Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1818: Buried treasure at the beach

"Chang Chu, this..." Wu Ping took a step forward and looked at the man in the T-shirt with some embarrassment.

But the man had already excitedly jumped down from the hospital bed, kicked off his shoes and walked out. Wu Ping was about to stop him but was blocked by the man in the T-shirt.

"Don't worry." Looking at the man's back, I said to Wu Ping, "Don't worry." The man in the T-shirt must have his own intentions for doing this. Then I glanced at the ward and signaled that there were four people here who couldn't speak easily, so don't make them suspicious!

The person had been let go, and Wu Ping had no choice but to go to He Chengda to explain the current situation. He Chengda was able to keep his composure and just asked us not to make the matter a big deal. But the man in the T-shirt blocked him with one sentence, meaning that if he didn't intervene in the matter, it would only make the matter worse, and He Chengda would be helpless.

Seeing He Chengda's deflated look, I couldn't help but find it funny. Only someone as humble as the T-shirt man could talk to him like this. Anyway, I was still stressed when I was getting along with He Chengda. After all, he had evidence of my crime in his hands. no?

Afterwards, the man in the T-shirt did not ask Wu Ping to follow him, but asked me to go with him to the man’s house.

The man who was let go was called Amul. His family did not open a restaurant, but a jewelry store. The jewelry in the store all had a strong Mongolian style. Both the residents of the town and the tourists were interested in these. I am very interested in things, so the conditions of their home are very good.

As soon as Amul arrived home, a woman came out of the store to greet him. It looked like she must be his wife. The two exchanged a few pleasantries in Mongolian before entering the store.

When people around him saw Amul, they all said hello, but it was a bit weird, as if they didn't want Amul to be discharged from the hospital!

Amul knew both of us, so we couldn't go into the store directly like we went to Wang Qiang's house, so we had to find a place to squat opposite the store.

"He shouldn't cause trouble when he comes out, right?" I sighed. Although I knew the intention of the man in the T-shirt, I still felt that they wouldn't let us catch the handle so easily, otherwise Wu Ping wouldn't be able to find out nothing. , after all, the investigative committee is quite capable.

The reason why the man in the T-shirt released the people was just to see if there was any movement from Amul. If he followed his movement and checked, he would know what bad things these people had done to deserve the whipping.

In a word, he was trying to lure the snake out of its hole!

However, I was not so optimistic. I looked at the man in the T-shirt worriedly. He smiled and said that this was just a way. If it really didn't work, I would think of other things. If it worked, it would save a lot of detours.

I nodded. Since he said that, he must have considered it, so I just waited aside with peace of mind.

At about three or four o'clock in the afternoon, Amul came out of the store, but he did not come with his wife. Instead, he mysteriously ran to the east of the town with a cloth bag in his arms.

The east side of the town is the sea, so there is obviously a problem for him to go to the seaside at this point!

I glanced at the man in the T-shirt excitedly, but found that he was already following Amul. I touched my nose and hurriedly followed.

Amul found a relatively private place on the beach, looked around to make sure no one was around, and then placed the cloth bag in his arms on the ground. As he slowly opened it, I found that the contents in the bag were very ordinary, just some of the things he was selling in his store. I looked at the man in the T-shirt with confusion, but he shook his head and motioned for me to continue looking.

We saw him burying the jewelry in sand, then taking out his mobile phone and making a call. He was a little angry. Although he had deliberately lowered his voice, we still got a general idea.

"These are the best things in my store. I give them to you. Stop pestering me!" This was his first sentence. Later, he seemed to have an argument with the person on the other end of the phone and said To what a whipping.

I looked at the man in the T-shirt in surprise, and a thought came to my mind: Could it be that someone is using ghost spirits to blackmail these businessmen?

To the people in the town, Amul and the others who were doing business were indeed considered wealthy families, but if it was blackmail... it would be inconsistent with the punishment of whipping.

"Wait, let's see if anyone comes to pick it up." The man in the T-shirt was not in a hurry. I nodded. Since Amul said hello to this person, someone will definitely come to pick it up. When the time comes, just grab it. The person who lives there can figure it out.

After making a phone call, Amul looked around again, smoothed the sand with his hands, and then sneaked away again. I looked at his back and said funnyly: This man wants to do things secretly. Why did he choose the afternoon? Wouldn't it be better to come at night?

"He doesn't dare." The man in the T-shirt replied calmly. I think about it. They basically do things at night, so it's normal for them to not dare to go out at night.

The man in the T-shirt and I stayed where we were and waited quietly until dark.

"Will he not come?" I was a little doubtful. After all, we couldn't hear the answer on the other end of the phone, and it wasn't certain whether the person would come.

The man in the T-shirt said calmly that since Amul buried the things here, it means that the other party will definitely come.

Sure enough, after the sky turned completely dark, someone sneakily came over from a distance. If the man in the T-shirt and I hadn't been keeping an eye on him, he would have easily been able to avoid him at night like this without any lighting.

The person who came was wearing a long gown and a veil-like thing on his head. Although he couldn't see his face, he looked like a tall and thick man. I saw him looking around and walking towards the place where Amul buried things!

When he arrived at the place, he confirmed the place where the things were buried, and dug around while looking around. It was no different from being a thief.

I nodded to the man in the T-shirt and rushed forward first. The man was startled and ran away with his things in his arms. However, he did not run back, but jumped directly into the sea.

I stopped chasing him instantly, knowing that the sea is most dangerous at night. Although this is a shallow sea, let’s just say that the sea water is so cold at night in this season. Why would you risk your life just for a few accessories?

"What are you doing standing still!" the man in the T-shirt yelled, and he plunged in with a sudden thrust. I quickly took out my phone to give him some light, but there was no trace of that man anywhere on the sea...

This time I was really stunned. From the time I stopped to the time the man in the T-shirt jumped down, it only took a few seconds. That man disappeared right under our noses?

The man in the T-shirt emerged from the water. Even for a moment, his lips turned white from the cold. He said with a bad expression, "Something's weird."

"Could it have sunk?" I was a little worried. What if the person panicked and ran the wrong way, plunged in and didn't come back up, and that would be a big deal.

The man in the T-shirt snorted coldly and said that the man didn't even ask for help, not to mention that it was impossible to sink in such a short period of time, but there was something strange on the beach.

The two of us used the light of our mobile phones to touch around the place where people jumped into the sea. Ten minutes later, the man in the T-shirt went into the sea again and dived down to explore for a long time.

"He escaped." The man in the T-shirt popped his head out of the sea, pointed down and said: "There is a medium-sized hole there. He should have hid directly there after jumping down! I guess the two of us were on the shore just now While searching, he sneaked out from here, swam to other places and slipped away.”

I looked at the surrounding terrain. Indeed, it would not be easy for us to detect him if he swam to other places and slipped away.

It seems that this person is good at swimming, but it is normal for people who live by the sea to know how to swim. This is of little value.

"Go back." Seeing how wet the T-shirt man was, I had no choice but to give up. Ten minutes was enough for this man to run home, and I couldn't find him if I looked for him now.

The man in the T-shirt nodded, and the two of them walked to the hotel.

"Who is it?" Unexpectedly, before we could move, large and small circles of light suddenly lit up in front of us. It was a group of people holding flashlights who came to the beach.

I looked over and saw that these people should all be from the town, and Amul was among them. They looked at us warily. Just as I was about to explain, the leader shouted, "Are you trying to steal something from our sea?"

"It must be, look at that man's body being wet!"

"That's right, Mayor, you must catch them. I thought these two were sneaky when they first came to town."

"That's right."

A group of people kept echoing, and even Amul, who knew our identities, was also making trouble inside. Only then did I realize that the person in front of me was the mayor. I was about to call He Chengda to handle it, but a man stepped forward and kicked me away. My phone also said I was trying to make an excuse.

The mayor didn't listen to our excuses. He called a few people and pushed us into the town.

I looked at this group of people speechlessly. If the man in the T-shirt hadn't just signaled me not to struggle, I would have taken action. How could these people in front of me be my opponents?

But I knew what the T-shirt man’s intention was, so I didn’t move. I just struggled to pick up the phone before he was taken away.

They took us to the Tin Hau Temple in the town. A group of people stared at us fiercely and asked us if we had caught any treasure in the sea.

I shrugged my shoulders speechlessly: "We only have this outfit, where do you think we can hide the treasure?"

I just said this, but I paid attention in my heart. I wonder if there are treasures in this sea? I really need to make a profit tomorrow, so I can use it as a way to increase my income from this thankless case.

The mayor asked a few people to touch our bodies, but he looked a bit ugly after they didn't touch us.

"But you must be trying to touch the treasure when you go to the sea at night. The mayor will drive these two people away." One person looked at us fiercely, as if our existence was a great threat to them.

Seeing them coming up and pushing each other, and the man in the T-shirt on one side turned pale because he was wearing wet clothes, I stared at Amul unhappily and said coldly: "Are you sure you want to watch them drive us away? Do you want to die?"

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