Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1806 The Master and the Cripple Xu

Zhang Feng was pulling her and saying something with a embarrassed look on his face. Zeng Wan's face was not very good, it was red. It was not clear whether he was angry or embarrassed.

I frowned and thought to myself that Qin Ruo was really ignorant. Why did he make such a fuss at this time?

I walked towards them, but before I got there, I saw Qin Ruo pulling the hem of her skirt and shouting at Zeng Wan: "This is a skirt made by a foreign designer. Do you know how expensive this one is? Just You can’t afford to buy me one piece of clothing like the one you’re wearing for a lifetime, so why don’t you tell me how I can wear it now that your nails have been scratched by me?”

Zeng Wan stood there silently. Although her face was red with anger, she still couldn't say anything. Qin Ruo still yelled at her relentlessly, asking her if she knew how expensive her clothes were.

"What's going on?" I walked to Yin Xinyue and pouted at Qin Ruo and the others.

Yin Xinyue sighed, and then simply said that Qin Ruo couldn't bear to stay in the hall and wanted to get up and go to the bed for some fresh air. At this time, Zeng Wan also got up and didn't know what to do. The two people accidentally bumped into each other while getting up, and the result was like this.

Yin Xinyue curled her lips and said that Zeng Wan's hand actually touched Qin Ruo's skirt, and it didn't have any impact at all. It must still be wearable. If you really want compensation, just say it properly. I don't know why you are shouting so loudly.

"Is it possible that you are mute when I talk to you?" Seeing that Zeng Wan didn't speak, Qin Ruo became even more arrogant and directly grabbed Zeng Wan's arm.

Zeng Wan knocked off Qin Ruo's arm with a wave of her hand and asked Qin Ruo coldly how to solve it.

"Solve it, how can you solve it with your poor appearance? Can you afford to pay?" Qin Ruo looked at Zeng Wan with disdain, and the whites of her eyes almost rolled up to the sky in disgust.

I felt weird in my heart, how could Qin Ruo still make a fuss over such a thing when his life was at stake? Maybe she really isn't worried.

Zeng Wan also sneered: "You made me look like you wanted to compensate me, but you were sure that I couldn't afford it, so what exactly do you want to do? Could it be that you just wanted to yell these two words to let others know that your skirt is dirty?" How expensive is it? Then your goal has been achieved. Now I know how expensive your skirt is. Why, are you satisfied?"

"Pfft..." Yin Xinyue couldn't help laughing.

Qin Ruo turned around and glared at her fiercely, but Yin Xinyue was not afraid of her and said with a smile: "You should tell me what you want. If you take it out of your mouth, that's fine. If you want compensation, you should also say something." Numbers, so Miss Zeng also knows whether she can afford the compensation, right?"

Seeing Yin Xinyue helping Zeng Wan speak, Qin Ruo's face turned darker. Just when she was about to say something, Zhang Feng grabbed her and said sheepishly: "Xiao Ruo, she will be like this if she is very nervous. It's really... Sorry, don’t argue with her.”

"Zhang Feng, what are you talking about?" Qin Ruo shook Zhang Feng's hand away and stared at him as if she wanted to eat him.

I waved my hand and told them not to make trouble. No matter what it was, we had to wait until the matter here was resolved. Otherwise, it was doubtful whether we could survive.

Qin Ruo opened her mouth, but in the end she said nothing and sat down angrily to vent her anger on Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng has a good temper and keeps coaxing Qin Ruo. Even if Qin Ruo touches him, he is not impatient at all.

I lost my mind when they made such a fuss. Anyway, the talisman paper has been pasted, so I can only do this tonight.

I asked Li Mazi to take care of Yin Xinyue, and asked Captain Chen to watch a few people and not let them cause trouble, and squatted next to Manager Wang's body.

The Yin Qi on Manager Wang's corpse is heavier than that on Tang Ping's corpse. Could it be that the Yin spirit's resentment has worsened?

"Huh?" I turned over Manager Wang's body, and the wound on his neck caught my attention.

This wound was obviously caused by force, similar to Tang Ping's, but there was a faint black patch around the wound.

I quickly reached out and pinched this small piece of stuff in my hand, put it under my nose and smelled it. Unfortunately, after it was stained with blood, there was only a bloody smell.

Although I didn't find anything on this thing, I carefully kept it in a plastic bag.

I'm pretty sure this thing was left on Manager Wang's body by a ghost, because although Manager Wang had a bad personality, he was very well-dressed and looked like a shopping mall elite. No, it should be said that he is a person who is always ready to meet the leader in the best condition.

So there shouldn't be such a black thing on his body, otherwise he would have discovered it long ago.

"Did you find anything?" Captain Chen came over at some point and asked, staring at the plastic bag.

I hummed, and then told him that it wasn't a big discovery, I could only say that it might be used in the future.

Captain Chen was a little embarrassed and said that he couldn't help with this kind of thing, so I had to mention it if I needed it, otherwise he would feel bad about it.

I said with a smile: "That's right, I have to go out to get something tomorrow, you have to follow me!"

I haven’t been to Xianyang City very often, and without any local acquaintances following me, I’m really confused. Captain Chen is a policeman. Apart from other things, he must be familiar with various places in Xianyang. It will be much easier for him to lead me wherever I want to go.

Unexpectedly, Captain Chen did not agree immediately, but asked me if I wanted to do something in that area.

I was a little amused when he mentioned the word 'that aspect' in such a cryptic manner, but I still told him that I really needed to prepare a little bit.

Captain Chen chuckled: "It's not appropriate for you to ask me to follow you. Although I am very familiar with Xianyang, those people will not bring anything out when they see me. They are afraid that we are deliberately trying to bait them."

I patted my head. I was just thinking that he was familiar with the place but forgot the most important point. The seller I was looking for had some shady stuff on his hands. When the captain of the criminal investigation team arrived, they probably ran faster than rabbits. Faster, I'm afraid it will be all in vain.

"What should I do? I can't touch a good place alone." I spread my hands helplessly.

But Captain Chen smiled: "This is easy to handle. I'll introduce you to someone and I'll guarantee that he can get you whatever you want, as long as you can afford the price."

"Hey, you still deal with this kind of people?" Looking at his appearance, I couldn't help but joke.

He waved his hand: "Those who work in our industry will have some relationship with all kinds of people from all walks of life. I also met this person when I was working on a case. Don't tell me that he gave me a headache at the time. Very good, if it is him, he will definitely be able to help you."

"You say that, and I'm becoming more and more curious about who this person is. Tell me, he's all in this business. Maybe I can recognize him." I stood up and wiped the blood stains from the body I just turned over. Washing it off, he asked waving his hands.

"Cripple Xu." Captain Chen spit out his name.

I stopped shaking my hand and stared at Captain Chen in disbelief. It wasn't until he repeated it again that I realized that I heard correctly. He was really talking about the lame Xu.

It's not that I'm making a fuss, but this man's reputation is so great that he can probably compete with the T-shirt man! He is simply a living fossil in our industry.

Not many people know the real name of Cripple Xu. When he first entered the industry, he robbed ancient tombs and made rice dumplings that were thousands of years old. After his left leg became lame, everyone gave him the nickname "Cripple Xu".

It’s not that the Millennium Zongzi was so difficult to deal with, but the lame Xu Ke had just entered the industry at that time. The young boy who was less than twenty years old could actually subdue the Millennium Zongzi and was only lame in one leg. This made everyone have to let him down. Admire it!

After that, he did many things that shocked people in the industry, and his reputation was accumulated bit by bit. But the cripple Xu is very strange. Although he also belongs to our industry, he mostly just resells some weird things. The price for asking him to subdue the Yin spirits is very high. After a long time, he has no reputation.

Of course, the items he resells are still very popular. No matter what kind of thing they are, the items coming from him are definitely more high-end than those coming from other people, and they are easy to use.

The price is also very high. No wonder Captain Chen just said that as long as I can afford it, it will be fine!

"Why is he in Xianyang?" I waited for a long time before asking this question. You must know that the sudden disappearance of the cripple Xu attracted the attention of many big figures in the circle, but no one knew where he was. Anyway, he He didn't make any trouble, so everyone just pretended that he didn't exist. Unexpectedly, he was actually in Xianyang!

Captain Chen smiled bitterly and said that he didn't know why the cripple Xu was in Xianyang. At that time, it was because the other party was involved in a large-scale antique selling case that the two came into contact. Only after this contact did he realize that Cripple Xu was an extraordinary person. Later, the two of them got along for some unknown reason, and he became Cripple Xu's rare friend.

However, due to the career gap between the two of them, they rarely talked about work matters. Therefore, Captain Chen only roughly knew that Cripple Xu had a high reputation in our industry, but he did not know the details. It was only when I said I wanted to buy something that he remembered Cripple Xu, otherwise Captain Chen would have gone directly to Cripple Xu to handle the matter here.

But now that I have intervened in this matter, I probably won't take action based on Cripple Xu's character. I can only hope to get something useful from him.

"Tsk, tsk, it's not easy. You are actually friends with him..." I looked at Captain Chen with admiration.

Chen Ying scratched her head in embarrassment, and then asked me when I would go find the cripple Xu tomorrow.

"You can ask him later in the morning. If it's not convenient, you can do it in the afternoon, but you must find a time to see me tomorrow." I thought about it and thought it would be safer this way, otherwise I wouldn't disturb the lame Xu. alright.

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