Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1804 I saw it!

My heart was lifted, and I quickly told Li Mazi to keep an eye on Yin Xinyue, and then rushed towards Manager Wang.

"Stay where you are and don't move!" It was probably my footsteps that made everyone more panicked and the screams more permeable. Xiao Ge yelled, then took out his cell phone and turned on the light.

At this time, I had already reached Manager Wang's side, and my hand was almost touching him, but it was still a step too late.

Hot blood sprayed all over my face, and by the light of my mobile phone, I saw Manager Wang's figure fall in front of me, and instantly fell into pieces...

At the same time, the lights in the hall came on again. I stood outside the bathroom. Manager Wang's body fell to pieces around me. Half of his legs were still in the bathroom, his arms were scattered on both sides of me, and his torso was right next to me. Less than thirty centimeters in front of me, his head was at my feet, staring straight at me.

There was no fear in his eyes because he didn't even realize what was happening in such a short time.

I no longer care about being covered in blood, I just know that I must catch that ghost! The yin energy of this thing is so powerful that it doesn't even give me a chance to rescue. If it is allowed to develop, I don't know how many people here can survive.

After being in the world of ghosts for so long, it was hard for me to feel fear, but the moment Manager Wang died, fear penetrated my limbs like air, making me unable to move.

This was not only because of the death of Manager Wang, but also because of the powerful evil spirit emitted by the Yin spirit just now, which made me feel for a moment that I could not deal with it no matter what.

"Ah..." Looking back, he saw Qin Ruo and Zeng Wan shivering on the sofa, screaming. Even Yin Xinyue, who had seen many big scenes, turned pale and was trembling all over. A pair of eyes stared at me full of fear, and her body leaned forward slightly as if she wanted to run to me. It made me feel distressed, and I quickly comforted her with a few words.

Li Mazi pulled Yin Xinyue tightly to prevent her from running towards me, but he stared at me with uneasiness in his eyes. I understand what he means. He is asking me why Manager Wang will still die after I have taken action?

But I couldn't give him an answer. The moment I saw the black shadow, I thought I could save Manager Wang. After all, we were so close.

What surprised me was Zhang Feng. He was very calm when he saw Tang Ping's body this morning. Now he is watching Manager Wang's corpse being cut into pieces in front of his eyes. He is still very calm, hugging Qin Ruo to comfort him.

The two policemen didn't speak for a long time. Xiao Ge was okay. Although his hands were shaking, he was still able to control the situation. But Xiao Ge had collapsed on the ground, with a white face and he didn't know what he was saying in a low voice.


"Don't move!"

I just opened my mouth to ask Xiaoge to call Captain Chen over, but I only shouted one word, and Xiaoge yelled out.

"Now you are the biggest suspect. Just stand there and don't destroy the scene." He stared at me, obviously lacking confidence. Anyone who is not a fool would probably not think that I killed someone in this situation. Because it only lasted five seconds from the time I approached Manager Wang to the time he died. No one could kill someone and dismember him in such a short period of time, not to mention that I hadn’t even met Manager Wang yet.

I didn't argue, I just asked him to call Captain Chen over quickly.

I have to intervene in this case. With the permission of the police, I can do more things. Otherwise, if I do things on the one hand and they cause trouble on the other, it will only make things worse!

Needless to say, Xiao Ge also knew that he could no longer control the situation. He immediately called Captain Chen and asked him to bring a few more people.

I shook my head and wanted to stop it. I still don’t know where Yin Ling comes from. Is it just targeting the travel group, or is it targeting everyone who comes into this villa? The more people who come, the more dangerous it is!

But Xiao Ge ignored me at all, quickly finished the phone call, and then comforted Xiao Pingtou and Zeng Wan on the side.

Yin Xinyue looked at me worriedly. I shook my head at her to indicate that I was fine. She breathed a sigh of relief. Li Mazi beside her also comforted her softly, which made me feel relieved.

No matter how many things Yin Xinyue has gone through with me, seeing the scene of five horses dismembering the body with her own eyes is still too shocking. In addition, the cases I handle now are not as difficult as before. I'm afraid she won't be able to bear it for a while. .

Captain Chen arrived very quickly, followed by several police officers whom he had met in the morning, and some new arrivals. When they saw the scene in the hall, they were all stunned and stood there without daring to move.

"What's going on?" Captain Chen took a deep breath and motioned for the others to wait outside. Only he walked in.

Seeing him giving this order made me feel relieved, which meant that he also knew that the police probably couldn't solve this problem and wanted to seek my help. Otherwise, if it had been that time in the morning, I guess he would have just sent someone to catch me.

Xiaoge had just said on the phone that another person had died. When Captain Chen arrived, he hurriedly explained the matter in detail. After hearing this, Captain Chen gave me a strange look, and then asked me to pack up and follow him out.

"Boss, he is the biggest suspect. How can you give him the opportunity to destroy evidence?" Xiao Ge became anxious.

Captain Chen glanced at him without explaining anything, and just told him to pay attention to everyone in the hall.

But I was worried about going out with Captain Chen. I shook my head and said, "Let's go to the kitchen. If something happens again if we go out now..."

"Sure." Captain Chen took the lead and entered the kitchen with a wave of his hand.

I just tidied up briefly in the bathroom and then followed him into the kitchen. He frowned and looked at the blood on my clothes. I smiled bitterly and said it was not the time to care about this now, and asked him if he had made a decision?

He nodded and said that based on the process of Manager Wang's death, the possibility of human intervention was almost zero, and even the best professional killers in all aspects of physical fitness couldn't do it.

"I saw it." I knocked on the glass platform.

"Who?" Captain Chen suddenly raised his head. I didn't say anything directly, I just stared at him. His face gradually turned pale, and then he smiled bitterly and said: "I didn't expect that thing really existed..."

"You believe me now?" I joked.

He nodded helplessly, and then said that he couldn't help but not believe it. He had been a criminal police officer for so many years, and it was not that he had never encountered strange cases, but most of them were deliberately disguised by the murderer in order to escape responsibility. Others could also be explained by science. Passed. But he also knew that as long as it was disguised, there would be flaws. Even if he wanted to say it was a flaw this time, it couldn't be justified.

"Besides, I checked you, Master Zhang Jiulin, Wuhan's No. 1 femininity dealer? Your reputation is not small among the police. I thought your name was familiar when I heard it before, but I didn't even think of it. Haha, I don’t know whether it’s a blessing or a misfortune to meet you here.” He took out a cigarette and handed it to me, lit one for himself and slowly smoked it, then blew out the cigarette ring fiercely, as if to clear away the worries in his heart. Spit it out.

I looked at him and didn't know what to say for a while. Although it was said many times that Yin spirits did not appear because of me, it is undeniable that the places where I appeared often happened to have Yin spirits. I used to find them myself. Now it seems that the probability of encountering these is relatively high, and some people even think that there are ghosts wherever I go.

This is why Captain Chen said they don’t know whether it’s a blessing or a misfortune, because in their opinion, I caused the Yin Spirit, but I can deal with the Yin Spirit, so I don’t know what to say.

After taking a few puffs of cigarette, Captain Chen's condition improved a lot. He said in a low voice: "I will cooperate with you next. Those police brought them for the public to see. Otherwise, if the news here spreads, it will cause an uproar! They will Xiaoge and Xiaopingtou can’t hide it from staying in the courtyard of the villa. If you need anything, just come to the three of us."

I nodded, very satisfied with his arrangement: "Okay, let's go out now. Officer Ge has seen through everything."

Captain Chen smiled but looked a little reluctant. I walked out first and asked Captain Chen to gather Xiaoge and Xiaopingtou together and talk about what we decided first.

Xiaoge stared at me in shock and stuttered: "But, but he is a suspect..."


Captain Chen slapped Xiao Ge on the back of the head: "Do you have a brain? Do you really think someone can kill someone and dismember them in such a short period of time?"

Xiaoge stopped talking, but Xiaopingtou on the side accepted it very quickly. He took my arm and told me to save him. Looking at him like this, I knew that he had just become a policeman and his ideological consciousness was not high yet, so he accepted the theory of ghosts and gods.

Captain Chen directly made a conclusion and asked me to take the lead in the next actions. After saying that, he looked at Xiao Ge. Although Xiao Ge was not convinced, he still nodded in agreement!

In fact, it would be easier to get their consent to reveal my identity, but Xiao Ge and Xiao Pingtou are not stable enough. It would make me uncomfortable whether they would doubt me or treat me as a fairy after knowing it, so I simply did not let Chen said the captain.

After we reached an agreement, we returned to the hall. Except for Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue, who were relatively calm, the others looked at us in fear. After all, they can still have comfort with the police around. They were just left alone with the corpse. They must have almost collapsed mentally!

"Mr. Zhang will be responsible for all subsequent actions." Captain Chen said straightforwardly while sitting on the sofa.

When he said this, everyone's eyes were focused on me. I explained with a smile that I had helped the police solve similar difficult cases before, so this time it was still considered a help. No matter what I do next, everyone must cooperate. If something bad happens because of everyone's lack of cooperation, then you can't blame me for being rude.

Everyone was frightened, and naturally they did whatever the police said, so nothing happened.

I looked at them and said with a smile: "In this case, please take down all the luggage you have brought with you accompanied by the police. I need to do an inspection!"

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