Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1812 Beef and Mutton Restaurant (more updates)

Yamen Town is a small town in Jiangmen City, Guangdong. It is an outlet to the sea and the only opening for the ebb and flow of tides. If you are not here to do business, spending a few days in such a small town is also a good choice.

On the way, Wu Ping explained the situation in more detail. Li Mazi and I looked at each other in shock. Not only did the matter have to be done this time, but it also had to be done in a secretive manner so as not to arouse any public opinion.

I told them with a smile that whether it will arouse public opinion depends on the seriousness of this matter. If it becomes a big issue later, it is beyond our control!

He Chengda expressed his understanding, but he still hoped that we would try our best to solve this incident without anyone noticing.

"We'll talk about it when we get to the place." I looked out the car window. It was not the right time to argue with them. I didn't even get to the place, so I just listened to what they said about the situation.

Seeing me like this, He Chengda also understood that I didn't want to dwell on this issue anymore, so he stopped talking and the atmosphere in the car became stuffy. Fortunately, the journey was still far, so I used sleep as an excuse to close my eyes and rest my mind. Li Mazi was heartless and fell asleep before he could say a few words, saying that he didn't sleep well last night.

I looked at the dark circles under his eyes and was embarrassed to tell him. During this period, I have been doing business. Li Mazi rarely helped me and didn't know what he was doing. He looked even more tired than me who had just returned.

Wu Ping and I switched cars for the rest of the journey, and entered Guangdong Province when it was dark. After driving for another two or three hours, we arrived at Jiangmen City, the urban area where Yamen Town belongs.

"Let's rest here for a while and have a meal before leaving." Wu Ping drove off the highway and drove towards the city.

Naturally, we had no objections. We only stopped at two service stations on the road that day. The food we ate had already been digested. When we heard that there was something to eat, our eyes lit up.

Finally, we stopped in front of a Cantonese restaurant in the city. The four of us entered the restaurant and had no intention of looking at the menu and choosing slowly. We just let the waiter pick out four or five items from the store's signboards.

After all, we have to get back on the road after eating. Although we can take a rest, we know from He Chengda's face that we can't go too far.

There were a lot of people in this a la carte restaurant. Wu Ping had to rush several times before the dishes were brought out. The four of them held their rice bowls and devoured them. After a while, the bottom of several dishes was gone.

"Okay, let's go." He Chengda stood up first and walked out.


Just as He Chengda passed a table of four, a tall and thick man sitting on it suddenly let out a scream, and his whole body bounced up and hit He Chengda.

He Chengda was startled and reached out to push, but I grabbed him and took a step back.

This man was screaming as he ran. The other three people at the same table with him hurriedly tried to catch him, but they were pushed away by him. The restaurant quickly became chaotic. I signaled Li Mazi to keep an eye on He Chengda and the others, and followed the others and ran up to take a look.

"Ah, save me, save me quickly..." The man twisted his waist as if to avoid something, and his blunt Mandarin seemed a bit strange.

My eyes jumped and I rushed forward quickly. If I saw it correctly, something seemed to have hit his waist just now...

Just as I rushed forward, the three people at the same table finally pushed him to the ground, and he was still screaming while twisting around.


A slight sound came, and I suddenly stepped forward and lifted up the man's clothes. I saw a bright red patch on his waist, which was obviously a recent injury.

I made a gesture while no one was paying attention. The man slowly stopped yelling, then got up tremblingly and held his companion's hand in horror, saying that he had been beaten.

At this time, He Chengda and the others also followed. I looked at He Chengda and nodded to him.

His expression changed instantly, and he hurriedly stepped forward to check the man's injuries, and then looked at me seriously, clearly telling me that this was indeed the case they were investigating!

I pressed my head in distress. I encountered this kind of thing before I even got there, which shows how serious the situation is.

The man was still saying something in horror, and the people around him also looked panicked. After all, this happened in public, so it would be even harder to hide it.

I looked at Wu Ping. He was indeed a secretary. He stepped forward and pushed aside the people surrounding the man. He said with a smile: "Hello, sir. This friend of mine is a doctor. Do you need his help?" one time?"

I saw Wu Ping push me out and quickly put on an aloof doctor look.

The man looked at the rest of us warily, then shook his head and said in unskilled Chinese: "No, no, it's okay."

As he said that, he was about to check out with his friends and go out. I winked at Wu Ping, and he nodded and quietly followed out.

Wu Ping came back about half an hour later and told us that the man had gone back to a farmer's house not far from here. He inquired about it and found out that the man's name was A Duo and he was a resident here. He usually made a living by selling beef and mutton.

"Also from the Mongolian ethnic group?" He Chengda looked unhappy.

Wu Ping hummed and then looked at me: "Mr. Zhang, it seems we have to postpone our trip to Yamen Town. We must at least settle things here first and not let the situation escalate!"

"Yeah." Of course I have no objection. I went to Yamen Town to understand the situation. Now there is a living example in front of me to understand the situation.

Wu Ping acted quickly and quickly found a hotel near the farmer's house and opened two rooms. After the four of us moved in, we found that Li Mazi and I's room was facing the door of the farmer's house, while He Chengda's room was opposite the door of the farmer's house. A little off.

Wu Ping pointed to the gate and said, "Look, that beef and mutton restaurant belongs to A Duo. He usually lives on the second floor with his wife and children."

I nodded. It is very common for outsiders to rent two floors, with one floor for business and one for living. Firstly, it saves traveling back and forth. Secondly, it is more cost-effective to rent a house together.

It seems that Aduo's beef and sheep restaurant mainly sells raw beef and mutton. There is a grill outside, but it doesn't look like it is grilled regularly. Sure enough, as soon as I had this idea, Wu Ping started to introduce it, saying that A Duo originally wanted to sell roast beef and mutton, but his craftsmanship was not very good and the competition was fierce, so he simply sold it raw, and the price was slightly cheaper, but there were more customers. , after all, many people here in Guangdong are happy to cook and make some food.

"If there is no movement tonight, we will continue to Yamen Town tomorrow." He Chengda scanned the beef and mutton restaurant, turned around and went to his room.

Wu Ping looked at his back and hesitated to speak. I patted his shoulder and said that He Chengda had thought well. Although it was important to control the situation here, Yamen Town was the origin of this incident, so in It is not worthwhile to waste too much time in Jiangmen.

"Of course I know." Wu Ping said with a wry smile: "It's just that this time the matter is too difficult! The team leader looked like this after taking this case. I was afraid that he would suppress himself."

After working for a long time, the secretary was concerned about the health of her boss. I pouted and asked Wu Ping to go back and rest quickly. I have to stay at least most of the night tonight, so as another driver, he must ensure his physical strength.

Wu Ping knew that it was useless to stay here, so he did not refuse and went back to their room with He Chengda.

Seeing that they had returned to their rooms, Li Mazi said in a panic: "Brother Zhang, did you see that just now? That man was beaten inexplicably. But I didn't feel the Yin Qi."

This is what I find strange. Logically speaking, the evil spirits are causing trouble right under my nose, and the evil energy cannot escape my eyes. Moreover, I clearly saw the thing that looked like a whip, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye. , I don’t know if I was dazzled now.

Seeing that I didn't respond for a long time, Li Mazi pushed me strangely. I had to shake my head and said that I couldn't tell for sure now, I just wanted to see if there was anything to do tonight.

Seeing me like this, Li Mazi had no choice but to shrug, then he pulled a chair and sat by the window, staring at the beef and mutton restaurant: "Isn't it the weekend today? He didn't even open, and went to eat by himself?"

"You're stupid. Those who sell raw beef and mutton like him are regular customers. They usually make reservations in advance and he can just deliver them the next day. Individual customers can't make much money, so of course he doesn't care."

Li Mazi said oh, took out another bag of snacks from his bag and looked out the window while eating, as leisurely as watching TV at home. I was speechless for a while by his actions. I wonder if this person really regarded this incident as a vacation?

But it was a lot easier to have him watching me. If he had to call me if there was a situation, I would lie on the bed and rest.

Not to mention that after sitting in this car for a long time, my whole body felt like it was falling apart. It wasn’t until I lay down that I sighed comfortably and felt alive.

I must have been too tired. I fell asleep soon after I lay down...

"Brother, please wake up!" I don't know how long I had been sleeping, but I was pushed awake by Li Mazi. I rubbed my eyes and was still a little confused, but Li Mazi looked like something big had happened.

I got up from the bed with a start, asked him what happened, and looked out the window.

I was dumbfounded when I saw it. Could this be what Li Mazi said was wrong?

The door of the beef and mutton restaurant opposite the window was open, and a man named Aduo was handling a freshly slaughtered cow. There was also a large bulging black plastic bag beside him. Although the scene was a bit bloody, it was not shocking to Li Mazi. Are you so panicked?

Li Mazi exhaled and moved closer to the window with me: "Take a closer look."

After hearing what he said, I looked over suspiciously and saw Ado cut off a part of the beef, then fished out a piece of beef from the large plastic bag on the side, and mixed it together with his hands...

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