Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1803 The black shadow lying on the back

Captain Chen was stunned, looked at me intently for a long time, and then stood up suddenly: "W-what do you mean?"

"My meaning is very clear, Officer Chen. You should also know it clearly, right?" I looked at Captain Chen. Although he tried his best to hide it, I could tell that he actually believed it.

Captain Chen walked around the room, and I didn't rush him. After all, it was still difficult for normal people to believe this kind of thing, let alone a policeman with a good reputation.

"Mr. Zhang." He took a deep breath and said, "I don't know what you are talking about. This is a criminal case. I will go back to the police station to mobilize the police force and wait for the results of the forensic examination to come out."

After saying that, he didn’t even wait for my reply. He walked out the door directly. Looking at his back, it looked like he had fled...

I shook my head helplessly. It seemed that it would be a bit troublesome to intervene in this matter, but if I didn't intervene, I was afraid that the people staying in the B\u0026B would suffer!

Although there is no direct evidence to prove that the Yin Spirit is coming for us, no one can say for sure. As for the tragic scene of Tang Ping's death, I would not be able to bear it whether it happened to Xinyue or Li Mazi.

Forget it, let’s think of a solution.

Not long after Captain Chen left, Xiao Ge came in and asked me to come out. He looked at me strangely, as if I was some kind of monster. He must have seen Captain Chen fleeing just now.

I didn't care what he looked at me, and I went back to the room with Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi who were already waiting anxiously.

After such a thing happened, Li Mazi didn't dare to stay alone. Yin Xinyue and I didn't trust him, so we simply took him back to our own room.

Everyone else also went back to their rooms. After Tang Ping died, no one had the intention to go out to play again. Besides, the key was on Tang Ping and had to be taken away as evidence, so it was not particularly convenient to go out.

After the police inspection, they took Tang Ping's body away at night, leaving Xiao Ge and another boy with a crew cut who looked like he had just become a policeman watching the scene.

In the evening, Xiao Ge bought some lunch boxes and everyone gathered in the hall to eat. After eating, they all agreed that they didn't want to go back.

Manager Wang said quickly: "Who knows who the murderer is? It's better for everyone to gather together. Even if we can't find the bad guy, at least we can save our lives."

Several other people agreed. Even if I didn't want to stay in the hall, it was not easy to go against everyone at this time. Besides, I also want to see if the Yin Spirit will attack again tonight, so that if it does, I can still be prepared.

Xiaoge is very happy to see everyone gather together, which means it will be more convenient for them, otherwise they will have a headache if something happens at night.

Although eight or nine people gathered together, there were still blood stains on the ground and the shape of a corpse drawn with chalk. No one had any intention of chatting. The air was as dull as an evening when a storm was about to come.

I sat next to Yin Xinyue and let her sleep against me for a while, but as soon as she closed her eyes, she was woken up by the ringing of her cell phone. I looked at Manager Wang dissatisfied. Others also complained that it was so late at night in the hall where a murder occurred, and his phone ringing like this would scare people to death.

However, Manager Wang didn't care about everyone's eyes. He glanced at the phone, his expression immediately changed, and he immediately ran to the side to answer the phone.

"Hey, hey, yes, okay, boss, don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you." Manager Wang bent over, as if the person on the other end of the phone was right in front of him.

Not knowing what the other person said, Manager Wang immediately said: "Yes, yes, boss, you have trained me well. Well, I understand. Well, something happened here. I will go back as soon as it's over. Okay, you Stay busy and take care of yourself.”

His behavior made everyone even more disgusted. This was not a big problem, but his flattering tone and the almost ninety-degree bend made people think of the word groveling. I really didn't know whether the person opposite was the boss or the ancestor.

Manager Wang came back after answering the phone, his face was not very good, and he said directly to Xiao Ge: "I said Officer Ge, when will your case be concluded? I tell you, I can't kill anyone. I have an emergency here now." , do you think you can hurry up?"

"This is a murder case. Are you going to hurry up as soon as you say?" Xiao Ge glared at him, and then he didn't know if he was using Manager Wang's matter to beat us or something, he said with a dark face: "You are all committing crimes now. Suspect, you'd better cooperate with the investigation obediently, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

I don't care about these words, it's really best to stay now. It's just that Manager Wang's face is not so good. After all, Xiaoge is attacking him, but the other person is a policeman and is acting in accordance with the law. Even if he is dissatisfied, he can't say anything more and can only sit aside in silence.

For a while, the atmosphere reached a deadlock again.

"Officer Xiao Ge, I, I want to go to the bathroom." At this time, Qin Ruo had a white face and raised her right hand like a good student.

Xiao Ge nodded. Qin Ruo pulled Zhang Feng to stand up, but was stopped by Xiao Ge. He meant that two or more people are not allowed to leave at the same time.

Qin Ruo's expression changed, and she yelled that she was not a murderer, and besides, she couldn't kill her boyfriend.

But Xiao Ge looked like he was indifferent and just said that he was doing things according to the rules.

"B-but I don't dare to go alone." Qin Ruo said aggrievedly, tugging on Zhang Feng's sleeve.

Xiao Ge raised his chin to Xiao Ping on the side: "You go with her!"

Qin Ruo was obviously reluctant, but Xiao Ge was not accommodating at all. In the end, she couldn't hold it in any longer, so she could only go to the room upstairs with Xiao Pingtou bitterly.

It's not that there is no bathroom in the hall, it's just that the bathroom is on the other side. If you go there, you have to pass by the corpse. Although the corpse has been moved, no one dares to go there.

"I want to go to the bathroom too." Manager Wang answered the phone again and hung up after only a few words. It seemed like there was something he couldn't say in front of us.

Xiaoge didn't make things difficult for him, just asked him to wait until Qin Ruo and the others came back. Manager Wang was not in a hurry to go to the toilet, so he didn't make a fuss this time, but just waited aside obediently.

I just didn't expect that Qin Ruo and the others didn't come down for more than half an hour. Xiao Ge shouted something upstairs, but no one answered.

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed. Xiaoge wanted to go up to check, but he was obviously worried that we were still here, so he was in a dilemma for a while.

"I'll go take a look!" In the current situation, I was also afraid that something would happen to them, so I quickly stood up.

Xiaoge shook his head, and I asked him to call Captain Chen immediately to tell him what had happened, and told him that Captain Chen would definitely allow me to go up and take a look.

Although he didn't believe it, due to the current situation, he could only do what I said.

"The boss said that you can move freely, but before the matter is resolved, you try not to be alone with anyone." Xiao Ge said with a strange expression on his face. He didn't understand that Captain Chen was giving me authority, and I doubt what my attitude is.

I didn't have time to explore his thoughts. After hearing the agreement, I ran up the stairs.

As soon as I turned the stairs, I saw the little boy with a crew cut at the end. He was leaning on the wall outside Qin Ruo's room, with his eyes closed. It looked like everything was normal.

I hurriedly stepped forward and patted him: "Little police officer!"

"Who?" He immediately opened his eyes and looked at me warily: "You are also one of the suspects. Why are you here?"

"Officer Ge just called you downstairs. Why didn't you respond? Come and see if anything happened to Qin Ruo. You have been here for more than half an hour." I said quickly.

At first, Xiaopingtou opened his mouth to say something, but when he heard what I said, he quickly turned around and knocked on the door. When he found no response, he kicked the door open.

"Huh." He breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at me: "It's okay, I just fell asleep."

I'm not as optimistic as he is. Little Flathead fell asleep just now. He just didn't notice it. When I called him, I added a little spiritual power, which made him wake up...

I woke up Qin Ruo in the same way, and she asked me what was wrong with her with a confused look on her face. I only said that she might have been too tired so she took a nap, and then I said nothing more and urged them to go down.

Since the Yin spirit can make them sleep, the people downstairs are not safe either.

"Xiao Ruo, are you okay?" Zhang Feng came up to us as soon as we got downstairs, pulling Qin Ruo to look around nervously. Qin Ruo was a little embarrassed. She probably felt that it was not good to worry everyone because she fell asleep, so she just shook her head to express that she was fine and did not explain anything.

I smiled and said that they were probably too tired and squinted, so they didn't hear Xiaoge's shout. It was nothing serious.

Although everyone blamed them, they still breathed a long sigh of relief because nothing happened.

"Everyone, please don't separate, in case..." Zeng Wan said softly: "Just bear with it, it will be fine in the morning."

Because of this incident, the atmosphere that followed became even more depressing, and everyone even stopped drinking water in order not to go to the bathroom.

"Husband, is that right?" Yin Xinyue asked in no uncertain terms. I nodded and asked her to calm down. As long as I'm with other people, Yin spirits can't hurt people without me being aware of it.

Yin Xinyue breathed a sigh of relief, leaned against me and fell asleep deeply.

Manager Wang did not dare to go to the bathroom upstairs. He could only endure the fear and walked through the hall to the bathroom on the first floor. He did not dare to close the door. He only heard him say a few words in a hurry before rushing out. It seemed that There is a ghost chasing behind me.


Just as he stepped out of the bathroom, the lights in the hall suddenly went out. Everyone screamed in panic one after another, but I stood up in an instant, and I didn't even feel the sleeping Yin Xinyue falling from my shoulders.

Because the moment the lights went out, I saw a dark shadow on Manager Wang’s back...

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