Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1801: Five Horses Dismembered (Additional Updates)

I also looked at Tang Ping speechlessly. As the saying goes, wealth should not be revealed, but you should be more cautious when walking outside. From what he said, these travel friends usually just chatted in the group. No one knew what the real people were like. It was hard to guard against anyone who had evil intentions.

Even the ordinary model of Patek Philippe costs almost 200,000 yuan. When you say this, I am afraid that even if you don’t have evil intentions, you will be aroused by him!

But seeing him invite three of us strangers to live together on the train, you can tell that this person is heartless.

"Ahem." I coughed and said, "Have you all had dinner? We brought some snacks back from outside. If you don't mind, let's eat together."

Hearing that there was food, several other people came over. Even the aloof Zeng Wan came over and took a bowl of cold noodles and ate it quietly. No one paid attention to Tang Ping's Patek Philippe.

I changed the topic, and Tang Ping was actually a little unhappy. He muttered that no one had commented on his watch yet, and I didn't know what to say, so I could only let him go.

It was still early to have something to eat and I couldn't sleep. Manager Wang suggested that everyone play Werewolf. He liked this so he brought the cards with him.

Werewolf killing has been very popular recently, so as soon as he suggested it, the young couple Tang Ping and Qin Ruo immediately agreed. However, Zeng Wan said that she had work to do in the evening and would not play along. After that, she went upstairs.

"Tch! I'm a workaholic, and it's hard for me to go out to play and still work. Gee, no wonder I'm still an old maid at such an old age." Tang Ping curled his lips.

I didn't respond. This was obviously disrespectful to others and sounded a bit harsh.

However, Qin Ruo responded and asked him how he knew Zeng Wan didn't have a husband?

Tang Ping mysteriously said that when he was in Xi'an, he happened to hear Zeng Wan calling. It seemed that his family was urging him to go on a blind date, but the other party didn't seem to want to go on a blind date with Zeng Wan.

The two of them talked about this topic enthusiastically. Zhang Feng, who always talked little, couldn't stand it anymore. He pulled Qin Ruo's sleeves and shook his head at her. The frown on his face clearly showed that he didn't agree with Qin Ruo using other people's privacy as a pastime.

Qin Ruo pulled up his sleeves in disgust: "You can be bored if you are bored. Don't stop me from having fun."

As he said this, he got involved with Tang Ping again.

Manager Wang coughed twice and asked them: "Well, do you still want to play Werewolf?"

"Play, of course I'll play!" Qin Ruo immediately raised his hand and Tang Ping nodded.

So seven people gathered around the table and started the game.

The first round was mostly based on testing because everyone was unfamiliar with it. It doesn't matter to me. Except for Manager Wang, the other three people are just kids in my opinion. I have no intention of competing with them, so I just stop there every time.

But Tang Ping had a strong desire to win. After playing a few rounds, he felt a little bored. He took off the Patek Philippe from his wrist and slapped it on the table: "You guys are like this, you let me, what do I give you?" I mean, let’s make some bets! Tsk tsk, if I’m the first to be eliminated in the next round, this Patek Philippe will be divided among you, how about that?”

I looked at him in surprise, then smiled and said that the bet was too big. If we lose, we can't make the same bet. It's just for fun, don't be so serious.

"No, it's not fun to play without bets. Why, you can't afford to lose?" Tang Ping rolled up his sleeves, looking like he wouldn't give up.

Li Mazi was the first to be angered and slapped the table: "Young boy, who the hell are you saying can't afford to lose? I'll make a bet with you. As long as I go out before you, I'll give you this jade token. I guarantee it." No better than your Patek Philippe!”

As he said this, he took out half a palm-sized jade plaque from his arms. This jade plaque was part of a business deal. I gave it to Li Mazi as a gift because I thought he liked it. I didn't expect him to sell it so quickly...

"Mazi!" I grimaced. The jade token was nothing, but him and a young man acting out of their own way made me feel bad. This trip is all about having fun, there is no need to make yourself unhappy over trivial matters.

Li Mazi, however, looked at Tang Ping provocatively as if he didn't see my expression.

As soon as he started, Qin Ruo on the side was not afraid of trouble and pulled off the necklace from his neck: "My necklace is custom-made, let's go together!"

"Xiao Ruo!" Zhang Feng shouted as if to dissuade Qin Ruo, but Qin Ruo glared back and did not dare to speak anymore. He sat silently and watched worriedly.

Manager Wang on the side looked unhappy when he saw his proposed werewolf killing turned out like this, and stood up silently: "I admit that I can't afford it, and you guys can do it."

I also pulled Yin Xinyue up with a dark face and let the three of them play by themselves. I would not join in such a low-level show of wealth.

These three people were not affected by us. They reshuffled the cards and each of them randomly drew a card. The rules are very simple. Just guess the identity of the next person in a loop. If you guess correctly, you will pass. If you guess it correctly, you will be eliminated immediately!

In the first round, all three people guessed wrong, so they started all over again. It wasn't until Li Mazi shamelessly guessed Tang Ping's identity as a werewolf that the bet began.

Tang Ping obviously didn't expect that he would be the first to be eliminated. His face turned red, but he still had some backbone. He directly pushed the watch in front of Li Mazi and looked on with a red face.

Next, Qin Ruo guessed Li Mazi, but she guessed wrong. It was Li Mazi's turn again. Unexpectedly, Li Mazi guessed correctly again. Qin Ruo handed the necklace to Li Mazi with a wave of his hand without any regret.

Li Mazi chuckled, returned the watch and necklace to them respectively, and said coquettishly: "Kids, be more careful next time you go out. Don't get involved in gambling, otherwise others will find ways to kill you."

"Are you cheating?" Tang Ping stared at Li Mazi in astonishment, and then shouted: "How dare you fucking play dirty tricks?"

"What kind of dirty tricks are you playing? As far as you two are concerned, you can tell it casually. If you don't have a diamond, don't take the porcelain job. Today you met your Grandpa Li. You don't want to cheat children's toys. If you meet other people, don't do it." It's these two things. No matter how many valuable things you have on you, they will be tricked out. You need to be smarter." Li Mazi also got angry, threw the things on the table and went upstairs.

Yin Xinyue and I looked at each other and felt that something was not right with Li Mazi. Li Mazi is indeed familiar with the gambling business, and there is no problem if he wants to cheat these two people, but what I don't understand is why he did this. Isn't this kind of behavior that he despises most?

Tang Ping was still aggrieved, but Qin Ruo put the necklace back on calmly. I glanced at them and took Yin Xinyue upstairs to find Li Mazi.

"Why did you mind their business just now?" I asked impatiently as soon as Li Mazi opened the door.

If no one had gambled with Tang Ping just now, he would definitely have made a bigger fuss, so Li Mazi agreed. This is what I don't understand the most.

Li Mazi chuckled, and then said embarrassedly that he had been tricked before when he was young. No one helped him at that time, and he took a lot of detours before he came back. He thought Tang Ping and others were not bad at all. In my mind, I thought I could help a little bit.

"Hey, I underestimated you before! Now, you go to bed early, and we will go to Huo Qubing's tomb and Wei Qing's tomb early tomorrow morning." I patted his shoulder, and then pulled Xinyue out of the door.

Entering our room, Yin Xinyue hugged us and said, "Hubby, please rest quickly. I'm exhausted after running all day."

"Daughter-in-law, would you mind being a little more tired?" I pinched her waist and asked mischievously.

She hit me on the chest, lowered her head and said nothing.

I hugged her and went into the bathroom, enjoying the time just for the two of us...

I ran all day during the day and fought with Xinyue for two hours at night. When it was over, I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I originally wanted to sleep in, but I was awakened by a scream early the next morning.

"What happened?" I jumped up from the bed. Yin Xinyue had already opened her eyes and asked with her shoulders half exposed.

I shook my head and said I heard screams, and asked her to continue sleeping while I went to take a look.

Yin Xinyue was really tired, so she turned over on the bed and fell asleep. When I went out, the young couple Li Mazi, Manager Wang and Qin Ruo were all there, and the scream just now was a woman's voice, so it was Zeng Wan.

Because we didn't know what was going on, we nodded to each other and rushed downstairs without saying a word, but we only rushed downstairs halfway before I stopped on the stairs. The few people behind didn't react and almost bumped into them. Just when they were about to ask questions, they were so frightened by the scene in front of them that they screamed.

Zeng Wan fell on the steps in front of me, dumbfounded and unable to say a word.

And there was a corpse lying in the hall downstairs...

That’s right, it’s ‘swing’!

I can confirm that the shape of the corpse must not have been formed spontaneously, because the head, limbs, and torso of the corpse have been separated. From a distance, it looks like it has been pulled apart. The wound was a mess of flesh and blood, and traces of blood spread between the wounds. It was obviously caused when he was pulled away. In other words, the deceased was pulled away alive and then died.

However, such a method of death should bring great pain to the deceased, and he should scream during the struggle, but I didn't hear any movement last night.

Although I was in a relatively deep sleep, it was impossible for such a noise to wake me up. Therefore, the deceased did not make a sound when he died, but how could it be possible?

I exhaled and looked at the head of the deceased. The head was slightly tilted, and the face was not facing us. But I can still tell from his profile that he is Tang Ping, the sophomore student...

Li Mazi couldn't stand firmly. He held on to the stair rail and trembled as he said, "Five...five horses cut the bodies into pieces?"

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