Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1823 Weird Mark (Additional update)

Liu Yuan stared at me, sometimes fiercely, sometimes confused. I didn’t want to say more to him, but I just told him that if he continued to raise little devils, he would be sucked dry first without killing others.

Of course he didn't believe it, and I didn't bother to talk to him. Although his experience was very worthy of sympathy, it would not do him any good if he continued like this. If he insisted, I wouldn't be able to control much.

This kind of kid is easy to deal with. Even if something happens, a random monk or Taoist priest can take care of the kid. The reason why I said it was so serious is just to scare Liu Yuan. He is only in his early fifties. After the Mongolian issue is resolved this time, he still has half a lifetime to live, so he cannot ruin himself here.

After waiting for less than ten minutes, there was a knock on the door. I shouted to come in, and the figure of the man in a T-shirt came in from the outside.

"Raising a kid?" He casually glanced at the living room and fixed his gaze on the Buddhist altar. I nodded and told him what he had just said. He said disdainfully that a kid of this level has no future, and at most it will cost the ghost raiser his life.

His words made Liu Yuan shaken. I have to say that many times when the man in the T-shirt shows his superior face, everything he says and does gets twice the result with half the effort. I spent a long time here, but people still doubted me.

I helplessly shrugged my shoulders: "What can I do? I was bullied so hard that I could only think of this bad idea. By the way, I have checked everything and there is no suspicious person. Who do you think is the mastermind behind this?"

"Let's not talk about it for now. I came to you to talk about other things." The man in the T-shirt glanced at Liu Yuan and then said coldly: "You'd better forget what happened today. If others find out, I will Expose you for raising a brat."

Liu Yuan nodded reluctantly, and when we were leaving, he still couldn't help but ask what we do. He raised little ghosts, so he could naturally tell that we were different from He Chengda. I smiled and did not explain, I just said that we would not harm the people in the town.

He exhaled and said: "If you are here to investigate the retribution of those Mongolians, you will not be able to find out."

"What do you mean?" I turned to look at him.

He sighed and said that he had secretly gone to see them when they were being punished. It was not something humans did at all, and no one in the townspeople he knew had such ability, so the gods must not be able to see it. Punish them.

I didn't say anything. If God were so free, there wouldn't be so many messy things in the world. However, we accepted his reminder with an open mind.

In the end, I couldn't help but gave him a yang-enhancing talisman: "Brother, you'd better not raise any more brats. This brat is very easy to deal with now. In a while, you won't be able to control it at all. What will happen then?" manage?"

He took the talisman and only asked me one sentence for a long time. If he didn't raise the little devil, would those people still get the punishment they deserve?

I nodded to reassure him that this was what we were here for.

"I don't trust that investigation team, but I trust you. Those who deal with this industry are all experts!" He nodded solemnly, and then asked us to take the kid away.

I breathed a sigh of relief. For such a person who has gone through many hardships, I didn’t want him to end up in a bad way because he raised a kid.

After coming out of Liu Yuan's house, I asked the man in the T-shirt strangely why he had gone all the way, and he could have just let me pass.

He shook his head: "I just felt that there was Yin Qi here, and you happened to be here, so I came over to take a look. I didn't expect that you were just raising a kid. It was really a waste of effort."

Unexpectedly, he was a little depressed, so I quickly changed the topic and asked him what he had discovered.

"Follow me." He waved mysteriously.

He led me to a house, and then walked straight down. I patted my head. The man in military uniform should have moved those people here. Did the man in the T-shirt want me to see those three people?

Sure enough, there was a small basement down there. Two soldiers we had never seen were guarding the outside, but they obviously knew the man in the T-shirt and opened the door without asking.

The three people were lying in the basement, and when they saw someone coming in, they looked desperate.

I understand their thoughts. Originally, the hospital was still a public place, and even though they were worried, they thought that these people would not dare to do anything to them. But now that we are in the basement, outsiders will never know whether we are alive or dead.

"Look carefully at their wounds..." the man in the T-shirt pointed at the three people.

I gave him a strange look. We had looked at this wound countless times and found nothing at all. But after he said that, I went up and looked at them one by one. Finally, I shook my head: "And Same as before, what’s wrong?”

"Look here." The man in the T-shirt pointed to the side of his waist.

I looked at it carefully and found that this place is easily overlooked, but it is also a relatively shallow wound because the whip does not receive much force when it is struck.

After looking at one person, I didn't feel anything. After looking at three people, I finally saw some clues: "Why do these three people have a square mark on their waists?"

The mark was very shallow, so shallow that you couldn't even see it inside the red wound. If the man in the T-shirt hadn't specifically pointed it out, I would have never been able to see it if I was just staring at it.

The man in the T-shirt hummed: "Today I went to see Sobude... When I saw him, his wound was relatively serious, but the wound on the side of his waist was very shallow. I took a look and found something wrong. Then I I came to see a few of them. Sure enough, they all have such marks on their waists and sides, even if some are on the left and some on the right, they are all there."

When he talked about Thorbude, he almost didn't say the words Thorbude's body. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and nothing happened.

"What kind of mark is this?" I asked with a frown, "Could it be a special sign of these Mongolians?"

They are a group, so it is not impossible to get some special logo. But the man in the T-shirt shook his head: "No, I asked, and they didn't know there was a mark here, so they said it should be after being whipped." left."

My eyes lit up. Just as the last clue was cut off, another clue came here. It was really suitable.

The man in the T-shirt took out a pen and paper and drew the mark. It was square and about the size of an adult's fist. There seems to be a word or picture in the center, but since there is only such a frame, it is impossible to tell what it is.

"Let's check it first. It must be related to the punishment of whipping." I took the mark he drew and walked out of the basement with him.

The man in the T-shirt and I agreed that since it appeared at the same time as the punishment of flogging, then this thing was probably the same thing that was attached to the punishment of flogging in the Southern Song Dynasty.

We ignored sleep and printed out the information about flogging in the Southern Song Dynasty and moved it back to the hotel. The two of us just started searching.

When it got dark outside, I raised my head from the information, rubbed my sore neck, and shook my head helplessly: "I didn't find it."

The man in the T-shirt also shook his head. I put the information aside. What kind of whip would carry such a square thing?

After thinking about it for a long time, we had no clue. The man in the T-shirt and I simply gave it up and just fell asleep.

As a result, before we could sleep peacefully, Wu Ping came over and said that someone died in the basement, and they didn't have time to drag the person out this time, which meant that the other two people saw it...

I jumped out of bed, my head still a little dazed, but I quickly washed up and got dressed.

When we got to the basement, the dead one was lying on one side, and the other two people were crouching in the corner. As soon as they saw us, they rushed up: "Hurry, save us, there is a ghost!"

I looked at the corpse and realized that it was no different from the previous two. What bothered me was that I had clearly given them magic talismans.

"It hasn't been touched." The man in the T-shirt obviously knew what I was thinking. He took out an intact magic talisman from the dead man's pocket, frowning as if he had something to figure out.

Of course I know what he can't figure out. Even if the talisman cannot suppress the Yin spirit, there will definitely be movement. The look of the talisman now shows that it doesn't know that any Yin spirit has come.

In other words, there is no Yin Qi...

"Help us, please help us!" The remaining two people pulled on our sleeves, their eyes full of fear. One of the timid ones had wet crotch, and he was so frightened that he became incontinent.

Although I deeply hate what they did, I still can't bear to see them like this.

If you want to kill them, you can just do it, but this Yin spirit is clearly torturing them, first flogging, then increasing the punishment, and finally taking their lives. If he had no determination at all, he would probably go crazy before he was tortured to death.

"What should I do?" I scratched my hair. If there is no Yin Qi, we can't investigate. People in our circle have always determined the cause of trouble before making plans, but now we have no clue at all. We only know that one is related to the Southern Song Dynasty.

The man in the T-shirt thought for a while, and finally said that he would leave for two days to find experts in the field. If he could unlock this light-colored mark, he might be able to find a breakthrough.

I thought this was the only way to go, so I nodded, and then asked He Chengda to keep strict supervision of these two people and not leave anyone around.

What I'm afraid of is not that ghosts will harm them. What I'm worried about is that given the mental condition of these two people, if no one is around, they might commit suicide first.

"Team leader, Amul has made some moves." Wu Ping just went out to answer a phone call and said this when he opened the door and came in. I immediately looked at him and saw that he looked serious and a little excited.

"What action?" He Chengda frowned.

Wu Ping took a deep breath; "He seems to be running away!"

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