Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1821 The manipulator behind the scenes

"They deserve it!" I cursed angrily.

No wonder the townspeople said it was retribution. Sure enough, it would not be surprising for such a person to receive such retribution.

The man in the T-shirt patted my shoulder: "These people deserve their punishment, but we cannot let the evil spirits interfere, otherwise the order of the world will be disrupted."

I knew what he said was correct, but I couldn't let go of the anger in my heart. Finally, I smashed the document on the wall, but a question popped up in my mind: In this case, is someone using vaginal objects to pray to others? Are those Mongolians taking revenge?

I have encountered many situations like this before. They were all incompetent in reality and finally resorted to evil things to achieve justice.

For example, Di Renjie's Dragon Mace and Bao Zheng's Blue Sky Three Guillotines.

The man in the T-shirt also agreed with my idea, but he did not investigate with me anymore. In his words, Wang Qiang's body was disposed of and he didn't have time to see it, but he must keep an eye on Sobud's body!

I asked him why he was staring at the corpses, and he explained that he just felt weird. He always felt that there was something on these corpses that we had missed, and that this corpse had been manipulated. Maybe there would be more information about the ghosts left behind. information. But after something like this happened, He Chengda and the others would definitely dispose of the body more quickly. If you wanted to see it then, you would have no chance. Seeing that what he said made sense, we split up.

With the list taken out from the police station, it was much easier to find clues. I first went to the house of a widow named Zhuang.

The widow of the village was alone with a ten-year-old child. They were just the most ordinary family in the town, but they were bullied. Both she and her son were bullied by Wang Qiang and Sobude!

They even insulted the widow in front of Zhuang's son when he was at home, and threatened the widow's son not to tell anyone.

One time, the widow's son couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to go out for help, but they beat him severely.

Then the widow's son learned the lesson and called the police when they were not paying attention. Unexpectedly, no evidence was found, the widow did not dare to testify, and the police could only arrest them and lock them up for a few days. After being released, the widow's son was severely beaten, but he did not dare to call the police again after learning from the past.

The reason why I chose their home is because I think that since the widow's son dared to call the police at the beginning, it proves that he still has legal awareness and it is easier to communicate. The reason why he is resigned now is just because he has a timid mother.

Secondly, it is also because I compared the other victims and found that the situation in Widow Zhuang’s family was the most serious, so if anyone wants to take revenge on Wang Qiang and others, they will definitely bear the brunt!

I didn't blatantly enter Widow Zhuang's house. After all, Amul was still outside. I couldn't guarantee that I would keep an eye on them all the time, so I couldn't bring any danger to them.

So I stood guard outside the house of Widow Zhuang and watched her son go out before sneaking up to follow him.

Although today is not the weekend, because he is only in junior high school, he comes back for lunch at noon, which is why I squat here.

Looking at the thin back in front of me, I felt uncomfortable. Not to mention what kind of psychological shadow the severe beating would have on him? Just seeing his mother being insulted by a group of people with his own eyes would definitely have a very serious impact on him.

"Xiaozhuang!" When I walked to a corner, I called him when there were not many people.

Widow Zhuang's son's surname and her surname were quite a topic of conversation in Yamen Town, so it was easy to find out.

Xiaozhuang turned around in confusion, and when he saw me, not only did he not stay, but he turned around and walked faster.

I immediately followed him, grabbed him, and dragged him into the alley.

Xiaozhuang didn't struggle. When I stopped, he just silently made defensive movements, which made me feel uncomfortable. It seems that this child has indeed been bullied into a habit, and the way he accepts it is heartbreaking.

"Xiaozhuang, I don't want to hit you, I just have something to ask you." I tried to slow down my voice for fear of scaring him.

He looked at me defensively but did not speak. I had to explain again that I knew the situation of his family and it was precisely because of this incident that I needed more detailed information to prosecute those bad guys.

Of course, these are all used to fool him. I just want to know if he might be the revenger behind the scenes?

Xiaozhuang looked at me again, still didn't speak and just shook his head silently.

"Don't you want them to be punished by the law?" I asked helplessly.

He groaned, his eyes brightened but then dimmed quickly. It seemed that he didn't quite believe me.

I smiled and explained that the reason why I could not sue them before was firstly because there was not enough evidence, and secondly because the police were also residents of the town and were very afraid of the methods of Wang Qiang and others, so the investigation was not strong enough.

But I am different. I am sent from other places to investigate. I dare to arrest people as long as I find evidence. They will not know who I have contacted while investigating the evidence.

Xiaozhuang's eyes lit up again, and he looked at me but hesitated to speak. I didn't force him, so that he could write if he couldn't speak.

He nodded for a while and then said: "I-I'll give you a break from school."

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you here after school." I looked at his back with a smile, but felt a little disappointed.

Seeing as he looked like this, he probably wasn't the manipulator behind it, so I lightly put a cross under his name, and then went to look for other victims.

But it wasn't always so smooth. For example, the man who was beaten and hospitalized didn't say anything at all. The reason why his case was recorded in such detail was because he was seriously injured at the time, and it took the intervention of the police station to resolve the matter. The case is treated as if it were recorded in the criminal record.

I sighed. It seemed that this man was scared. Even if I repeatedly promised that these Mongolians could not cause any harm to them, there was no way to convince him. Just like I once read a story, a person who has had his leg broken will still unconsciously want to stand up and salute when he hears a certain name, because it is something engraved in their bones.

But judging from the fearful look on this man's face, he must not be the manipulator behind it, right?

I spent the entire afternoon going through the list given to me by the police, but found no suspicious person. I felt a headache and pressed my head, wondering if there was someone else who was responsible for the murder.

Seeing that the time agreed upon by Xiaozhuang and I had arrived, I put aside my doubts and went to the previous place to wait for him.

After waiting for about ten minutes, I saw Xiaozhuang walking over from a distance. Just as I was about to say hello, I saw several people running up from behind Xiaozhuang and trying to pull Xiaozhuang's arm.

Xiaozhuang was so scared that he held his head and ran towards me. Instead of saving him, I hid in the dark to see the situation.

These people seemed to be the children of the Mongolian people. They were chattering something so fast that I couldn't hear it clearly, but the resentment in their eyes didn't seem to be fake!

Xiaozhuang couldn't run away from them at all. As he was running, someone grabbed his schoolbag and dragged him back. One of them kicked him in the stomach and cursed.

This time I understood, it meant that Xiaozhuang dared to call the police, causing their father to have an accident and not come back to this day.

I frowned. How dare these people think that Xiaozhuang did this?

Seeing that they were getting more and more excessive, and someone even pulled Xiaozhuang's head against the wall, I immediately rushed forward: "What are you doing!"

I originally thought that if I yelled like this, these half-grown children would disperse in a hurry, but I didn't expect that they looked at me and spat with contempt on their faces.

It seems that they have not acted bravely before, and they should be used to it, because those who act bravely will not end well in the end.

I stepped forward and pushed away the boy who hit him the hardest, and helped Xiaozhuang up from the ground. Although I couldn't fight with the children, they couldn't snatch Xiaozhuang from my hands.

"I've never seen you, you're not a citizen of the town!" The kid who seemed to be the leader stared at me, and after a while he said coldly: "If you help him, you are harming him. When you leave the town, I will repair him properly." , hum, let’s go.”

I feel powerless looking at these children. Indeed, even if this matter is resolved, I cannot control the behavior of these children at all. If they are stimulated by the death of their father again, Xiaozhuang's future may be...

"It's okay, it'll be fine if they give it a few blows." Xiaozhuang wiped the blood from his nose, his nonchalant look made my heart skip a beat.

He looked very much like those children who were bullied by bad students in the news. They thought that giving in would be useful, but in the end, the other party only intensified their tactics.

I pulled Xiaozhuang and said in a serious tone: "It's useless. Remember, I'm here to solve their father's problem this time! After I leave, their father will no longer be able to do evil, but I don't have any responsibility for these children." There are ways to control it. If you don’t want to be beaten by them, you have to be more ruthless, do you understand?”

Sometimes reason is of no use, and only fighting violence with violence can save these children from being bullied.

Xiaozhuang's eyes widened: "Really? They really won't bully the townspeople anymore?"

"No, from now on they won't have time to bully you." I smiled. Now that they are busy with themselves, they don't have time to bully others.

Xiaozhuang nodded, and then told me in detail how his family was bullied, and how several other families he knew were bullied. I felt sad, even though I didn't find out who was behind it in the end. Seeing how Xiaozhuang believed in me made me feel at ease.

After sending Xiaozhuang away, I originally thought that today was in vain, but unexpectedly, things took a turn for the better during dinner.

It was still the Malatang restaurant from last time. I ordered a small bowl and ate it. Halfway through the meal, I heard someone talking about the Mongolians. A name popped up from their mouths from time to time: Liu Yuan!

From what they heard, this Liu Yuan had already done something to offend the Mongolians and had been committed to retaliating against them, so they thought that Liu Yuan should have done this.

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