on, brother will take you away."

I breathed a sigh of relief. Although I still couldn't see Li Mazi, I could feel that the person holding my wrist was indeed him. I quickly closed my eyes and let Li Mazi take me away.

"Okay." Suddenly Li Mazi let go of my hand and gasped.

I quickly opened my eyes and saw Li Mazi sitting on the ground with a look of pain on his face. I asked him what was wrong, and he waved his hand and said it was nothing. He just felt like something was blocking me while he was pulling me away. Walking just a few meters away was more tiring than long-distance running.

After hearing what he said, I looked towards the place where I had just set up the soul gathering array. It was indeed very close to where I was standing, but I was trapped in this square place and couldn't get out.

"It's broken, the wooden dog is gone." I patted my thigh, and just as I was about to run over, I was grabbed by Li Mazi. He was afraid that the impact of the formation would still be there, and said that if I was trapped again, he wouldn't That skill saved me.

I also knew that the wooden dog was probably taken away by Yin spirits, and I couldn't get it now, so I dragged Mazi Li and ran to the hospital. It seemed that saving Professor Zhou was the most important thing at the moment.

Li Mazi asked me with a wry smile if I had hit an iron plate this time?

"I don't know yet. I just met Yin Ling. I can feel her spiritual power. At most, she is a ghost fairy. She is not my opponent at all! But her method of using formations is really superb. No matter how much I have I can't compare with my abilities." As I ran, I briefly explained a few words to Li Mazi.

Li Mazi expressed his understanding, and then screamed at me to rescue Professor Zhou quickly, saying that the Yin spirit was there just now, and it was estimated that the Yin and Sun umbrella could no longer hold up.

I rolled my eyes, was he stupid? Could it be that I was running around here for fun?

He also knew that he had asked a stupid question, so he laughed twice and said no more.


I kicked open the door of the ward and saw that the umbrella was working to its extreme, and there was even a crack on it. Yin Ling stood aside and did not make any move, but chanted word by word: "Give back the things that don't belong to you, otherwise, you will die!"

"Get away!"

I controlled the invisible needle to pierce Yin Ling, and she threw herself on Professor Zhou with all her heart. She didn't even guard against me, and she was stabbed accurately.

She turned to look at me, her blood-red eyes full of hatred: "You are hindering me!"

I ignored her, controlled the invisible needle to pursue the victory, and smashed the talisman in my hand as if it was life-threatening.

Yin Ling couldn't resist it for a while. Just when I was about to catch her, she grabbed the umbrella. Her palms made a sizzling sound. It was obvious that she couldn't completely resist the power of the umbrella.

But she didn't seem to notice, just holding the umbrella to protect her chest.

The invisible needle was stunned for a moment when it flew in front of the yin-yang umbrella. In just that moment, the yin spirit flew away from the window with a whoosh, and the yin-yang umbrella fell to the ground with a snap, having exhausted its spiritual power.

After all, the umbrella is my thing, and the invisible needle has long been familiar with it, so I didn't continue to attack just now. Although I had control, I was confused by Yin Ling's movements just now and didn't even react. I didn't expect Yin Ling to escape with such a small opportunity!

Li Mazi asked me if I should chase him. I smiled bitterly and shook my head. It was useless to chase him. It would be too dangerous if he was trapped again.

"What should he do?" Li Mazi raised his chin and looked at Professor Zhou who fainted.

I thought for a while and asked Li Mazi to slap Professor Zhou awake. Professor Zhou screamed as soon as he woke up. I held him down and said, "Professor Zhou, it's us."

"Master Zhang, Master Zhang?" Professor Zhou seemed to have seen us now, "Is that thing gone?"

I shook my head. Professor Zhou's face immediately turned pale. He took my hand and said tremblingly: "Master Zhang, aren't you the best at solving these problems? Why is this thing still there? Just now, just now I almost... If you die, can you do it?"

Later he was a little angry, and his questioning tone made Li Mazi's face darken.

I stopped Li Mazi, who was about to come forward to argue, and said calmly: "Hmph! I really wanted to stop this thing, but it's a pity that some people didn't tell the truth, which made me even go in the wrong direction."

"What do you mean?" Professor Zhou looked at me confused, and then shouted dissatisfied: "It must be your own problem. You, you want to make excuses now."

"Oh?" I looked at him coldly and said word by word: "What is something that does not belong to you?"

There was a hint of panic on Professor Zhou's face, but he still insisted that he didn't understand what I was talking about. If I couldn't do it, he would hire another expert, and he wouldn't pay the fees for the next few days.

I snorted coldly and asked him to think clearly, then pulled Li Mazi out.

When I walked to the door, I looked back at him and said calmly: "Professor Zhou, I respect you as a professor, so I will say something first! You should know very well why this thing is entangled with you. You are not right. To be honest, I can't take on this job. Also, if you want to hire another Gao Ming, that's fine, but I'm not scaring you. I'm afraid that your life will be ruined before the Gao Ming you hire comes over. I only give you one day, the Yin spirit will come again tonight, if you don’t tell the truth then let her take you away!"

When I said it later, my tone was a little harsh. The biggest fear in our industry is that clients conceal things. Although most clients will not tell the truth, in this incident it was obvious that Yin Ling did not want Professor Zhou's life in the first place. Then if he tells the truth or not, the impact will be very big, so I will force him like this.

Looking at Professor Zhou who turned pale under my words, I sneered and pulled Mazi Li away.

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