Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1811 The wound on the buttocks

It was a sunny season, so I brewed some good tea sent by the black-hearted monk from Hangzhou. I lay on the chair and squinted my eyes, planning where to go next. I don’t want to deal with Yin spirits in such a beautiful spring time.

How about going to the beach?

Thinking about Yin Xinyue wearing a bikini and playing in the water on the beach, my mouth went dry for a while.

I was lost in thought when I suddenly heard a sound of brakes outside the door. I looked up and saw an Audi parked in front of the store. Two middle-aged men in their thirties and forties stepped out and walked straight to my store. Come inside.

I frowned, wouldn't there be new business?

Although I am not happy to accept you now, I still have to be polite, so I quickly stood up and greeted him with a smile: "What do you two do for me?"

The two glanced at me, and the younger one handed me a business card and introduced: "Hello, we are from the National Investigation Committee. Is this Mr. Zhang Jiulin?"

Before I could read the words on the business card clearly, I heard his introduction. My hands trembled and I almost dropped the business card.

What are the people from the National Investigation Commission doing here? They want to investigate my store, right? I have a lot of shady antiques here, and I would be beheaded if they were found out.

"Yes, what's the matter with you?" Although I was uneasy, on the surface I still did my best. If they weren't here to investigate me, wouldn't my guilty conscience be caught by them?

The younger man still spoke: "I am Wu Ping, and this is He Chengda, the leader of the investigation committee. The matter is confidential. Do you think we should go in and talk?"

Only then did I realize that I had blocked the two of them at the entrance of the store, and I quickly turned my body sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

He Chengda walked in expressionlessly, followed by Wu Ping. The two of them sat down on the sofa without ceremony, and Wu Ping started to make tea by himself.

"Mr. Zhang, don't you mind?" Wu Ping explained with a smile that he preferred making tea, but he couldn't hold back when he saw the tea set.

I didn't dare to say that I didn't mind, so I hurriedly motioned to them to help themselves, then sat across from them and asked again what they were doing with me? I was really scared by how they looked, especially the one named He Chengda, who looked serious as if I owed him millions.

Wu Ping glanced at He Chengda, who nodded seriously. Wu Ping then took out a document bag from the briefcase he was carrying and handed it to me, gesturing for me to read it myself.

I carefully took the document bag, for fear that it contained evidence of my crime!

But when I took out the contents, I instantly knew that I had made a mistake. Inside were several photos of people with their backs to the camera and their backs and buttocks exposed.

Without exception, the waists and buttocks of these people were swollen, covered with purple scars, and some even turned black.

"This is..." I looked at the two people in front of me in confusion. Why did they give me such a pile of photos?

This time it was He Chengda who spoke. He took a sip of tea and asked me solemnly if I could tell what caused the scar.

I studied the photo carefully, and then said uncertainly: "It looks like it was whipped, but the injuries were so dense that it could have been a bamboo stick or even a board."

He Chengda nodded and told me that these scars were found on the Mongolian people in Guangdong. At first, it only happened to two people in a small town. After calling the police, the perpetrator was not found. Later, others Such situations have also occurred in various places. Since the injured were all Mongolians and their nature was relatively sensitive, the National Investigation Committee was alerted.

"We stayed there for a week, during which two more cases occurred. The strange thing is that we couldn't find any traces of man-made changes at all! One of the people was sleeping soundly in the middle of the night and suddenly started yelling. Within a few minutes, his waist fell. There was such a scar on the buttocks. Their family members didn’t see anything and said that the scar appeared out of thin air, so..." He Chengda said and glanced at me.

I understood what he meant. He suspected that the other person was not a human being, so he came to me for help.

"Do you suspect there is something fishy about this?" I weighed the photo in my hand and thought about it quickly before asking.

Both of them nodded, and then Wu Ping said seriously that because the injured were all Mongolians, they were worried that this matter would involve ethnic conflicts, so they must be considered no matter what the situation.

"Mr. Zhang, when you come to Wuhan this time, I also hope that you can help us. If you take this case, I also hope that you will pay more attention to the impact of the incident during the investigation." He Chengda stared at me, his tone was very polite. But I know that I can't accept this matter. People in our industry are somewhat burdened with some ulterior secrets. These people in front of me must have made complete preparations before coming to me. If I don't agree to them, You may fall out immediately.

So I didn't refuse and happily accepted it. The weather in Guangdong was just right at this time, so I just thought it was a few days of fun.

"When are we leaving?" I stuffed the photo into the document bag and handed it to Wu Ping.

Wu Ping looked at his watch: "The faster, the better!"

Seeing that they obviously wanted to leave immediately, I didn't express any opinions. I just told them that I had to prepare some things and that I needed to notify my assistant.

They didn't say anything, they just sat on the sofa and didn't move. I knew they were going to wait here.

I went upstairs and called Li Mazi first, told him about the situation here, and asked him to come to the store to meet up as soon as he was ready. Then I picked up my backpack and stuffed all the magical weapons that I might need into it.

After I went downstairs and waited for a few minutes, Li Mazi also arrived in a hurry, carrying a bag. I was afraid that he would not know the truth, so I told him the identities of the two people on the phone in advance, so he didn't run in. As usual, he was not formal, but he greeted He Chengda and the others seriously, and then stood next to me like a little assistant. If he hadn't winked at me when those two people weren't paying attention, I would have thought he had changed his temper.

"Mr. Zhang, is there anything else we need to prepare?" Wu Ping asked politely when he saw us getting ready.

I quickly said no, so he led us into the Audi, and after leaving the city, we went directly onto the highway.

"Won't you fly there?" Seeing how anxious they were, I thought they would fly there. After all, it would take more than a day to drive there, right?

Wu Ping explained that it would take longer to fly there because the place he was going to was not a big city in Guangdong, and flying would require more trains.

"Where are we going?"

Hearing what he said, I remembered that up until now, we haven't asked about our destination this time. I only knew that it was Guangdong, but Guangdong is so big that we can't have a specific location.

Wu Ping stared ahead while driving the car, and slowly uttered a few words: "Yamen Town!"

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