Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1814 Ado’s Secret

I'm still minding what happened just now. I was so close to A Duo just now, but why didn't I feel the Yin Qi?

It is impossible to say that there is no Yin spirit causing trouble in this matter, but what level of Yin spirit can actually appear under my nose without leaking a trace of Yin energy?

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Can't this matter be solved? If we can't solve it, let's run away. He Chengda looks like he's not easy to deal with. Don't get us both in trouble." Li Mazi hurriedly packed his luggage. , looking like he was going to run away all night.

I pressed my temples and stopped him because of my headache.

Isn't this person stupid? Don’t say whether He Chengda is easy to mess with or not, let’s just say that we have taken over this business, now we run away and we don’t want to hang out in the circle.

Li Mazi asked me what to do with a grimace on his face. I told him funny that I just thought things were a little strange. How could I say frustrated words at the beginning?

"Then you should have told me earlier!" Li Mazi threw the half-packed bag on the bed: "The way you looked just now, anyone who saw it would think that the matter was difficult."

I didn't refute. I was really worried when I talked about it, so I talked to Li Mazi. After hearing this, his eyes widened like bells, and he suspected that I was lying to him.

"What's the point of lying to you with this!" I glared at him angrily, lifted the quilt and lay down. With those few magic talismans, Aduo shouldn't have any trouble tonight. We'll talk about anything tomorrow.

Li Mazi opened his mouth to say something, but didn't say anything for a long time, and finally lay down dejectedly.

After all this fuss, it was almost dawn, and we only slept for two or three hours before getting up. Wu Ping came over and asked us what our plans were for today. I pondered for a while and told him that he must first understand what happened before Hodor's accident.

"I'm afraid it's of no use." Wu Ping frowned: "I asked yesterday. Although Aduo has been doing business here for five or six years, he doesn't seem to have much contact with people except for business. The man we met in the restaurant yesterday These are his only friends."

After hearing what he said, I felt strange. Logically speaking, this kind of small vendor should be the easiest to mingle with others, especially since he was doing business with acquaintances, so he acted like a new resident.

Wu Ping obviously felt that something was strange, so he thought for a while and decided to ask through other channels!

I had an idea of ​​what channel he was talking about, and knew that it would be difficult for me to follow him, so before he could say anything, I took the initiative to say that the troops should be divided into two groups. I would go find people nearby to find out more, maybe there was something missing. .

"That's it. Regardless of whether there are any useful clues or not, we will meet up at noon so that we can know what to do next." Wu Ping quickly summarized and then went out.

I noticed that He Chengda was not with him, but he didn't seem to be in the room. I felt a little strange for a while, but I didn't go into details. It was normal for people with their status to do things mysteriously, so it was best not to pry around.

After finding a breakfast stall nearby and having breakfast, Li Mazi and I wandered around the rows of farmers' houses.

Of course, before I went shopping, I called Aduo and asked him to pretend he didn’t know us when he saw us. This would make it easier for us to do things. Although he thought it was strange, he fell silent once I mentioned that it was for his safety.

"What can you get out of just walking around like this?" Li Mazi pulled out a willow stick and waved it in his hand out of boredom, with sweat on his forehead.

Spring is like this, the weather changes constantly. Yesterday the weather was neither cold nor hot and comfortable. Today it has reached 27 or 8 degrees, which makes me want to wear short sleeves.

"Let's take a walk first." I didn't explain much and kept looking for a rest area.

In such a large farmhouse, there are usually several simple rest areas, either with a few chairs or some fitness equipment. People who have lived here for a long time, especially the elderly, like to gather here. Plant a place.

Most of them are landlords of farmers' houses, and their livelihood comes from rent, so they usually have nothing to do, so they like to hang out in these places to spend time. And these people are generally easier to talk to and not as wary as young people, so they are perfect for asking about things.

Li Mazi obviously also saw my intention. He scanned it with his eyes as he walked. After a while, he excitedly pulled me and pointed not far away and said: "Do you see a few old men playing chess there?"

Looking in the direction he pointed, we could indeed see several old people gathered in a pavilion.

"Let's go!" I pulled Li Mazi and ran over quickly. When I got there, I pretended to be interested in playing chess and stood aside to watch with gusto.

Because we are playing chess, even if there are seven or eight people standing here, there is no sound. They all patiently watch the two sides going back and forth. Occasionally, when they see the chess players disagreeing with their own ideas, they will slap their thighs and sigh. It seems to have happened. What a pity.

The game of chess was almost finished when we came, so it ended not long after. The old man who won was very proud, and the loser said he wanted to play another game.

At this time, an old man with gray hair noticed us and asked us with a smile, what did we think of the chess game just now?

I said a few words casually with the same smile, and the focus was to help the old man who lost. This naturally aroused their interest, and we started chatting, and soon the topic turned to Ado.

"Yesterday we came over to hang out with friends. We originally wanted to have hot pot at that beef restaurant, but it turned out that they only sell raw food. They really don't even do business these days..." I pretended to sigh with regret.

Who would have thought that as soon as I said this, the seven or eight old people were silent for a while. After a while, they all laughed and said that A Duo did this business because he had to take care of his family. It could make money and not be busy.

Li Mazi and I looked at each other. It seemed that there was indeed something wrong with A Duo. Although their silence just now was short, it seemed that they didn't want to talk about this topic.

Sure enough, after saying this, the old man waved his hand and said to continue playing chess. A group of people hurriedly set up the chessboard without saying anything more.

I knew I couldn't get anything out of the question, so I left the small pavilion with Li Mazi and walked to A Duo's beef and mutton restaurant.

"There was something obviously wrong with those people just now. This Ah Duo is clearly hiding something from us!" Li Mazi said angrily.

I didn't say anything, I just stood not far from the beef and mutton restaurant and watched Ado take out the beef from the refrigerator and give it to the customers who came to pick up the goods with a smile on his face.

What surprised me was that these customers had almost no communication with Aduo, but from the way they took the goods and paid, it was obvious that this was not their first time doing business.

A Duo obviously saw me too, but despite my instructions, he didn't say hello and just immersed himself in business.

I walked around again and tried many methods, but what I found was no different from Wu Ping. When these people mentioned A Duo, they either changed the subject or expressed unfamiliarity, which made me feel very frustrated!

When I saw noon, I remembered Wu Ping's words and didn't stay outside any longer. I called Wu Ping and said I would bring lunch back, so I and Li Mazi went to a small restaurant nearby and ordered a few dishes.

"Hey, boss, you also get the beef here from Ado, right?" I was a little surprised when I scanned the refrigerator where the vegetables were placed.

The boss glanced at me and seemed to have no interest in talking, but he nodded when he saw me staring at the beef: "Most of the nearby restaurants get their beef from Ado."

I'm sorry that Aduo's business is doing very well. Ordinary customers can't tell it, but these master chefs who often deal with ingredients can't tell there's something wrong with the beef?

I can guarantee that the middle piece of beef in the refrigerator is not fresh enough, but I didn’t say this, otherwise the boss would probably kick me out.

However, I ordered an extra portion of beef soup. Originally, I wanted to order braised in soy sauce, but I thought that braised in soy sauce would easily hide the fact that the beef was not fresh, so I ordered soup instead.

The boss acted quickly and packed up all the dishes I asked for in about 20 minutes. Li Mazi and I returned to the hotel with the meals.

Wu Ping had come back and was standing at the door of our room as if he was about to call me. When he saw us, he raised his hand.

I found that his expression was not very good, and he probably didn't find out anything from other channels.

"Eat first." I raised the food in my hand.

The three of us sat down, and I curiously asked where He Chengda had gone, and Wu Ping's face became even worse.

I was stunned. Could something have happened?

Before I could ask Wu Ping, he asked me what the progress was. I shook my head: "You can tell that A Duo must be a little weird, but what exactly it is and whether it has anything to do with him being whipped is hard to say. What about you? ?”

"Absolutely." Wu Ping shook his head, scooped up a bowl of soup and took a sip, then said with a strange look on his face: "Mr. Zhang, this soup..."

"You don't think it's fresh, right?" Seeing that it was difficult for him to say it, I said it first. By the way, I mentioned Addo's behavior of mixing old and new beef together for sale: "Look, you can find out after one sip. Why does the restaurant owner still buy these defective products?"

Wu Ping didn't take it seriously and said with a smile: "It must be because it's cheap."

Hearing what he said, I slapped my head. Because Ado is related to Yin Ling, I thought that everything was related to Yin Ling. It seems that I really thought too much. In business, the owners of these small restaurants may not necessarily use good ingredients for everything.

Just as I was about to say something, Wu Ping's cell phone rang. He looked at it and went to the bathroom to answer the call with a sullen expression. Because he was some distance away, he lowered his voice again, so we couldn't hear him. But when he came out, he had a dark face and was holding his cell phone as if he was thinking about what to do.

Li Mazi and I stopped using our chopsticks and stared at him, but he remained silent and didn't speak. After a long while, he raised his head: "Something happened in Yamen Town, we need to go there immediately!"

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