Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1815 The T-shirt Man is Coming (Additional Update)

It turned out that He Chengda was nowhere to be seen early in the morning because he heard the news that something had changed in Yamen Town, so he went over to investigate first.

I originally thought that there were just a few more victims, but I didn't expect that things would suddenly become serious because of the loss of life...

"What!" I jumped up from the bed in shock: "Didn't you say there is a master in charge?"

Wu Ping smiled bitterly and explained that the master had only arrived early this morning, and the death occurred in the middle of the night yesterday, but because it was so quiet, the deceased's wife only found out something was wrong when she got up the next day, and was frightened to death on the spot.

I can understand that most people would be frightened half to death if they woke up one night and found their husband dead beside their pillow.

"What should we do here?" I frowned. After being delayed here for so long, I can't just say I don't care and just leave it alone, right?

Wu Ping was obviously stumped, and he hesitated for a while before saying that he should ask He Chengda. I waved my hand to stop him, a life had already been caused, and He Chengda was probably irritated right now, so I wouldn't have any clue if I asked him about this.

"Mazi, please stay here for a few days. If anything happens, call anytime. Wu Ping and I will go there first." I nodded to Li Mazi. Anyway, it takes more than an hour to drive from Jiangmen City to Yamen Town. What's going on? Going back and forth is not a problem.

Li Mazi nodded hurriedly, packed up my things, and motioned for me to follow Wu Ping first.

The reason why we are so anxious is not because we are making a fuss over the loss of human life. The main reason is that the deceased was Mongolian and the cause of death cannot be disclosed to the outside world. The investigation bureau is afraid of being involved in ethnic disputes, so it takes it more seriously.

When I got in the car, I saw that Wu Ping was not thinking very well, so I took the initiative to take on the task of driving.

"How is the situation now?" I asked casually as we got on the national highway.

Wu Ping said solemnly: "I'm not very optimistic. Although it was dealt with in a timely manner, it cannot be hidden from the neighbors of the deceased's area, and the family members of the deceased are very emotionally unstable, and they are still making trouble now!"

I nodded, luckily it hadn't caused any trouble yet, but what made me feel strange was that He Chengda should have arrived in Yamen Town early in the morning, so why did he notify Wu Ping now?

Wu Ping also felt strange, but he said that He Chengda must have his own reasons for doing this, and he would find out when he got there.

Wu Ping stopped talking after that and kept talking on his cell phone the whole time and sending messages. Occasionally he heard a sentence or two and knew that he was contacting other places with the same situation. Be careful and don't kill anyone again.

The car quickly entered Yamen Town. Wu Ping said that the deceased was now at the health center in the town. He Chengda asked us to go directly there.

The health center in the town was not big. Seeing the people coming and going, they seemed to not know what was going on. Wu Ping breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go to the radiology room." Wu Ping glanced at his phone and said quickly.

Only then did I understand why the health center could hide the corpses from the people around them. It was probably because they used a radiation room.

Generally speaking, the radiology rooms of hospitals in towns are rarely used, because for slightly serious illnesses, patients in towns will be sent to hospitals in the county or city, so there are generally few patients here.

As soon as I entered the radiation room, before I saw the body, my attention was attracted by another person. Who was the man in the T-shirt who was standing aside with a long sword on his back and an expressionless face?

I bet the master they are talking about is him. If I had told him earlier, I wouldn't have to worry so much knowing that the man in the T-shirt was here.

"Jiulin." He nodded to me, and then turned his eyes to the deceased.

I then took a look at the situation in the radiation room. Besides He Chengda, there were two strangers. One of them was wearing a white coat and should be a doctor from the town hospital. Judging from his pale face, he must have never seen such a scene. In addition, One was wearing military green clothes and looked very serious.

"What's going on now?" I took a few steps forward and glanced at the deceased.

The deceased was lying on the stretcher with his back up, his waist and buttocks were black and purple, but other parts of his body were intact.

No one else spoke, but the man in the T-shirt spoke: "He was beaten to death."

I stared at the wound of the deceased with my eyes wide open. How much force would it take to beat someone to death? Besides, although the wound looks severe, it is only on the surface. It won't kill anyone, right?

"Injured internal organs." It was the doctor who spoke this time. His face was still pale but calm: "Through examination, it was found that there was massive bleeding in his stomach and kidneys."

Just as I was about to say something, the man in the T-shirt suddenly said, "You guys stay here first, while Jiulin and I go out to talk about something."

Originally, He Chengda and Wu Ping were curious when they saw that we knew each other, but it was difficult to ask about important matters. Now that the man in the T-shirt brought it up again, they took advantage of the situation and mentioned it.

The man in the T-shirt responded with a perfunctory comment, and then pulled me out of the radiology room.

As soon as his handsome and cold-looking image came out, he received a lot of attention and salutes, but he didn't care and took me around to an open area behind the hospital.

"Why are you here?" The man in the T-shirt frowned.

I told what happened to He Chengda and the others when they came to visit me, and I spread my hands with a wry smile: "You think I want to come, so why are you getting involved?"

The man in the T-shirt takes on all kinds of business, but he actually doesn't like dealing with state departments because his methods are straightforward and he doesn't know how to be circuitous. When working with state departments, he will inevitably be constrained.

"I came here on my own." The answer of the man in the T-shirt was beyond my expectation. He explained that he came across this matter and thought it was too strange, and he happened to have nothing to do and came here.

But seeing his disapproval of my coming, I thought this was weird, and he pulled me out just to talk about it.

It turned out that the Investigative Committee approached him first, but he had an urgent task to deal with at the time and did not understand what was going on, so he did not respond. I had been free for the past two days and thought about this matter, so I planned to come over and have a look. However, the other party said that they had found someone to deal with it, but yesterday they said that they needed to find more people. He came over without thinking much, but after he came over, he found that something was abnormal. Weird.

"If I knew the person they were looking for was you, I wouldn't have let you come!" The man in the T-shirt sighed.

I was even more surprised. The man in the T-shirt rarely showed negative emotions at the beginning. I quickly asked him what happened.

Fortunately, he was not one to beat around the bush, so he took one look at me and talked about the matter.

It turned out that he couldn't see any Yin energy from the corpse, so he suspected that someone was using Yin spirits to stir up trouble. Those in our profession will not show fear when encountering Yin spirits, no matter how powerful they are, but if we are fighting with others, then We can avoid it if we can, and according to the man in the T-shirt, this matter may have something to do with Longquan Villa.

"You're not saying that Longquan Villa deliberately threw this hot potato into our hands, are you?" I said solemnly.

The man in the T-shirt snorted coldly: "Otherwise? Why would the investigation committee come to us first for such a difficult problem?"

I thought about it and felt that what he said was indeed reasonable. Longquan Villa has a great reputation. Besides, as a force, they must be involved with certain departments. So if something like this happens, they should be the ones to be contacted.

I felt very headache: "Why do you want to get involved in everything in Longquan Villa?"

But there's nothing we can do about it. If Longquan Villa didn't intervene, we wouldn't be able to push this business away. If they really intervene, we can't push it away, otherwise they will definitely have plans to deal with us.

"By the way, didn't you arrive in the morning? Why didn't you notify us until noon?" After discussing for a while, I found that there was no other way but to continue investigating the case, so I changed the topic.

The man in the T-shirt snorted coldly: "Originally, they were thinking of rescuing the person. How could he save the person after he was completely dead? But the situation later became uncontrollable, which is why they delayed it! Speaking of which, they neither trust me nor you, otherwise there would be no need. To inform you specifically.”

I shrugged my shoulders indifferently. If He Chengda and the others had invited someone else, I might have argued, but with the man in the T-shirt, not only would I not argue, but I would feel at ease. After all, I am really not sure about this matter.

The two of us chatted until we returned to the radiology room. The doctor had already left, and the other three people were staring at the corpse with a grimace, as if staring like this could bring the person back to life.

"I heard that there are other victims living here, how about we go take a look?" This is what the man in the T-shirt told me just now, saying that several victims from Yamen Town were receiving treatment here.

The person who died yesterday was also a patient here, and it is said that he was the one with the most serious injuries. I don’t know why the deceased sneaked home last night and died in an unknown manner during the night. Originally, he came here to see these people, but he was delayed by the matter of the deceased.

He Chengda hummed and motioned for Wu Ping to take us to see him. He and the man in military green clothes still stayed where they were. It looked like he had something to say.

Seeing their mysterious looks, I couldn't help curling my lips, but I followed Wu Ping out without saying anything. The matter is indeed quite sensitive now, so it's normal for He Chengda to hide something!

The inpatient department of the health center is also not big. Five men crowded into a small ward looked impatient when we came in. It seemed that they had already encountered many inquiries.

Wu Ping briefly introduced five people. They are all Mongolians who have lived in Yamen Town for several years. They mostly do small businesses here.

I nodded in understanding, but before I could speak, one of the men said dissatisfiedly: "Boss, when will you let us out?"

His accent sounded strange, with a bit of Cantonese mixed in with Mandarin, which seemed nondescript, but it didn't affect understanding.

Hearing this, I looked at Wu Ping in shock. Didn't he say that these people are receiving treatment here? What do you think this man means? They are being held here...

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