Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1805 Horseshoe

"Why do you need to check your luggage?" Qin Ruo looked up from Zhang Feng's arms and asked dissatisfiedly.

Zeng Wan on the side was obviously reluctant. After all, she is a girl. There must be some things she doesn't want others to see. I can understand that.

But there is no way. It is necessary to check the luggage, because I have learned that this B\u0026B has no rumors of being haunted before. Captain Chen also asked the host, and they didn’t add anything new to the B\u0026B recently, so I suspected that the Yin spirits were brought by these people, so I wanted to see if there was anything weird in the luggage.

But I couldn't express this reason, so I had to look at Captain Chen.

He nodded understandingly and said to everyone, "This is to clear your suspicions. Why, you don't want to clear your suspicions?"

When he said this with a straight face, no one immediately had any objections. I winked at Xiaoge, and he immediately called four policemen to come over and accompany them to get their luggage.

At this time, the forensic doctor was also let in. After examining Manager Wang's body, he went back.

"Mr. Zhang, won't they... let them take this body away?" Captain Chen hesitated because I didn't let the forensic doctor touch the body. Apart from asking them to take samples, Manager Wang's body was left there as it was.

Taking samples is just for the police outside to take a look. After all, it is a murder scene. If they are not allowed to follow the formal procedures, there is no telling what will happen after the case is over.

I hummed and told him that I still needed to study the corpse. After all, it was the hands of the Yin spirit. I might not be able to find anything else on the corpse. At least I would have to wait until tomorrow before transporting it away.

Although it was very disturbing to have the corpse there, there was nothing that could be done about it. Captain Chen nodded and said nothing more. At this time, everyone who was carrying their luggage also followed.

In order to be fair, I first spread out the luggage of myself, Yin Xinyue, and Li Mazi for inspection. For the convenience of traveling, we didn't bring much with us, except for a camera and a change of clothes. Because I didn’t expect to encounter something like this when I went out to play, I didn’t even bring anything with me. Fortunately, I brought the invisible needle and ebony core with me, otherwise it would be unimaginable!

There will naturally be no problem with the luggage of the three of us. If there were any vaginal objects mixed in our luggage, something would have happened a long time ago. After all, we have been in Xi'an for several days, so I was just showing off to others.

After the inspection, I started to check the luggage of the remaining two girls. In order to avoid Qin Ruo and Zeng Wan being too embarrassed, I checked their luggage together so that no one who knew about it would know who belonged to whom.

Seeing me doing this, they all looked at me gratefully.

I didn't care about their gratitude, I just checked it very carefully. The girls' things were all the same. Qin Ruo had more jewelry, skin care products, and clothes. These things looked very expensive, but I thought about what she had bought last night. I was relieved that the necklace came out as a bet...

Zeng Wan's luggage contained a laptop, a simple shirt, and a set of travel-sized skin care products. One look at this luggage showed that she was a capable professional. She didn't bring many things, but everything was necessary. Only when I turned it down did I find that there was a pack of sanitary napkins inside. This made me feel a little embarrassed. I couldn't help but glance at Zeng Wan. She also blushed and shrank away, as if she didn't know what to do.

After checking their belongings, only Zhang Feng's luggage was left. His luggage was stuffed into a large black travel bag. I reached out and dragged the bag over.

"Wait!" Unexpectedly, as soon as I put my hand on the zipper, Zhang Feng rushed over and stopped me, looking very anxious: "Can my luggage be checked alone?"

Of course I don't agree. Girls don't care about privacy. What's so pretentious about a boy? Besides, wasn't there no problem just now?

Zhang Feng became anxious and whispered in my ear: "I have some strange hobbies that Xiaoruo doesn't know about."

My eyes suddenly became weird, and he quickly explained that it was not what I thought. I innocently said that I didn't think anything of it, and he didn't engage in a verbal spat with me. He kept begging me to check his luggage alone.

I coughed twice and carried my luggage to the side hall. Zhang Feng followed me hurriedly.

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean?" Zeng Wan's face turned red angrily, and he blocked my way: "All our luggage has been checked here, why can his be checked aside? Could it be that he Is there any ulterior secret inside, and Mr. Zhang, do you want to cover him up?"

I was speechless for a moment. After all, it was really embarrassing to do this. But looking at Zhang Feng’s appearance, I didn’t want to let him down. He was not wrong in maintaining a good impression in front of the girl he liked.

Zhang Feng immediately stood up to defend me and whispered to Zeng Wan: "Miss Zeng, you misunderstood. There is something in me that I don't want Xiao Ruo to see."

I pinched my eyebrows with a headache: "Let's let Officer Chen and Zeng Wan come in. Is that okay?"

Seeing that I had given in, Zeng Wan snorted and lowered his arm. Although Qin Ruo was worried, he didn't think much about it. I continued to walk to the side hall, and Captain Chen and the others hurriedly followed.

The zipper of the travel bag was opened, and the top layer was normal men's clothes, as well as some skin care products. It was obvious that Zhang Feng lived a very delicate life.

There was just a wooden box that was 20 centimeters long and 10 centimeters high at the bottom of the travel bag. I put my hand on the box and looked up at Zhang Feng. His eyes seemed to be glued to the wooden box, and he looked a little embarrassed, but There is also some fanaticism.

I can't help but wonder what is in this?

At first I thought it was a sex product. It is normal for boys to have special hobbies in this area, but now it seems that it is not the case. Putting aside Zhang Feng’s weird look, no one would put sex toys in such an old wooden box, right?

I no longer paid attention to his expression, but took out the wooden box and placed it on the table in the side hall. After asking for his permission, I opened it carefully. Unexpectedly, I was almost dumbfounded when I opened it.

"Is this a special... hobby that you don't want your girlfriend to know?" You can't blame me for almost not being able to speak. The things in this are weird or weird, ordinary or ordinary, but most people really don't know how to speak. Collect things like this.

Zhang Feng scratched his head, and rarely showed the youthful expression he should have at this age: "I don't know why, but I like to collect these weird gadgets. The buddies who lived together in the past couldn't stand it, and they even broke up later. , so I was afraid that Xiao Ruo wouldn’t like it either, so I collected it secretly. That, please don’t tell Xiao Ruo.”

I nodded speechlessly. To be honest, all the items in this wooden box may not be as expensive as this wooden box.

Inside there are some glass balls, stones, shiny iron pieces, and even a rusty horseshoe. I really can’t figure out what the point of his collection is. These things have nothing in common, right?

After hearing my question, Zhang Feng said embarrassedly that the biggest thing these things have in common is that they are all old things, and the older the better. For example, this glass ball was left by the previous generation when he was still young, and the stone , iron pieces are all found in old buildings.

Then he held up the horseshoe to me with bright eyes and said, "Look, this horseshoe is said to have been cut from the shoe of a horse hundreds of years ago. It can be said to be an antique!"

I looked at the half-rusted horseshoe speechlessly, and I really didn't want to say anything too exciting.

Even if this horseshoe point is cut from the first horse shoe in the world, it is still a piece of iron. At most, it can be placed in a museum to show the world the history of the development of iron tools...

But judging from his appearance, he probably doesn't care about the value of the horse's hoof. He really likes this aged gadget.

After checking everyone's luggage, I asked everyone not to take their luggage back yet. I don't see anything weird at the moment, but I don't guarantee that the evil spirits are hiding too deeply!

Captain Chen pulled me aside and asked me how I was doing. I shook my head and said everything looked normal, and I wasn’t sure where the ghost came from.

"Mr. Zhang, you have forgotten two people's luggage." Captain Chen pointed upstairs.

I suddenly realized and patted my head. Indeed, both Tang Ping and Manager Wang were dead, but their luggage was still there, and the Yin Spirit attacked them first, so there was a greater possibility that there was something wrong with their luggage!

I immediately asked Xiao Ge to take down their luggage with Xiao Ge, and huddled in the side hall to check slowly.

After checking, I was a little disappointed, because the luggage of these two people was so bland that there could be nothing weird about it. Let’s talk about Tang Ping’s luggage first. It only had a few clothes and some high-end items such as the previous watches and figurines, while Manager Wang’s luggage It was even simpler, he brought nothing but clothes.

"Still not?" Captain Chen came over at some point.

I sighed in disappointment, then stood up and patted his shoulder: "No matter what, the Yin spirit exists. Let me make some preparations first. I won't say whether I can catch it or not. At least nothing will happen again. "

Captain Chen also nodded in agreement.

After leaving the side hall, I wandered around the corners of the hall, posting a talisman from time to time. Since I didn't bring anything with me, this was all I could do at the moment. I have to go out and buy some props tomorrow. The things I have on me are probably not enough for Yinling to play with.

"What are you doing?" Sharp questioning sounded in the hall. I thought it was Qin Ruo who saw me pasting the talisman and asked me.

But unexpectedly, when she turned around, she saw Qin Ruo holding the hem of her skirt and attacking Zeng Wan, as if Zeng Wan owed her millions...

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