Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1809 The Secret of the Qin Dynasty

I was cold all over and surprisingly angry!

Qin Ruo is a fool. Didn't I tell them not to come out tonight no matter what?

Oh shit!

I immediately rushed upstairs. By this time, the Yin spirit had disappeared. Only Qin Ruo's torn body in the corridor told me that everything I just saw was real.

"Xiao Ruo!"

Before I could do anything, a figure rushed out of the room and knelt down beside Qin Ruo's body. He stretched out his hands as if he wanted to touch Qin Ruo but didn't dare.

People in other rooms didn't know whether they didn't hear the sound or because they didn't come out despite my instructions. This made me feel relieved. Then I glanced at Zhang Feng who was kneeling on the ground, directly picked up his collar and dragged him downstairs.

He didn't know whether he was frightened by Qin Ruo's body or stunned by Qin Ruo's death. He didn't react at all until I dragged him downstairs and threw him in the hall, like a puppet on strings.

"Tell me, why did Qin Ruo come out?" I grabbed his collar and asked fiercely.

Qin Ruo's last scream sounded distorted. If I hadn't used the invisible needle, I wouldn't have known it was Qin Ruo for the first time. However, Zhang Feng rushed out of the room at the risk. This can only mean that he He knew it was Qin Ruo who was outside.

Zhang Feng stared at me dully, as if he didn't understand what I was talking about. I punched him in the face and shouted loudly: "Don't fucking pretend to be dead for me. Do you know that these people are all because of you?" Killed?"

"How, how is it possible?" Zhang Feng finally reacted and looked at me helplessly with red eyes: "How could it be possible that I was the one who killed him? How could I harm Xiaoruo?"

I laughed coldly and dragged him to the wooden box. The wooden box was open and the contents inside were clearly visible.

I took the horseshoe out and threw it hard in front of Zhang Feng: "Tell me honestly where did this thing come from? Ah."

That's right, the moment Yin Ling killed Qin Ruo, this thing lit up. Even though the light was weak, even if it only lit up for a tenth of a second, I still saw it.

I'm not only angry that the horseshoe belongs to Zhang Feng, I've already guessed that the Yin spirit must be hiding in these people's luggage. What I'm angry about is why Qin Ruo ran out. If she didn't come out, even if I couldn't kill the Yin spirit tonight, as long as I knew where the Yin spirit was hiding, there would always be a way to solve it, and no one would die in vain!

Zhang Feng stared at the horseshoe blankly, and after a while he said that he found it in Xi'an. They stayed in Xi'an for a long time, and that's when he saw this thing.

I nodded and held the horseshoe in my hand. The words of the lame Xu suddenly appeared in my mind: Don't forget where you are...

I have always thought of this sentence as complicated. In fact, the old man meant it literally. I am naturally in Xianyang now, and Zhang Feng got this horseshoe from Xi'an, so it means that it is related to these two places. .

Xi'an, Xianyang...

When I patted my head, the first impression I felt from these two places was that of the Qin Dynasty. Yes, this thing must be related to the Qin Dynasty! The clothes that the Yin spirit wore just now indeed looked like the Qin Dynasty standard. I held the horseshoe excitedly. Now that I know the origin, I don't believe that I can't deal with you.

After knowing that the Yin spirit was hiding in the horseshoe, I also knew that there would be no danger for the time being, so I called everyone out. The faces of the few people who came down from upstairs were all pale. It seemed that Qin Ruo's body frightened them. light.

Captain Chen's face didn't look good. He took me to a corner and asked me why I was still dead.

"Damn it!" I got angry when I mentioned this: "That woman ran out the door by herself!"

Speaking of this, I remembered that I hadn't asked Zhang Feng why, so I immediately rushed to the hall: "Zhang Feng, you should know why Qin Ruo left the room just now, right?"

He nodded silently, and I took a deep breath to let him speak out. It would be best for everyone.

"Xiao Ruo...she wants to leave here." Zhang Feng said with red eyes again. It turned out that there was a window outside the room where Qin Ruo originally lived and the corridor. This window faced the outside of the villa. He could escape from here. Captain Chen and the others who were guarding the yard would not notice him if he went out.

Listening to what Zhang Feng said, Qin Ruo was going crazy. She had been stimulated by this in the past, so she couldn't bear to see the corpse. This was also why she had been grumpy these days, so she didn't want to stay here any longer.

Originally, she wanted to leave during the day, but there were too many police at that time, even outside the window. But I had sent all the police away before, and there were only three Captain Chen left, so it was impossible to cover so many places, which is why she decided to escape tonight.

My anger rose instantly: "You knew this a long time ago and you didn't tell me?"

If I had known that Qin Ruo had this idea, I would have at least taken precautions, and maybe she wouldn't have died.

"Just now Xiaoruo sent me a message, saying that she was leaving and asked me if I wanted to come with her. Just when I was about to call her to persuade her, I heard screaming. I didn't expect that she would really dare to go out. I really I didn’t expect that, if I had thought of it, I wouldn’t have let her be in a room alone tonight anyway.” Zhang Feng ignored me and just talked to himself. Halfway through, he suddenly stared at me with red eyes. : "It's all your fault! Yes, it's all your fault. Xiao Ruo obviously wanted to live with me. Why, why did you stop me? If you didn't stop me, nothing would happen to Xiao Ruo. It's all your fault!"

He suddenly stood up from the sofa and bumped into me. I was so stunned by what he said that I didn't react for a while. He actually knocked me straight and sat down on the ground.

Zhang Feng still refused to give up and wanted to pounce on me and beat me. Li Mazi pulled him away, and Yin Xinyue also stepped forward to help me up.

"Damn it, I've never heard of someone blaming someone else for their own death? Didn't I say that no one should come out at night? If you're looking for death, don't blame others." Li Mazi also got angry and grabbed Zhang Feng's hand. Collar cursed.

I raised my hand to stop him, then looked at Zhang Feng, and said calmly: "Yes, if you two were together, maybe Qin Ruo would not die, but it is more likely that both of them would be quartered by five horses. Do you think I can't tell that?" ? Can you convince Qin Ruo instead of going with her? Also, don’t forget that you caused this thing! "

I am also very guilty about Qin Ruo's death, but this is not my problem. I made it very clear that I cannot come out no matter what, but what about her? Just turning a deaf ear to my words, it is pity for her to die now, but this does not mean that I will be responsible for her death.

"Brother, what did you just say?" Li Mazi opened his mouth wide: "Did this kid cause that thing?"

Then he looked at Zhang Feng and said in a sarcastic tone: "This is the first time that I have not admitted that I have committed a crime, and also placed the blame on the person who helped."

"I don't know, I don't know what you are talking about. I didn't kill anyone. I didn't kill anyone. It's you. You must be working together to kill us! Miss Zeng, why don't you run away? There are only two of us left now. They must not I will let you go, yes, I won’t let you go." Zhang Feng roared excitedly.

I smiled and ignored him, but Zeng Wan understood clearly: "You still don't think this was done by a human, do you?"

Zhang Feng was stunned for an instant, and a second later he collapsed on the ground and cried loudly, saying that he didn't know this thing could harm people, he just thought it was fun, and he didn't expect it could harm everyone.

"What kind of evil thing is this?" Li Mazi came up.

I had just put the horseshoe in my pocket before everyone came in. Now I took it out and waved it to everyone: "This is it. The small black piece found on Manager Wang's neck should be the rust on it. Unfortunately, once The thing that came was too small and I didn’t recognize it, and secondly, the smell of rust was almost like that of blood, so I didn’t think much about it, but I didn’t expect it to be such a thing.”

Everyone was dumbfounded, and Captain Chen even pulled me to ask if we could solve it now that we knew it was this thing.

I shook my head: "Not yet, we must know the identity of the Yin spirit!"

Everyone was a little disappointed. Zeng Wan asked me with a pale face if I could let her go now that I knew it was this thing that was harming people. Maybe nothing would happen if she left.

I smiled bitterly, if only it were as simple as she said. If this thing is not solved, then everyone present will not be able to escape. Because it has already set its sights on us. Otherwise, after knowing that it is a Yin spirit, wouldn’t it be the end if I just send them all out?

Besides, Yin Ling's behavior after killing Qin Ruo was clearly a provocation. He was telling me that everyone here must die...

Zeng Wan sat aside disappointed after hearing my explanation and murmured: "Am I going to die too? Tonight or tomorrow night?"

We all feel bad when we see her like this. Three people died in three nights in a row. Even if we are not familiar with her, we still can't bear it.

Captain Chen exhaled, and after asking me, asked Xiaoge and Xiaoping to pick up the body.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do next? Do you have any idea about the identity of this thing? You can't just rely on this horseshoe to find clues, right? This is too difficult."

I held the horseshoe and told everyone my guess: "If I guessed correctly, first of all, this Yin spirit should be from the Qin Dynasty. Secondly, his neck and head are sewn together with threads. It is very likely that his fate and death will be There are almost the same number of people missing, can you guess who it is?"

Everyone was silent. After a while, Zhang Feng said weakly: "I thought of someone."

"Who?" I looked at him expectantly.

He silently uttered two words: "Shang Yang."

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