Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1,798 Stolen Genius

"Brother, if he doesn't tell the truth, are you really not going to help him?" Li Mazi asked me hurriedly after leaving the hospital.

Another troublesome thing about our business is that once you take over the business, you have to be responsible to the end. For example, Yu Wenmeng’s business last time reduced a lot of my moral character.

Although Professor Zhou has something to hide, there are not many people who don’t hide it when they encounter this kind of thing. Only an outsider like Professor Zhou would believe what he said just now. Even if he insists on not saying it, I should still do it. Save his life.

I shrugged my shoulders and explained to Li Mazi that the Yin spirit was first pricked by an invisible needle, and then injured by a Yin-yang umbrella while trying to run away. Although I am not sure whether the injury was serious, at least it will not come again tonight. In other words, Professor Zhou is still safe tonight, so I dare to do this.

Li Mazi nodded: "Then what should we do next?"

"Go back to bed." I waved my hand, stopped a car and went back to the antique store. Li Mazi got out of the car on the way and bought a few breakfast items before rushing back.

After eating and drinking, I covered my head and fell asleep. This Yin spirit was quite capable. Even though there was no head-on fighting, just a few formations exhausted me.

Who would have known that I only slept for a while before Li Mazi rushed in, shaking me excitedly: "Brother, stop sleeping now, get up quickly, look at what this is?"

"Nothing is as important as sleeping, put it away!" I turned over impatiently.

Li Mazi clicked his tongue twice and raised his voice as if he was reading something: "A wooden dog appears at the death scene. Is it an accident or deliberate?"

I suddenly sat up from the bed and snatched Li Mazi's mobile phone from his hand. I saw the title he just read appeared on the homepage of the portal website, which had already triggered a lot of discussions.

I hurriedly went in and found that what was reported was actually the death of a genius I had seen last time, but this time the pictures were more bloody and realistic. This picture obviously cannot be taken by passers-by. It is probably leaked from inside the Public Security Bureau. In each picture, the publisher has marked a place with a red circle. It looks a bit blurry, but I will not admit it wrong. , this is the wooden dog in Professor Zhou’s house!

In other words, this is not the first time that this evil spirit has caused trouble.

"Brother, is this Yin spirit jealous of geniuses? You see, these dead people are all geniuses." Li Mazi touched his chin: "Is it possible that she was a mediocre person during her lifetime, so she is unhappy with seeing geniuses? This It’s too far-fetched. If this works, then the world will probably be full of ghosts, right?”

As I listened to Li Mazi's words, a thought flowed through my mind. Then I lifted the quilt and let Li Mazi look at the store, and then I rushed out.

"Where are you going?" Li Mazi yelled from behind me.

I waved behind me and jumped into a taxi before I could answer: "Go to the Public Security Bureau."

When I arrived at the Public Security Bureau, I rushed directly into the director's office. After hanging around for a long time, he became familiar with me. When he saw me, he smiled and asked me why I was here.

I didn't have time to be polite to him, so I used my mobile phone to call up the address of the portal website and showed him: "There is something wrong with these three cases. I want you to help me check something."

"What to check?" The director frowned.

I exhaled: "Check if they are really geniuses."

"Ah?" The director was a little confused. I waved my hand to tell him not to ask in detail, and then said that I was in a hurry to get these things and asked him to do it as soon as possible.

The director nodded and told me that I had never checked in this direction before. If I really wanted to check it, it would be done very quickly. I think it would be given to me today.

I hummed and then rushed out of the Public Security Bureau and went directly to University C.

After entering the school, I called Yang Qian and asked her to bring Xu Shen over to see me if she had time.

Yang Qian did not refuse, but she was not sure whether Xu Shen was willing to come to see me.

"Just tell him that I came to him because of the paper!" After saying this, I hung up the phone.

Sure enough, within ten minutes, a figure rushed over: "What's the paper about? What do you know?"

Yang Qian panted and followed Xu Shen. Seeing his appearance, she nervously advised him not to get excited, but Xu Shen couldn't listen and asked me with red eyes.

I smiled and pointed to the small pavilion on one side, indicating that I should go there to talk.

After Xu Shen calmed down a little, I made a direct request: "You have to go to a place tonight, and then the paper will be explained clearly."

Xu Shen stared at me in disbelief, and after a while he asked me if I knew he was actually the victim?

Seeing Xu Shen's eyes turn red, I shook my head and said I'm not sure yet, I won't know until night.

"Are you going?" I looked into his eyes and asked calmly.

Xu Shen clenched his fists: "Go, of course."

After reconfirming my plans for the night with them, I calmly returned to the store.

Li Mazi looked at me dissatisfied and asked me what I was doing mysteriously.

"Hey, you'll know in the evening. Come on, I'll treat you to a big dinner at noon." I smiled and put my arm around Li Mazi's shoulders, pulled him out of the store, and went straight to a seafood restaurant for him to eat. enough.

Once Li Mazi had eaten, he had no time to ask me what I was doing. He threw himself on the dining table and almost swallowed the table.

After eating a meal of seafood, Li Mazi patted his belly and felt satisfied.

Just then my phone rang. When I saw it was the director of the Public Security Bureau, I quickly picked it up.

"Brother Zhang, you have made a great contribution this time!" The director's voice came over, but his tone did not match what he said at all. I could hear the solemnity in his words.

I quickly asked him if he had discovered anything.

He sighed and asked me to go take a look. He really didn't know how to talk about these things.

This time I did not leave Li Mazi behind, but followed him to the Public Security Bureau. The director of the Public Security Bureau placed a stack of information in front of me and motioned for me to read it myself.

The more I opened the information, the more frightened I became. It turned out that the three so-called 'geniuses' who died had their results stolen from others. The people who were stolen were powerless and helpless under their coercion. Give away your things to others for free...

The director of the Public Security Bureau sighed: "I didn't expect these people to be so miserable. It's because they are dead, so it is much easier to investigate! After all, there are many people watching them. If they are still alive, these people Information is hard to come by.”

"Can it be sent out today?" I asked.

He asked me strangely why I was in such a hurry to send it out.

I told him that the case I am taking on may be related to these incidents, but I am stuck now and don’t know how to proceed, so I hope I can use this to push things forward.

He nodded in understanding and said that he would make arrangements as soon as possible and try to publish the truth during the evening newspaper time, and at the same time give innocence to those who had the results stolen!

I hummed, thanked the director, and then left the store with Li Mazi.

I didn't do anything next, I just waited quietly for the newspaper to come out, and then went to the hospital with the newly printed newspaper.

"Professor Zhou, it's quite boring for you to lie like this. I brought you a newspaper." I handed the newspaper to Professor Zhou. He probably thought it was strange so he didn't pick it up for a while. After all, I just posted the message in the morning. If I won't help him unless he tells the truth.

I smiled without explaining, just put the newspaper aside, and then walked out.

I'm not afraid that he won't read the newspaper. He should have seen such a big headline when I held it in my hand, so he will definitely read it.

After he finishes watching, the good show should start...

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