Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1813 The Whip Holder

"Is he lying?" I stared in shock. Even from such a distance, I could tell that the beef in the big black plastic bag was very stale, but a large piece of it was mixed with a small piece of it. , will not attract the buyer's attention at all.

Besides, he is in the business of regular customers, so he usually doesn’t look too carefully. Whether he will find it when he gets home is anyone’s guess.

Li Mazi hummed: "I really didn't expect him to be this kind of person. Brother, let's forget it! This kind of person deserves to be beaten."

I was a little amused by his conclusion. Even if Ado is not a good person, he cannot let evil spirits cause trouble! In modern society, there are a lot of counterfeits by small traders, and what is needed is stricter supervision. If a ghost can use this as an excuse to harm people, then the world will be in chaos.

Li Mazi scratched his head in embarrassment and said that he was just angry for a moment. After all, eating stale beef and mutton would have a very bad impact on the human body. He didn't expect that A Duo turned out to be a black-hearted businessman.

I patted his shoulder: "Is this why you woke me up?"

"Ah?" Li Mazi didn't realize what I meant. I saw that it was almost twelve o'clock, so I had no choice but to sigh and let him take a rest. I'm here to watch.

Li Mazi nodded, yawned and lay down on the bed, turning over and mumbling, asking me not to intervene when I find something wrong later, and let A Duo suffer some losses, which made me laugh for a while.

After Li Mazi fell asleep, I held my chin and stared at A Duo doing small movements. He looked very skilled. It was obviously not the first time he had done this kind of thing. Soon he dismembered a cow and put it into a large plastic bag of rotten meat. Mixed together.

After handling the beef, Ado inspected it carefully, and then divided the beef with satisfaction and put it in the refrigerator. Judging from his irregular dividing method, he probably divided it according to the amount ordered by the customer.

After doing all this, Ado cleaned the beef and mutton restaurant before closing the door and preparing to go upstairs from the side door to rest.

Watching his movements, I yawned a little boredly. Fortunately, Li Mazi was still so energetic after staying here for several hours. If I hadn't told him, he might have fallen asleep.


Before I could put down my yawning hand, I heard a shrill scream. I quickly looked over and saw Ado holding his right side of his waist and looking around in fear.

The moment I looked up, he exclaimed again and covered the left side of his waist with his other hand, as if he had seen a ghost.

Fortunately, Wu Ping was considerate and booked a room for us on the second floor. Otherwise, if I went out at this hour, I would definitely attract the attention of the front desk. Many of the hotels near farmers' houses are privately owned. If I catch their attention, they might gossip about me tomorrow.

I quickly climbed down the second floor and ran quickly in the direction of Ado.

In this short period of time, I heard him exclaim countless times. The surrounding residents also turned on their lights, but at most they only took a glance at the balcony or window. After all, the farmers' houses were full of people, and it was difficult to see them at such a late night. There may also be a price to pay for being lively.

Within half a minute, I rushed in front of Ado. He wanted to run to the second floor, but was beaten so hard that he fled away from the stairs, getting farther and farther away from the stairs.

"Save me quickly!" At this time, he finally saw me and ran towards me in fear. I didn't care to hide it, I took out the magic talisman from my pocket and put it directly on his waist, and slapped his finger. The talisman burned. As it turned into ashes with a snap, Ado also calmed down, and the faint sound of the whip disappeared.

I frowned, I still didn't feel the Yin Qi, even though the faint sound of whips proved that it was a Yin spirit that was causing trouble this time, I still didn't feel the Yin Qi.

"Thank you, thank you." Aduo collapsed on the ground, holding his waist with one hand and wiping the sweat from his forehead with one hand, and thanked him stiffly.

I saw someone poking his head out from the balcony, so I pulled Ado to the shadow next to the stairs: "We met in the restaurant today."

"Ah," Ado looked me over a few times and exclaimed, "It's you, that doctor."

"Do you still think I'm a doctor?" I glanced at him. At least there were many people in the restaurant. He could comfort himself by saying that someone might be causing trouble but he didn't catch him. But when he was beaten just now, there was only one person around him. nothing.

Ado's eyes became even more frightened, and he pulled my sleeve and begged me to save him.

Naturally, I would not refuse because of this. I just asked him to go to the hotel opposite with me. After all, some things are not suitable to be said outside.

A Duo couldn't ask for it, but he said he would go back and talk to his wife because his wife would wait for him every night and he was afraid that she would be worried. I accompanied him upstairs, and it was a bit funny to see him holding his waist and grinning.

He just told his wife that his back pain was severe at night, so he went to my place to have a look. His wife expressed some concern and then went back to sleep.

During the short distance from the beef and mutton restaurant to the hotel, Aduo kept holding my sleeve and looking around in a panic. His other hand was unconsciously covering his waist, for fear of being beaten again!

However, nothing happened along the way. It was just that it was difficult to climb out of the window with A Duo, so he was inevitably asked a few questions by the front desk. Fortunately, A Duo was familiar with the front desk, and he was fooled by just a few words.

Standing in front of the door, I realized that I had gone out in a hurry without bringing my room card with me, so I had to knock on the door. When the door opened, it was Wu Ping's face that was revealed. I looked at him in surprise. He explained that it was Li Mazi who called them over.

I nodded clearly. I guess the movement of me going out disturbed Li Mazi. He looked at the window and knew what had happened, so he woke up Wu Ping and the others.

Sure enough, as soon as I led A Duo in, Li Mazi complained: "Brother, can't you just take it easy? I've been scared to death by you."

I laughed twice and said nothing, but Aduo was a little scared when he saw this formation, and stood by the door and refused to come in. After I comforted him for a few words, he walked in and sat on the edge of the bed in a restrained manner. There was no way that a small hotel like this only had a bed and a stool to sit on.

"You should have seen what just happened. We invited you here just to save you." Wu Ping brought a glass of water to Ado.

After taking two sips, Aduo was still a little confused, and he had some doubts about why we happened to live here? Wu Pingping said without hesitation that several of us are charlatans and are interested in these supernatural things, so we noticed him when we were in the restaurant. It was just that it was difficult to talk because there were so many people, so we secretly inquired a few words.

Seeing him dispel Ado's doubts with just a few words, I had to give him a thumbs up.

Wu Ping then began to ask Ah Duo some details, such as when he was beaten, what happened before, would you mind letting us see the wounds, etc.?

Ado answered questions and answers, but his Chinese was not very good and it sounded a bit difficult. However, according to his description, tonight was the fifth time he had been whipped.

The first time he didn't actually notice it, he woke up and felt something was wrong with his waist. Only after his wife looked at it did he realize that there was a red patch on his waist. Although he felt strange at the time because he dreamed of someone beating him at night, he didn't take it seriously because it wasn't serious. It happened twice more and he became a little panicked.

The reason why I showed up at the restaurant tonight was to let some friends express their opinions. Unexpectedly, something happened again. The last time was what I just saw.

"I was whipped so suddenly? No warning at all?" Li Mazi interjected. With him and Wu Ping here, I don't have to waste any time.

A Duo thought for a while and finally shook his head: "No, I was also beaten suddenly in the restaurant today..."

Seeing that he really couldn't explain the reason, we had to give up and finally asked him to show us the wound. Since he was an old man, he wouldn't be embarrassed. He lifted up his clothes and turned his back to us. I saw that his waist and buttocks were red. Some places were bright red, obviously caused today, and some were dark red, probably from the previous few times.

I frowned. There was a difference between his wound and the one in the photos Wu Ping gave me, because his wound was not that serious, which meant that he was likely to get into trouble next.

He Chengda had obviously thought of this, and he nodded at me: "In this case, let's stay here for a few more days."

"You should go back tonight. I have to think about how to help you." I took out a few talismans from my pocket and handed them to Ado.

He was a little reluctant when I asked him to go back, but he was obviously relieved after seeing the magic talisman. I told him to contact me as soon as possible if anything strange happened, and then I sent him out of the hotel.

Seeing him crouching like a thief and disappearing from the stairs next to the beef and mutton restaurant, I smiled and went back to the room.

"Team Leader He, if you have anything to say, just say it." I said to He Chengda sternly. He winked at me when he was talking to me just now, so I sent A Duo away.

He Chengda smiled. Although it was not obvious, it was much better than the stern face he had been keeping for the past few days. He told me that the victims in Yamen Town had been beaten again recently, but fortunately no lives were lost. But it won’t be long before someone is killed if he listens to his wishes...

"So we invited other experts to go to Yamen Town first. Mr. Zhang, you won't mind, right?" He Chengda said politely, but it meant that the matter was settled.

Although I was a little unhappy, after all, we in this industry must meet before we can cooperate, otherwise it would be troublesome if there was a conflict, but thinking that the current situation was indeed not optimistic, I didn't say anything.

Wu Ping on the side quickly came up to smooth things over, and we discussed how to find out the evil spirit behind the scenes from A Duo, and then they returned to the room.

"They don't believe us?" Li Mazi cursed angrily.

I hummed but didn't say anything. I just looked out the window and fell into deep thought...

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