Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1820 The Corpse Can Talk

The policeman breathed a sigh of relief and then asked me if I could get the kid away? He was really trembling when he saw it.

Of course I don't have any objections. Anyway, as long as my mind changes, this kid can come out immediately, and I am not afraid of what tricks he will play.

Fortunately, the policeman didn't have any other thoughts. He just smiled and said that if I wanted to avenge the townspeople, he would be happy to be the traitor and help me steal the case!

"However, many of the criminal records in the police station are minor because there is no evidence. Some of the things they did are just hidden in the minds of the victims. I can help you ask, but you must not tell me. I'm ashamed, I'm quite afraid of them." The policeman was a little helpless. In fact, I also understood what he was thinking. A strong dragon would not be able to defeat a local coward. If those people knew about it, the policeman's life would indeed be difficult.

"No problem, but I don't have much time. The faster you collect it, the better. When you collect it, put a drop of blood on it and I will feel it." I took out a magic talisman and handed it to the police from behind.

With the little ghost thing in mind, he had no doubts about the effect of the magic talisman, so he put the talisman paper away and ran away.

The man in the T-shirt didn't speak from the beginning to the end. When he saw me letting the policeman go, he asked me why I trusted this little policeman so much.

I shrugged and said, "I don't believe this policeman. I just think that if those people really did something, the victims must be aggrieved, but they dare not say anything because of their revenge! At this time, if someone gives them Coming forward will not implicate them, I believe many people will choose to come forward."

However, it will definitely take some time for the police to uncover the case. During this time, I plan to do other things.

"What are you going to do?" The man in the T-shirt looked at me.

I chuckled and said, "We were so fooled by this that we forgot the most important thing, which is that no matter what, the fact that there is no Yin Qi is worth exploring."

The man in the T-shirt also thinks it's good. This is really strange. Even though we have seen so many victims, no matter how deep or shallow their wounds are, they just can't feel the slightest yin energy. This is really weird for me in the yin world. This is the first time since.

To check for yin energy, we can only start with a few victims, so the man in the T-shirt and I returned to the hospital again.

"Chief Chu, did you come here knowing that something happened?" We bumped into Wu Ping at the entrance of the hospital. Seeing the panic on his face, I felt a thump in my heart.

Thorbud died just in the morning, so there won't be another death in the afternoon, right?

Wu Ping glanced at the patients at the entrance of the hospital and pulled us directly to the radiology room. As he walked, he lowered his voice and said, "That Sobud is alive again..."

"What?" I was stunned. It was only after the man in the T-shirt pushed me that I realized what I was doing, and then I breathed out.

The doors of the radiation room have very good sound insulation effect, so we can't hear what's going on inside. Wu Ping didn't dare to go in directly, but made a phone call first. He Chengda answered the phone, but when I heard his angry and somewhat intermittent voice, I knew that this matter was by no means as simple as surviving.

Sure enough, Wu Ping hung up the phone and took two steps back. He told me seriously that if something comes out when the door opens later, please, the man in the T-shirt and I must stop it as quickly as possible and then pull it in.

I nodded. It seemed that Sobud was not coming back to life, but a fake corpse!

The man in the T-shirt and I stood at the door, one on the left and the other on the right. After about ten seconds, the door slowly opened, and a figure quickly rushed out from inside. We held his arm and dragged him in. As soon as we entered, the door clicked. It closed with a bang.

It was indeed Sobude who rushed out. He Chengda and the men in military uniforms could not subdue him at all. After we tied Sobude to the stretcher, we found that the two of them were in a very embarrassed state.

Their hair was wet with sweat and their clothes were torn in a mess, as if they had been through a big battle.

Thorbud was still shouting, as if he was talking about something, but no one present could understand him!

His eyes were wide open, and he looked at us as if he was seeing an enemy. He roared, mixed with a few words that we didn't understand.

"What's going on?" I frowned and looked at the man in the T-shirt. It was so obvious that he was controlled by the Yin spirit, but I still couldn't feel the Yin energy.

The man in the T-shirt exhaled and said slightly mockingly: "Maybe they are righteous people."

There is a situation where Yin spirits have no Yin energy. For example, they were very righteous people in life, or they died with justice on their backs.

But in addition to meeting the above two conditions, there must also be special circumstances to cooperate. Otherwise, I have encountered so many Yin spirits, and even national heroes, who also have Yin energy. I exhaled, what is the origin of the Yin spirit this time?

"What, what should I do?" He Chengda breathed heavily and couldn't say a word for a long time, and when he finally vomited it out, it was intermittently.

I told him that Solbud was easy to deal with, but the ones who were behind the scenes were more difficult to deal with. I became more and more convinced that there was someone behind the scenes who was taking revenge on these Mongolian men.

"You'd better pay more attention to the ward. Controlling living people can cause more chaos than controlling corpses. It's best to move those people to a different place! If it starts to cause trouble again, it won't be suppressed at all." I sighed, If I hadn't given He Chengda a few talismans, the people in the ward would probably be causing trouble now, and the town would be in chaos by then.

But it's just to prevent the news from leaking, so I'm doing things cowardly now. But He Chengda and the others thought well. If the news of the Mongols being harmed spreads out, it could easily cause chaos or even conflict if they are guided by someone who is interested.

He Chengda looked at the man in military uniform. The latter said that his house in the town had a basement. He could move the remaining three people there, but he would have to send someone to watch over it. It was not as easy to get in and out as the hospital. .

He Chengda naturally said there was no problem and asked Wu Ping to go down and make arrangements. They would be arranged in the basement within today.

"He..." The man in military uniform pointed at Thorbud, who was still yelling, and frowned: "He seems to be talking about something, but is this a dialect? I have never heard it before."

I didn't care about anything else, I just took out my phone and recorded the conversation. I didn't care what it was, and I would ask a professional language expert later. Anyway, that's all he said.

After recording the words, the man in the T-shirt went up and directly put a magic talisman on Sobud. The latter's eyes widened, and finally he closed his eyes unwillingly.

Just as I was about to say something, the talisman in my arms suddenly lit up. I felt happy. This was the talisman I gave to the little policeman. I didn't expect him to be so fast. I looked at the man in the T-shirt. He quickly told me to follow me and ran towards the alley.

The policeman waited anxiously with a folder in his arms. The man in the T-shirt and I still copied it from behind to prevent him from seeing our faces.

"You got it so soon?" I asked in a low voice.

The police explained that because he was doing it secretly and would not tell anyone, those people had long wanted to end it. Now that the Mongolians had suffered retribution and there were people willing to stand up for them, they were naturally happy to tell them. Moreover, the police station knew that he was doing this but turned a blind eye, so the case went smoothly.

I nodded, and my guess was indeed correct. It wasn't that they didn't want to stand up to these people, but they really had no choice. Once they found a way, they couldn't stop it!

I guess Wu Ping has been unable to ask because we have been hanging around the Mongolian victims, making them confused whether we are going to help them or the victims.

After taking the case file from the policeman, I motioned for him to leave. Before leaving, he wanted to look back at us. I directly threatened him that if anyone saw me, I would ignore the matter. After hearing this, he As expected, he left obediently.

I opened the folder in my hand. There were only a few pages in it, but I was very angry when I looked at it.

I used to wonder why the business done by these Mongolians was so good. It turned out that it wasn't that it was good, but that they used tricks!

For example, Wang Qiang's family is a breakfast shop. If a townie goes to another house to have breakfast instead of going to his house and is found out, he will not only lead people to surround the townie, but also go to other breakfast shops to cause trouble, unless they have many family members. Only when people could no longer sit down would the townspeople be allowed to go to other breakfast shops. Over time, almost no one in the town opened breakfast shops anymore.

The same goes for Amul's jewelry store. Except for some shops with a few yuan, there are no serious jewelry stores in the town.

Before, some people did not believe in evil and ignored them, and they were beaten and lay in the hospital for two months. However, these people were only detained for a few days and then came out. After they were released, they went to the hospital to make trouble every day, which made them miserable. Don't withdraw your appeal and live cautiously in the town.

In addition, they also exploited the townspeople, taking any good things for themselves, and even charging protection fees. Of course, the protection fee is collected after they have tidied up the townspeople. Even if the police intervene and the people who are being exploited only say that they want to pay back the money, the police will not be able to do anything.

The things they committed are disgusting to talk about, but the charges are not serious. Even if some townspeople can't stand it and call the police, they will be released in a short time. And after being released, they will retaliate against the person who called the police, either beating him up severely or making trouble. This person cannot stay in the town any longer. There was once a person who called the police who was thrown into the sea by them in the middle of the night and lost half his life before he was pulled out... …

Of course, apart from these, there are many other bad things they did, such as molesting beautiful women, beating up tourists who spoke uprightly, etc. It’s too long to list!

As time went by, even if the townspeople had complaints in their hearts, they did not dare to call the police again, and the police were unable to do anything.

I looked at the documents for a long time and couldn't believe that such a small town could have such a force that did evil...

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