Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1819 The Death of Sobud

"Amul, do you know them?" The mayor immediately looked up at Amul, and he shook his head in denial.

But how could I give him a chance to deny it? Immediately threaten Amul if he drives us away, maybe the whip will come to them again tonight.

Amul glared at me, and after a while nodded, "They know Team Leader He."

The mayor's expression changed, and he wanted to glare at Amul. I don't know why he looked away halfway, as if he was worried about something, which made me very strange.

However, everyone's attitude towards us has improved a lot. The mayor even nodded and said: "Since I know Team Leader He, I must have official business. I'm really sorry. Oh, why didn't the two leaders tell me just now?"

I snorted coldly. The mayor's apology was really insincere. It was obviously their fault, but now it's our fault for not saying anything, haha!

"I was just about to make a call, but unfortunately the mayor's people moved too quickly. Fortunately, we were on the beach, otherwise my phone would have been broken." I said pretending to be dissatisfied. This was also for the sake of us doing things in the town later. It's more convenient, otherwise these townspeople will be vigilant and nothing will be found.

The mayor immediately glanced at the person who kicked my phone, and the person also apologized sarcastically. I waved my hand: "Forget it, since it's all a misunderstanding, can we leave now?"

"Of course, please do it!" The mayor immediately gave way. The man in the T-shirt and I walked out of the Tin Hau Temple. Before leaving, I glanced at Amul. No matter what his purpose was, I could tell that he really didn't want us. He was let go by the mayor.

But considering that the man in the T-shirt needed to rest now, I didn't care too much. When I got back to the hotel, I told He Chengda what happened just now. After all, I came out on his name, so it wouldn't be good if I didn't tell him again.

He didn't have any objections after hearing this. He just told us that if it was inconvenient in the town, we could use their identities at will, just say they were members of the investigation team.

I put down the phone and lay on the bed. The man in the T-shirt had already taken a shower. He sat on the bed and wiped his hair while saying in a cold voice: "There's something wrong with that Amul."

"Something is wrong. What good will it do to the mayor if we are caught by him?" I also snorted coldly.

The man in the T-shirt sneered and said that the reason why he was arrested just now was because he noticed one thing, that is, Amul's shoes were wet.

"What?" I jumped up suddenly. It didn't rain that day. How could Amul's shoes be wet when he came out of the house?

Immediately I thought of something: "That person is actually Amul?"

The man in the T-shirt nodded. I sat back on the bed and thought for a long time before asking him. Did Amul deliberately lead us to think that he was being blackmailed, and did so because we almost discovered him, so that the mayor would If we drive him out, he will have nothing to worry about.

"Absolutely. The key is why he led us to think he was being blackmailed." The man in the T-shirt nodded: "It seems he doesn't want us to follow the original line of inquiry..."

"What do you mean?" I was a little confused.

The man in the T-shirt explained coldly that after Amul made such a fuss, he was basically sure that this incident was indeed related to the behavior of these Mongolians. Amul was a little scared when we investigated this aspect, so he directed and acted the scene as soon as it came out, so that we could believe that they were being blackmailed and were harmed by others using weird methods if they didn't agree.

I rubbed my head: "We still have to start with the people around them. It's unreasonable for no one to know what terrible things they did. I guess it's because the neighbors are afraid of retaliation."

The man in the T-shirt hummed, but he didn't agree with starting from the people around him to find out, because if the people around him could find out, He Chengda and the others should have found out long ago. He said that we had all overlooked a place. I quickly asked the man in the T-shirt where it was, and he sneered and spit out two words: police station.

I suddenly realized that indeed, if Amul and the others had done anything, the police station would definitely have clues.

"Let's rest first and go to the police station early tomorrow morning." I exhaled. I had enough trouble today, and the police station is now off duty.

These police stations in the town are different from those in big places. Because there are almost no major cases, they usually get off work when the time comes. Others may not be willing to entertain us at this time, because it is not cost-effective to find no clues.

The man in the T-shirt naturally thought of this and started meditating on the bed to rest, but I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. If Amul and the others really did something that made everyone in the town so angry that they dared not speak out, then what they did must not be that simple!

I got up early the next morning before dawn and called Wu Ping over. But he told us a piece of news that made us frustrated, because he had already gone to the police station to ask. Although these people had indeed been kept on record for fighting, it was really not a big deal.

"Compared to this, I think there is something that you should pay more attention to." Wu Ping looked very unhappy.

The man in the T-shirt and I looked at him, and he said slowly: "Just before I came to you, Sobud died."

I opened my eyes wide and didn't care about worrying about things at the police station. I asked Wu Ping to take us to see Sobude's body.

It was still the radiology room. Wang Qiang's body had been disposed of silently due to the weather. There was only the body of Sobude. He was lying on the stretcher where Wang Qiang had been lying. His eyes were wide open, as if he had seen something terrifying. .

He Chengda and the man in military green clothes both frowned.

"When did it happen?" I breathed.

He Chengda said that early this morning, they went to the ward to investigate as usual and saw that Solbude seemed to be crazy. After subduing Solbude, they dragged him to the radiology room for fear of being seen by outsiders. Who knew that the person who had just been dragged in was... Gone……

The cause of death was the same as Wang Qiang's, and other details could not be found out at all.

"Mr. Zhang, the junior high school leader, you have to speed up your pace, otherwise you won't be able to hide it at all!" He Chengda frowned, with deep helplessness in his tone. By now, he already understood that this matter was not something he could solve. Yes, it’s not like when you first found me and you still didn’t trust me.

The man in the T-shirt just hummed, and I had nothing to say except to accept. I just took out a few talismans from my pocket and asked him to put them under the pillows of the other three people, which would at least save their lives.

He Chengda hurriedly reached out to take it. Seeing that we couldn't help here, the man in the T-shirt and I left the hospital.

"Where to go now?" I looked at the sun that had just risen. I was a little confused. After several days of investigation on this case, it can be said that there was no progress at all. I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

The man in the T-shirt smiled: "Go to the police station."

I didn't know why, but the man in the T-shirt explained that Wu Ping and the others must be conducting formal investigations, and what we are going to do is not aboveboard.

When I arrived at the police station, I finally understood what the man in the T-shirt meant when he said he was not aboveboard. He actually asked me to release an imp to scare the police station employees before I asked any questions.

I had no choice but to do as he said. Because I was afraid of something happening, the level of the little ghosts I summoned was not high, and the police station was an upright place, so it was not easy for little ghosts to enter. We had to wait at the door for two or three hours before someone in uniform came out of the police station.

The kid immediately followed me, and as soon as he got to a place where no one was around, he deliberately acted in front of the police. The policeman rubbed his eyes at first, and the kid disappeared and reappeared several times under my control.

"Ahhhhh, ghost!" the policeman yelled. I was afraid that his voice would disturb other people, so I quickly covered his mouth secretly from behind and dragged him to a remote alley.

Because there was a kid on the side to scare him, he didn't dare to look back, otherwise I couldn't be exposed like this.

"Don't worry, I just want to ask you a few questions. If you answer them truthfully, this ghost promises not to hurt you!" I coughed and lowered my voice, trying not to let him hear my original voice.

The policeman nodded like a fool: "You, whatever you want to ask, I will definitely tell you everything."

I didn't really want to do anything to him, so I didn't torture him. He nodded and I said, "How are Wang Qiang and Amul in your town doing?"

"Huh?" The policeman was a little confused, and I impatiently controlled the kid to yell.

He immediately called out: "I don't know very well. I only know that they often bully people and have been in the police station a few times. But there is no evidence and no one can do anything to them."

"Oh? Then they are all hospitalized now. Who do you think did this?" I asked again.

He shook his head: "Retribution, this is all retribution. No one dares to go against them, and it's not like they are risking their lives. They all come from the same place, and they are very united. If you offend one, you will offend a group of them! Even if you offend one of them, you will offend a group of them!" There are police watching. They usually bully you, and the police can't do anything to them without causing a big problem, so now no one dares to offend them. Basically, they do whatever they say, and they don't offend if they can't."

This method really worked. The police would answer almost anything I asked immediately, but that was also because there was nothing to hide about what I asked. Because during the process, I could see that the policeman wanted to see who I was several times, but I was used to scare him away.

It's just because the person who asked the question has a low position, so he only knows a little bit about it, but you can also tell from his words that those Mongolians are not good people.

"You don't know anything specific, or can you find out their case records for me?" I frowned. I couldn't find the target with just these few words of his. After all, I was bullied by these people. There seem to be quite a few victims.

The policeman swallowed, then tried not to look at the kid, and asked calmly: "Can I ask what you want this for?"

"Of course I'm looking for someone to settle the score!" I sneered.

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