Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1817 During the investigation

Wu Ping glanced at He Chengda, who nodded to him, and then he agreed to us.

After he left, He Chengda asked us why we did this. I saw that the man in the T-shirt looked like he didn't want to say anything, which was a little funny, but I also knew that it would be better to tell them these things, at least to facilitate the subsequent work!

So I told He Chengda that the injuries they were suffering now were from the torture of the Southern Song Dynasty, which was specially used to punish bad people, so they must have done something scandalous.

He Chengda looked at me in surprise, and then said with a wry smile: "It's not that we haven't thought about it, but after checking for several days, these people are quite clean."

"Let's check again. This is the only breakthrough." I shrugged, and seeing that it was getting late, I asked He Chengda if he had arranged a place for us to stay.

He was a little embarrassed and hurriedly explained that he was too busy today and immediately asked Wu Ping to prepare. I waved my hand and refused: "He is busy with something. This town is such a big place. We can just find a place to live by ourselves. If anything happens, we will call you." !”

Although He Chengda didn't say it explicitly, he didn't leave us to eat at this point. He must have other things to do. I didn’t want to make things difficult for myself, so after telling him that he would contact me if anything happened, I left the hospital with the man in the T-shirt.

After finding a reasonably clean hotel in the town, we went out to eat.

The food in the town is relatively simple. The man in the T-shirt and I chose a spicy hotpot restaurant. I ordered a large bowl of meat dishes and he ordered a large bowl of vegetarian dishes.

I was dragged to Yamen Town without eating even two bites at noon. In the afternoon, I had clues to support me. In fact, I was already hungry and my chest was pressed against my back. I was a little surprised when I saw the man in the T-shirt: "You didn't eat at lunch either. ?”

"Eat a little." He took a sip of the soup and then immersed himself in fighting with various dishes. I knew in my heart that no one was in the mood to eat anything at noon.

"Hey, are you listening? Wang Qiang's Mongolians seem to have been buried." I was having a good time eating when I suddenly heard comments.

Although the words were spoken in Cantonese, because I often interact with people from various places, I got the general idea that they were talking about the imprisonment of Wang Qiang and others.

I suddenly became interested and glanced in their direction. I saw four young and middle-aged people, probably residents of the town, talking excitedly at the moment.

Another person immediately replied: "Hey, they were beaten and sent to the hospital to see a doctor. Well, if you tell me, they will be punished!"

This person was saying that those people were not locked up, but were beaten up and treated in the hospital. He felt that these people had suffered retribution, and when he mentioned the words "retribution", his voice was obviously lowered. , eyes still rolling as if afraid of being heard by others.

The man in the T-shirt and I looked at each other, and I was even more sure that there was something weird about those people!

Next, they chatted a few words, which were roughly the words that those people had better stay in the hospital forever, which were not good words anyway. Later, one of them gestured towards us, and they stopped talking about these Mongolians and started talking about the little things in their lives.

Of course I wasn't interested in these things about them. I originally wanted to go to them and ask them about the Mongolians, but they looked like they knew they couldn't tell us anything, so we gave up so as not to alarm the snake. Anyway, there was Wu Ping. We are not in a hurry to check.

After dinner, the man in the T-shirt did not go back to the hotel with me, but said he would go out for a walk. I knew he was looking for clues, and I originally wanted to follow me, but he refused.

I didn't force him. I saw his figure disappearing around the corner and went back to the room by myself.

I had a phone call with Li Mazi in the evening, and it made me feel relieved to make sure that there was nothing unusual about A Duo. Today I asked He Chengda that the Mongolian man named Wang Qiang who died was the first to have problems. He is almost a month old now. It seems that there was a period of time from the accident to death. What should be paid attention to next? It was a middle-aged man with a beard named Sobude in the ward. He was a cake seller. It had been eleven days since the accident, so we were afraid that he would follow in Wang Qiang's footsteps!

I sorted things out on the bed, but in the end I still felt upset and couldn't sleep, and the man in the T-shirt didn't know where he went and never came back.

The night passed like this, and when I woke up the next morning, I found that the man in the T-shirt had not come back at all, and his bed had not moved at all.

I got up and washed up, and then met Wu Ping. He bit the steamed bun with a frustrated look on his face and said vaguely: "There is nothing wrong with them. They are just serious businessmen and have been here for many years." , the neighbors all know it.”

I frowned and motioned for him to continue checking. He asked me impatiently if it would really be useful to continue checking like this.

"It works." A cold voice came.

I turned around and saw the man in the T-shirt holding the Eight-sided Han Sword and staring at us with a serious expression.

Wu Ping immediately approached him and asked him if he had discovered anything, but the man in the T-shirt didn't say anything and just asked him to continue investigating as he was now.

Wu Ping sighed: "Of course there is no problem for me to check, but I am afraid that the situation cannot be suppressed. This morning, Wang Qiang's wife and their several-year-old son started making trouble again! Fortunately, people were busy with their own affairs early in the morning, otherwise I don’t know how much trouble it will cause if she makes such a fuss."

"Take us to meet her." The man in the T-shirt casually picked up a steamed bun and said.

I saw a faint green tint in his eyes and asked him if he wanted to take a rest first. He shook his head and refused, so I stopped trying to persuade him and just followed Wu Ping to Wang Qiang's house.

Wang Qiang's family is easy to recognize. It is right next to the vegetable market. It sells pasta. There are many customers so early in the morning. When we arrived at the place, Wu Ping didn't go in. He said that Wang Qiang's wife had seen him and he was worried about her making trouble if we went in now, so we could just go in by ourselves.

I hummed and walked into the shop with the man in the T-shirt. In the shop, a dark, plump middle-aged woman was kneading dough. She would say a few words to the person ordering the dough from time to time. There was a man about seven or eight years old next to her. The boy, at first glance, was not Han. He must be the son of Wang Qiang and this woman.

The boy is very sensible. When the woman makes the noodles, he puts them on the table. Others also like to tease the children, but the boy can handle it easily. It is not difficult at all to speak Cantonese.

"Two bowls of beef noodles." I nodded to the woman, and she enthusiastically agreed and let the boy take us to sit inside the store.

There are not many seats in the store, so the man in the T-shirt and I had to share a table with others.

After a while, two bowls of hot noodles were served. While I was taking the noodles, I looked at the woman carefully. I saw that her eyes were a little red and swollen, and she didn't seem to be in good spirits. It seemed that Wang Qiang was dead. It was a big blow to her, and now she continues to open the store just to make a living...

The man in the T-shirt who asked to see the woman seemed not to have seen her. He picked up the noodles and ate them lightly. I looked at him in confusion, but he pointed at the mother and daughter who were busy and whispered: " Do you think they are causing trouble?"

When he said this, I realized that Wu Ping and the others had been saying that Wang Qiang's wife and children were making trouble, but judging from their calm appearance, they didn't look like they could make trouble.

I wanted to ask something else, but the man in the T-shirt waved his hand. I had no choice but to lower my head and eat the noodles. But since I had already eaten breakfast, I wasn’t hungry. After eating for a long time, I still had more than half a bowl of noodles left.

"Let's go." The man in the T-shirt put down his chopsticks and walked out.

I was stunned, but he just paid the money and took me out of the noodle shop.

Wu Ping was wandering around, and as soon as he saw us coming out, he followed us. After making sure that Wang Qiang's wife couldn't see, he came up to us and asked us if we had discovered anything.

I glanced at the man in the T-shirt, but I didn't find anything.

"Look again." The man in the T-shirt raised his chin in the direction of the noodle shop. I looked up and saw that after breakfast, the number of people in the shop gradually became less and less. Wang Qiang's wife was cleaning up the shop.

Suddenly, a woman rushed into the store, grabbed Wang Qiang's wife, and began to curse her. It was roughly some kind of retribution, cursing her that she would not be able to sell her noodles.

The boy was tugging on his mother's sleeve, his frightened look looked particularly painful. I frowned and was about to go up to help, but the man in the T-shirt stopped me and motioned for me to continue watching.

The woman scolded her for about a minute, but Wang Qiang's wife, who had been silently bearing it, suddenly became violent, pushed the woman to the ground, pointed at her nose and said, "Are you blind? Didn't you see that I have so much trouble here?" It's a human being, get out of here, or I'll splash boiling water on your face!"

Naturally, the woman was not willing to rush up and fight with Wang Qiang's wife, but Wang Qiang's wife was tall and strong, so she pushed the woman back several times, and was finally pushed out of the store and sat on the ground.

"Is there any justice? A family is here to bully others. Your Wang Qiang is in the hospital because of retribution. He deserves it!" the woman howled at the top of her lungs. Many people gradually gathered around, pointing secretly. They gave some advice, but no one helped either of them. Finally, the woman got up and left with a sigh.

I frowned: "Are they bullying orphans and widowed mothers?"

The man in the T-shirt sneered: "I don't think so. They can't bully them even if they want to."

After saying that, he turned around and left without knowing where he was going. Wu Ping and I followed for a long time before we realized that he was going to the hospital.

He Chengda had been staying in the hospital. When he saw the man in the T-shirt, he asked if he had found anything. The man in the T-shirt ignored them and went directly to the inpatient department. I immediately followed him.

Who would have thought that as soon as he entered the ward, he pointed at the man who had made a lot of noise before and said, "Your injury is very minor. I'll get you some medicine. You can go home and take care of yourself."

"Huh?" The man looked shocked. The other four people in the ward looked at him with envy. It took him a while to react.

The man in the T-shirt expressionlessly took out the medicine he had prepared at some point from his pocket and handed it to the man, urging him to leave.

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