Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1808: Seam Yin Spirit

"How's it going? Did you get what you wanted?" Captain Chen came out of nowhere, pulled me and asked excitedly.

I glanced at him strangely. Why did I feel that he was inexplicably excited?

Captain Chen chuckled and said that he had just seen the movement in the house. It must be what I wanted, but I didn't know if I got it. After all, the cripple Xu was a famous vampire.

"That's right, that old guy is a vampire!" I feel sick when I think about the five million I paid, but considering the function of the black ball, I think it's worth the price.

Captain Chen's face turned dark. He rolled up his sleeves and was about to go in and argue with him: "Isn't he trying to embarrass you and not selling you anything? No, I have to go in and ask him. This is my case. He can't give it to me." I make trouble."

"Haha, don't worry, it's a bit expensive, but I still bought it." I nodded to Captain Chen: "Go back, I need to decorate it during the day."

Captain Chen looked at me in surprise, as if he couldn't believe I could afford the price. I didn't say anything more, just took the lead and walked back, and he quickly followed me without asking any more questions.

We returned the same way we came and bought some food on the way. In this situation, it is impossible for anyone to think about cooking. As for the box lunch, I got tired of it after just a few meals. It would be better to have some snacks, and snacks are easier for them to bring to the room.

When I returned to the villa, I felt that the hall was very quiet. When I looked at it, I found that everyone except Xiao Ge was sleeping. It seemed that no one dared to sleep last night!

Captain Chen glanced at Xiaoge and asked him to rest too. Xiaoge didn't refuse, because we were back and at least there was someone to take over as guard.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Captain Chen asked in a low voice, for fear of disturbing the sleeping people.

I patted his shoulder and asked him to rest too. His eyes widened and he said he was fine. I pointed at his red eyeballs. He was probably the only one who didn't close his eyes all night last night.

He laughed and said that it was normal for a people's policeman to stay up for days and nights, so he told me not to worry about him.

I shook my head: "What Yin Ling is best at is to attack people's weak points. You have dealt with human criminals before, so you just need to cheer up. But Yin Ling can attack you at your weakest point. When the time comes, I have to take care of you! Okay, nothing will happen in the broad daylight, so you can go and rest quickly."

When Captain Chen saw what I said, he stopped insisting and fell asleep next to Xiao Ge. It was funny to see him fall asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. This man was really brave, he was obviously so exhausted.

After they all fell asleep, I sat on the side without moving for a long time, and the last words of the cripple Xu kept echoing in my mind: Don't forget where you are...

What does he mean?

I pinched my eyebrows and thought about it for a long time without understanding. Finally I had to give up. There was still a tough battle to be fought tonight, and I couldn't be distracted by other things.

Thinking of this, I got up and started walking back and forth in the hall, occasionally wandering in a corner for a while. After about an hour, I clapped my hands, looked at the hall and nodded with satisfaction.

Then I closed my eyes and rested for a while, and everyone woke up around noon.

"Now that everyone is awake, let me tell you about the arrangements for the evening." I cleared my throat.

Everyone stared at me nervously, but I didn’t fight with them. I took out the super clear evil-exorcism charm I got from the cripple Xu from my arms: “Everyone has a room at night, and I will stick this charm on the door. , no matter what happens outside, you are not allowed to open the door, let alone take down the charm, do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand, Mr. Zhang, are you trying to catch a murderer or a ghost?" Qin Ruo looked at the talisman in my hand, her eyes full of doubts.

I glanced at her and didn't bother to explain. Once this kind of thing started, it would be ruined. I didn't want to discuss supernatural events with them here.

So I just coldly told them to do it if they didn't want to die.

Qin Ruo wanted to say something else but was stopped by Zhang Feng. I signaled Captain Chen to take out the food he bought and distribute it to everyone, and then told them that this was today's lunch and dinner. Everyone must stay in the room after five o'clock in the afternoon. No matter what happens, they are not allowed to come out, otherwise they will bear the consequences.

Qin Ruo still couldn't help but asked me if she could share a room with Zhang Feng. I refused. Yin Ling is now obviously looking for one target a day. I kept them separated just in case anyone becomes the target of Yin Ling. I It can also provide timely rescue, and you can also see from this person what the problem is afterwards, which is not possible if there are two people in the same room.

She curled her lips and was obviously unhappy, but seeing that no one else objected, she couldn't say anything.

There was nothing to do in the afternoon, so I stayed outside for a while with everyone. The three of us at least went out to play on the first day we moved in. The others have never gone out since they entered here, so it is necessary to let them come out for some air!

But I didn't let them go far. I just walked around the villa. Even so, the three people were still very excited. Even Zeng Wan, who had always had a cold face, looked like he was enjoying it.

Yes, after all, they had been holding it in for two days and they had held it in for two days in the house where the incident had just occurred. It is not surprising that they behaved like this.

After two or three hours of shopping, I took them back to the villa and arranged for them to enter the room. Li Mazi wanted to stay and help me, but I refused. Judging from the Yin spirit's methods, I am not necessarily an opponent. It makes no difference whether Li Mazi is present or not. He can still stay in the room with peace of mind, which makes me feel more at ease and saves me trouble.

"Mr. Zhang, can you return my wooden box to me first?" Zhang Feng asked me nervously.

I shook my head and told him that all the luggage must be kept with me until the matter was resolved. He glanced at the wooden box with disappointment and pulled Qin Ruo upstairs.

Yin Xinyue, Li Mazi, and Qin Ruo's rooms were not moved. Originally, I wanted Zeng Wan to move to Li Mazi, but that room used to belong to Tang Ping. Zeng Wan didn't say it, but I also knew that she didn't dare to live there, so I let her live next to Yin Xinyue, and let Zhang Feng live in Tang Ping's room.

One is because Zhang Feng is a boy, and the other is because he doesn’t seem too scared. His focus is more on whether I can return the wooden box to him? When he entered the room, he asked me again if he could return the wooden box to him. If I didn't know what was in the wooden box, I would have thought how much the wooden box would be worth.

"Mr. Zhang, even if you don't return the entire wooden box to me, just give me the horseshoe inside." Zhang Feng finally requested.

I asked him why he wanted this, and he was embarrassed and said that he had just picked up the horseshoe on the way here. This happened before it was warmed up, and he couldn't help it.

Seeing his enthusiastic look, I was a little surprised. It was just a rusty horseshoe. As for it being like a treasure, no wonder he didn't want Qin Ruo to know. If Qin Ruo saw him like this, he would wonder whether he was Zhang Feng's girlfriend or the horseshoe.

I still shook my head: "No, wouldn't it be the same for you to study it after the matter here is resolved? Are you still in the mood to study it now?"

Zhang Feng sighed in disappointment, retreated into the room and stopped talking.

Seeing that everyone had entered the room, I put the Shangqing exorcism charms on the door one by one. Each charm was filled with a trace of my spiritual power, so I would be able to detect it immediately if any evil spirit approached.

I have also learned about the power of the Shangqing Exorcist Talisman. It is a famous talisman of the Maoshan Sect of Taoism. There is absolutely no problem in persisting until I go upstairs, so the safety of everyone present is guaranteed!

After settling them, I breathed a sigh of relief and gave three of the remaining five spells in my arms to Captain Chen, Xiaoge and Xiaopingtou, and then asked them to stay outside the villa. As for the other police officers, I let them go first. go back.

I'm mainly afraid that there will be a lot of movement tonight, and these policemen won't be able to do much good. If the evil spirit wants to deal with them, I won't be able to take care of them if there are too many people.

After finishing all this work, it got dark. I sat alone in the hall, and the surroundings were so quiet that I could only hear my own breathing!

Everyone's luggage is piled around me. No matter what method this ghost uses to avoid my detection, it is impossible for these things to have no reaction at the moment it moves out, so I am just waiting for it...

I still have two talismans on my body, which is enough to buy me some time. As long as I sacrifice the black ball when the Yin spirit takes action, the matter will be solved.

But I don’t know why I always felt uneasy in my heart. I thought about the arrangements I wanted to make and felt that they were foolproof, but this uneasiness made my nervous palms sweat.

I exhaled to relax and told myself that it was just because the Yin spirit's methods were so cruel that I thought it was powerful. Maybe it wasn't as powerful as I thought.


Time passed slowly, and there was no response at all in the hall. I was a little anxious, so I threw the invisible needle out to check the situation on the second floor, but there was no movement.

Originally this should have reassured me, maybe the Yin spirits have given up doing evil here, but the uneasiness in my heart became more and more obvious!


Just when I was about to withdraw the invisible needle from the second floor, I saw Qin Ruo quietly opening the room. For a moment, something in the luggage pile lit up, and then fell silent again in less than a second.

And just when it lit up, Qin Ruo screamed and fell apart instantly! Behind her is a black shadow. The clothes on this black shadow are very similar to those in the TV series "The Qin Empire". The face cannot be seen clearly, but there is a circle of wounds on his neck, which is densely sewn with stitches.

The shadow did not leave after Qin Ruo's death, but stood there fixedly, seeming to glance downstairs, as if to provoke...

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