Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1802 Supernatural Case

I understand his fear. Even I have rarely seen such a bloody scene, not to mention that the deceased was someone we just met yesterday. No one can accept that the person who was alive and talking to us yesterday has turned into a corpse.

Zeng Wan was paralyzed there, and the few people following me were frightened. Manager Wang’s face was pale, and Qin Ruo was already lying on the stairs and vomiting. On the other hand, Zhang Feng looked calm and calm. He was able to take care of Qin Ruo and called the police.

"Brother?" Li Mazi calmed down a little and looked up at me, his eyes full of questioning.

I understand what he means. It is too far-fetched to say that such a scene is man-made. In order to create the state of this corpse, the head and limbs of the deceased must be pulled in different directions at the same time. Not to mention that it requires at least five people to complete it, but it is impossible to say that human strength is so great.

I nodded slightly. There was indeed a looming gloom on the body, but Zhang Feng had already called the police. It would be unwise for anyone to go there at this time. It was better to wait until the police came.

Before the police arrived, I went back to the room and called Yin Xinyue up. She fell asleep here again after such a big thing happened. When the police came later, she was probably the first person to suspect her!

I told her about the corpse in the room, so although she was scared, she was still relatively calm and stood beside me waiting silently.

After all, a dead person was found. The police came quickly. Within half an hour, they heard the doorbell ringing, but no one dared to open the door because it meant that they would pass by the body.

I patted Yin Xinyue's shoulder, wrapped the soles of my shoes with clothes, and then walked towards the door. It was obvious that Zeng Wan had never gone downstairs before. I couldn't leave new footprints in the hall.

After opening the door, five or six people from the police came, and it looked like even the forensic doctor came.

"Hello, I am Chen Ying, captain of the Criminal Investigation Team 1 of the Xianyang Public Security Bureau. Was it you who called the police?" the leading middle-aged police officer asked with a stern expression.

I shook my head and briefly explained the matter. He hummed after hearing this, and then called on the people behind him to maintain the scene.

Even the police couldn't bear to see such a scene. Except for the captain Chen Ying, the faces of several others were distorted for a while, and they took a while to start working.

Two forensic doctors began to examine the body, and we were taken upstairs by Captain Chen and another young police officer named Xiaoge for questioning. Two other police officers began to seal off the B\u0026B and search for clues.

The empty room next to Zeng Wan's room was used as a temporary inquiry place. Although the room was not small, it was still a bit crowded with nine people entering at once.

There was only one chair in the room, and Captain Chen was naturally sitting on it. Xiaoge stood behind him with a serious face, and we squeezed together to sit on the bed opposite him.

Captain Chen glanced at us seriously and asked who found the body? We all looked at Zeng Wan. She had calmed down a little. Although her face was still white and almost transparent, she could no longer answer simple questions.

"It's me." She sat on the bed, grabbing the sheets uncomfortably.

Captain Chen nodded and asked her to talk about the situation.

Zeng Wan was silent for a while before she spoke. She said that she had the habit of doing morning exercises in the morning, so she got up at six o'clock, washed up, and prepared to go for a run, but she saw the body before she could go down the stairs. She was so frightened at the time that she screamed and didn't know what to do. Then we all got down, and then the police came.

We all nodded. The situation was similar to what she said. We all went down after hearing the screams.

"Then did you see anyone suspicious?" Captain Chen stared at Zeng Wan, as if he could catch her immediately if she told a lie.

Zeng Wan shook her head and said no, she only saw the body and nothing else.

Captain Chen asked a few more of us, but since we all went down together, we didn’t have much to say.

"When did you arrive? What's the relationship between you and what happened in the villa? You have to tell me every detail. If you find out that you've concealed it, you will be suspected." Captain Chen tapped his thigh. , a pair of shining eyes swept across all of us.

I started by explaining why I stayed at the B\u0026B and what I did last night.

Captain Chen's eyes flashed when he heard that Tang Ping had shown off his watch and gambled with Li Mazi before his death. Then he focused on questioning Li Mazi and Qin Ruo. Naturally, they both said they were in the room, and there was no loophole in their excuses.

In the end, Zhang Feng, who was relatively calm, explained how the five of them organized the trip and that Tang Ping had booked this B\u0026B. When Captain Chen couldn't find anything, he asked Xiao Ge to stay and watch us. He went out.

I guess he probably went to look for the B\u0026B’s surveillance system or contact the owner of the B\u0026B.

After the fear just now, he is now more uneasy. Manager Wang said uneasily: "What does this mean? The police suspect that we have killed someone?"

Seeing his furious look, no one was in the mood to pay attention. After all, before the matter was over, everyone present was suspected, and everyone was looking for comfort and wary of each other.

After a while, Captain Chen walked in again with a strange look on his face. Then he asked Xiao Ge to take us to another empty room, leaving Zeng Wan alone.

As soon as Manager Wang entered the room, he shouted: "Officer Ge, have you found out who the murderer is? Can we leave? People have died here, why do you want us to stay here?"

Xiaoge only said that the investigation was still ongoing and that everyone must cooperate with the investigation and not leave without authorization. He ignored other words of Manager Wang. Although Manager Wang was angry, he had no choice but to do anything.

About ten minutes later, Zeng Wan walked in with a white face. Manager Wang immediately grabbed her and asked her if she was the one who killed her, and asked her not to hurt everyone.

Zeng Wan shook off Manager Wang's hand and said coldly: "The police are still investigating the case. If you are so eager to accuse me, are you the real murderer?"

"Fuck you..." Manager Wang became angry instantly. He rolled up his sleeves and wanted to slap Zeng Wan, but Xiao Ge stopped him and said that if he caused trouble again, he would be locked up as a suspect and interrogated. Only then did his arrogance subside.

Seeing that Manager Wang had calmed down, Zeng Wan asked Qin Ruo to go to the room where Captain Chen was.

Only then did I understand that Captain Chen wanted to ask again one by one. The reason why we let Xiao Ge watch is probably because he was afraid that we would collude in confession!

Most of the day passed like this, and as the last person to be questioned, I walked into the room where Captain Chen was.

"Sit down." Captain Chen rubbed his brows. He must have been exhausted from questioning all morning. Yes, this is not a simple inquiry. You must be highly concentrated and ready to catch other people's loopholes at any time. How can you not be tired?

I sat down as he was told, and he took a short rest for two minutes before officially starting. At the beginning, it was nothing more than some relaxing questions, such as who was his name and why he came here. I answered them one by one.

I've seen this kind of scene a lot, so naturally I couldn't be nervous, but in Captain Chen's eyes, something didn't feel right. He said solemnly that he had just seen me opening the door calmly, and now I didn’t seem to be nervous at all. Did he feel that everything was safe?

Hearing the meaning of his words, I almost lost my temper and smiled: "You mean I am calmer, so I am the one who killed the person? What kind of novel way of solving the case is this? I have never heard of it."

"You are a suspect now, watch your attitude!" Captain Chen slammed the table and shouted with a dark face.

I shrugged and asked him if he had seen the surveillance camera. Was it true that no one except Tang Ping had left the room last night?

From the moment I entered this B\u0026B, I discovered that except for the room where we stayed, which had no surveillance cameras, there were quite a few surveillance cameras in other places. With such a horizontal and vertical layout, there were basically no blind spots.

Captain Chen's face turned darker and asked me how I knew.

I didn't reply to him, so he stood up and grabbed me by the collar: "If you don't cooperate with the investigation, I have the right to detain you first!"

"Officer Chen, you can't solve this case." I pushed his hand away and said calmly.

Whether it was the condition of the corpse or the faint gathering of Yin Qi on the corpse, I knew that this was not a simple murder, and there must be some Yin spirit at work. If I want to intervene, I first have to ask the local police officer to cooperate with me, otherwise I will probably be caught if I move. Even if I have a way to get out, it will be too troublesome.

Captain Chen stared at me, his face a little distorted. After a while, he sat on the stool dejectedly: "Who are you?"

"Who am I? I'm just a good citizen who wants to cooperate. By the way, if I guessed correctly, yesterday the surveillance in the lobby was broken for a while after Tang Ping went down. By the time the surveillance was restored, Tang Ping was already like that. Already?" I touched my chin. Only in this way can I explain why Captain Chen is still holding on to us.

If the surveillance hadn't been broken, and he had seen a good person suddenly cut into pieces, his face would probably not be what it is now.

Captain Chen stared at me for a long time and then said dejectedly: "What you said is correct. It is impossible for one person to transform a living person into such a ghostly appearance in such a short time. But neither of you left the room. There is no connection between them. The possibility of cooperating in committing crimes is too low. I really can’t figure it out..."

I looked at him sympathetically. No policeman would be able to figure this out, because it was not done by a human being at all.

Although I knew that I would easily be regarded as a lunatic now, I still said: "Officer Chen, what if I say this is a supernatural case?"

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