Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1800: Trip to Xi’an

It is the transition between spring and summer that is suitable for traveling. I felt that the last time I took Yin Xinyue to Zhejiang was not enough, so I planned to take this time to go to Xi'an.

After Li Mazi knew our plan, he insisted on following us. I teased him and asked him to find Teacher Xia too, but he said uninterestedly that Teacher Xia was still disciplining Li Xiaomeng.

Looking at his appearance, you can tell that Xiaomeng has been in trouble again recently. Fortunately, Yin Xinyue and I didn't care about one more person, so we added a ticket and went to Xi'an with the three of us!

When we arrived in Xi'an, we found a local tour group to save trouble. Because we had been to Xi'an before, we didn't plan to stay long. It happened that this tour group planned a three-day itinerary, which met our requirements.

In three days, we visited all the scenic spots in Xi'an, especially taking the Xifeng Cableway up and down the mountain in Huashan. It felt great to take in all the scenery.

After three days, we originally planned to walk around Xi'an and then return home, but the tour guide suggested that we divert to Xianyang.

The tour guide is a local Xi'an girl in her twenties with a cute baby face. She opened her eyes wide and said: "Although the Qin Shihuang Museum is in Xi'an, it is more cost-effective to go to Xianyang to experience the scenery of the Qin Dynasty! People like Huo Qubing, The cemeteries of people like Wei Qing and Yang Guifei are in Xianyang. You have already arrived in Xi'an anyway, and it is only half an hour from here. If you are not in a hurry to go back, you can go and take a look."

When she said this, I immediately became interested. Although the Qin Dynasty only experienced two dynasties and accounted for a very small proportion in China's two thousand years of history, the mystery of the Qin Dynasty has always been the focus of discussion by historians. .

It just so happened that Yin Xinyue was also very interested in the history of the Qin Dynasty, so we took a train to Xianyang directly after resting for one night in Xi'an.

"Are you also traveling to Xianyang?" As soon as we sat down, a college student sitting next to us came up to say hello.

I nodded but had no intention of chatting with him, but he was obviously very enthusiastic. He leaned over and introduced himself: "I am Tang Ping, a sophomore student in A University. I came to Xianyang with a few traveling friends. We rented It’s a B\u0026B, but there are exactly three people missing. If you don’t mind, would you like to come together?”

When he said this, several people around us gathered around. I roughly counted, there were five of them, and there were exactly eight with us.

However, I am not interested in staying in B\u0026Bs. The development of B\u0026Bs in China is not perfect. Most of them are farmhouses with very poor living conditions. I usually go there out of interest, but I want to change places immediately. I came out to have fun and naturally I didn’t want to suffer this, so I refused.

"Honey, go ahead! I haven't stayed in a B\u0026B yet." Who knew that as soon as I said 'no', Yin Xinyue nudged me and whispered in my ear.

I saw that her eyes were shining, and Li Mazi on the side also looked eager to give it a try and couldn't refuse, so he smiled at Tang Ping and said: "It just so happens that we haven't found a place to live. If you don't mind it, we can Come along."

"No trouble, no trouble. By the way, let me introduce you." Tang Ping waved his hand and introduced the other four people to us one by one.

Next to him was a fat, bald man in his thirties, Manager Wang. None of them knew his name. He usually used this nickname when chatting in the travel group.

Standing behind Tang Ping was a pair of lovers, the girl's name was Qin Ruo and the boy's name was Zhang Feng. According to them, they were going on a graduation trip because they were about to graduate.

The last person who paid attention to this place from a distance was a woman in her early thirties named Zeng Wan. She seemed cold and hard to get along with. When Tang Ping introduced her, she just nodded slightly.

After Tang Ping's introduction, I also briefly introduced the three people on our side: "My surname is Zhang. This is my wife Xinyue. Next to me is my brother. You can just call him Mazi."

With just such an introduction, the train arrived at Xianyang Station. As soon as the eight people got off the train, they packed a van and rushed to the B\u0026B they had booked.

Yin Xinyue was very excited along the way. She held my arm and looked at the ancient buildings outside. At the same time, she asked me about the origins of these buildings. Some I knew and I briefly introduced them. Some I didn't know, I also promised to take her to play in the next few days. .

However, Li Mazi was not that interested in these scenery. Instead, he kept asking the driver when he could get to the B\u0026B.

"Mazi, you don't want to sleep, do you?" I stared at him, always feeling that Li Mazi's behavior was a little strange.

Li Mazi chuckled and leaned into my ear with some embarrassment: "Brother from the Zhang family, I heard that B\u0026Bs are the most haunted places. Tsk, tsk, I haven't taken an order for so long, my hands are itchy, what do you think? Will you encounter a ghost from the Qin Dynasty here?"

"Are you possessed?" I touched Li Mazi's head and asked suspiciously.

This kid is usually eager to have some free time, and he hasn't taken on any business for a while. He's not so hungry that he's even interested in a place like a B\u0026B with rumors of being haunted, right?

This was what made it attractive when we first got involved in the world of femininity. Now, not to mention that this B\u0026B is not necessarily haunted, even if it is haunted, I can solve it with just a magic talisman. There is no reason why he should be so excited.

Seeing me like this, Li Mazi became frustrated and said that he just wanted to find something to do, and he would get bored if he continued to be bored.

I realized something was wrong. From the moment he insisted on coming out with us and didn't take Teacher Xia with him, I knew that this kid was probably stimulated. But he didn't think much about it. With his heartless character, he would forget about it after two days of playing, but after these few days, he still thinks about it?

I hurriedly asked him if we had a quarrel, but he waved his hand to tell me not to mention it, and then specifically told me that if the B\u0026B was really haunted, not to solve it too quickly and let him have fun.

"Okay, but this is not certain, so don't have high hopes." I shrugged.

I have already understood that the famous hotel booked by Tang Ping and the others is quite famous in this area and has been operating for some years. If there was any haunting incident, it would have been reported long ago, so Li Mazi's wish is probably in vain.

The car drove for about forty minutes and stopped in front of a two-story building.

It's a building, but it's actually a small villa. It looks very unique. This made me feel relieved after worrying about it all the way. At least the conditions wouldn't be bad.

Yin Xinyue got out of the car and rushed to the door of the villa excitedly. She turned around and asked Tang Ping if he lived here?

Tang Ping smiled and nodded, and then he made a phone call. Within a minute or two, a middle-aged couple walked out of the villa, gave Tang Ping the key with a smile, and told some things with a smile: " There are no rooms on the first floor of our villa. There are eight rooms on the second floor. You can look at the allocation. As for other facilities, you can use them as long as they are not damaged. They are all included in the room fee. Please contact us after the completion. No If there is any problem, I will refund your deposit."

After Tang Ping expressed his understanding, the couple drove away in a car. Only then did I realize that this B\u0026B has no owner, which means that the next few days will belong to us.

I am more satisfied with this arrangement. After all, it is a comfortable stay.

Entering the villa, the first floor is the kitchen, hall, and activity room. There is even a fireplace in the hall. This Western style made Yin Xinyue even more excited. She said that it was a pity that it was summer, otherwise she could still light up the fireplace and feel the romantic atmosphere!

I smiled and shook my head, then asked Tang Ping how to arrange the room?

Although there are eight people, in fact, only six rooms are enough. Xinyue and I naturally live in one room, and Qin Ruo and the other young lovers also expressed that they want to live in one room.

Tang Ping did not make his own decision, but asked everyone for their opinions. Qin Ruo took the lead in choosing the room on the west side, and pulled Zhang Feng upstairs to pack his luggage under everyone's joking eyes.

In order not to disturb them, I deliberately chose a room next to them. Naturally, Li Mazi lived next door to us.

Later, Tang Ping and Manager Wang also moved in our direction, but Zeng Wan stayed directly in the eastmost room, one room away from Manager Wang's.

After the room was tidied up, Tang Ping said with a smile: "In the next few days, we can go to the scenic spots together or separately, but there is only one key to the villa, so please fix the time when you go out and come back. Also, you can You can eat outside or come back to eat, the owner said the ingredients are left here.”

We all expressed our understanding, and finally decided not to go out later than ten o'clock every day, and not to come back later than ten o'clock in the evening, and the keys would be kept by Tang Ping.

After confirming everything, everyone went back to their rooms to pack their luggage.

The three of us were not tired because we came from Xi'an, but the five of them seemed to have gathered in Xi'an from other places and then rushed here, so everyone said they were very tired, so they would not go out today.

"Xinyue, are we still going out today?" I put down my luggage and asked Yin Xinyue who was washing her face. This room is good because each room has a separate bathroom.

Yin Xinyue nodded hurriedly and vaguely said that she was definitely going. She couldn't wait.

I looked at her funny, then called Li Mazi and spoke to Tang Ping before going out. I had been out all afternoon, and it was already past seven o'clock when I came back.

It was Zeng Wan who opened the door. She opened the door and turned around to leave. Although we felt strange, seeing that she didn't want to talk, we couldn't say anything.

"Let me tell you, this Patek Philippe is a birthday gift from my dad. Hey, isn't it nice?" As soon as he turned around the entrance, he saw Tang Ping raising his wrist to show off to Manager Wang and others. The watch on his hand.

Li Mazi chuckled and whispered that Tang Ping was really not afraid of anything happening. He was indeed a young boy...

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