Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1824: Dark Shadow on the Bedside

"Escape?" I asked in surprise.

When Amul was first released, he put me and the man in the T-shirt together. He looked very timid, how could he think of escaping?

Wu Ping explained that he had been a little worried since we released Amul, fearing that something would happen to him, so he had been sending people to follow him. The past two days have been relatively peaceful, but I don't know why he started to get a little nervous today. The people who were following him suddenly found him packing his luggage and bought a last ticket, probably because he wanted to take advantage of it when no one was paying attention. Escape with your wife.

"Well, go take a look first and don't let him leave the town." He Chengda ordered lightly.

Wu Ping responded and went out. Seeing that nothing happened to us, I went back to the hotel with the man in the T-shirt. He was leaving for two days, and I didn’t ask him where he was going. I just watched him pack some things.

After the man in the T-shirt left, I called Li Mazi and listened to him complain a few words. After confirming that Aduo was fine and not finding other similar things, I felt a lot more at ease.

If something happens to A Duo and Li Mazi can't handle it alone, not only Yamen Town will be in chaos.

I exhaled and leaned on the bed, thinking about the whole thing from beginning to end. The only thing that was certain was that the purpose of the Yin Spirit this time was to punish these evil-doing Mongolians, and there seemed to be no controller, which meant that the Yin Spirit acted spontaneously. of.

So what kind of ghost is there that hates these people so much?

I rubbed my head. Since there was no other way, I had to start from the local area. Yamen Town is a small place. Although the famous Battle of Yashan happened in history, there is nothing else worth noting. I have never heard of any heroes who hated evil in this place in ancient times. The focus is still on the people of the Southern Song Dynasty. …

I took out my mobile phone and entered several keywords such as Southern Song Dynasty, Jealousy of Evil, and Yamen to search. After a while, I gave up in despair. The only relationship between Yamen and the Southern Song Dynasty that was mentioned on the Internet was the Battle of Yashan, but that was between two ethnic groups. The war should not be related to this incident...

Although several people have died, it can only be said to be a small incident compared to the war.

I exhaled, rubbed my hair irritably, and fell asleep in a daze.

"Huhu." At this time, there was the sound of someone blowing air in my ears. I waved my hands a little irritably, changed my position and continued to sleep.

After a while, this kind of news came again, and I yelled impatiently: "Who is so boring!"

After yelling this sentence, I suddenly woke up. After the T-shirt man left, I was the only one in the room. Besides, even if he was here, I wouldn't be so boring...

I opened my eyes immediately and saw darkness. I didn't expect that I had slept for so long.

The whirring in my ears was still there, so I jumped up from the bed and turned on the light. Then I looked at the bed. The only thing on the empty bed was the messy quilt that I had rubbed.

I cautiously approached the bed and lifted the quilt, but there was nothing inside either.

"Maybe I was confused." I rubbed my temples. I haven't slept well these past few days, especially after sleeping all night last night. I probably regarded the dream as reality.

I sighed, washed my face with cold water, and then went out to find food.

But I was dumbfounded as soon as I went out. The bright sun was still hanging in the sky. It looked like it was only two or three o'clock in the afternoon, but it was indeed dark when I just woke up.

I turned around and ran back. When I arrived at the hotel, I pushed the door open. Yes, it was still dark...

But the curtains were open, and I could see the bright light from outside but it couldn't come in, as if this room and the place where I was standing were not the same space.

I exhaled and took two steps back in disbelief, only to bump into someone.

This person was the proprietress of the hotel. She looked at me strangely and asked me what was wrong. I shook my head and said I was fine. Then I pointed to the room and asked her, "Do you think my room is not bright enough?"

"No, it's not very bright. The sun is so bright outside, how could it not be bright enough?" The landlady stretched her neck and looked into the room, and finally gave me a strange look.

I looked over again, and sure enough, the sunlight shining into the room was completely different from the darkness I just saw.

"Maybe I just came back from outside..." I scratched my head in embarrassment, but the lady boss didn't say anything, she just looked at me strangely and left.

I let out a breath, then looked at the room again only to find it plunged into darkness again.

"Haha, I'm afraid you won't come!" I shouted loudly, went straight into the room and locked the door. I also put a mute note on it to prevent the sound inside from spreading out.

It’s hard to solve this matter because I haven’t had a clue, but now that the other party has taken the initiative to come to me, it’s like giving me an opportunity, so I’m very excited!

As soon as the door closed, the sky outside suddenly turned dark. I turned on the light, and the room remained the same, but I could feel a strange sound in the air.

It seemed to be a voice, but it was also like the whirring sound I heard before. Anyway, it was very weird.

I exhaled and took out the invisible needle. Since I didn't bring the ghost-killing sword this time, I could only use this temporarily.

But there was no movement in the air except for voices similar to voices, and even the invisible needle could not sense the other party's position.

"Come out!" I yelled, and then I realized that my behavior was a bit stupid. If the other party had come out after I yelled like this, it wouldn't have caused us the headache that it is now.

But something unexpected happened. Just after I finished shouting, a light and shadow appeared from the bedside, but it was very faint. If you didn't pay special attention, you couldn't see it at all.

I remembered the darkness before and quickly turned off the light. Sure enough, after the light was turned off, the light and shadow became clearer. I looked over but didn't feel any yin energy from this mass of light and shadow. I felt a chill in my heart. It seemed like this was the guy who was behind it!

I took a few steps closer to the light and shadow, and there was a whirring sound coming from the light and shadow, like one person or a group of people. It seemed to be saying something to me, but I couldn't understand it at all. I quickly took out my phone to record. The light and shadow spoke for about two minutes, and then slowly dissipated, and the room became brighter.

"He just wants to say something to me?" I was a little confused, but I couldn't understand what he said.

Thinking about it, I called the man in the T-shirt and told him what was going on here. He asked me to send him the recording. When I sent it to him, I suddenly remembered that I had also recorded what Sobud said in the hospital. Weird sound, after thinking about it I sent him the two recordings together.

After doing all this, it was still daylight, so I thought I had nothing else to do, so I went to the basement and carefully studied the marks on the victim.

The remaining two people saw me as if they were seeing a life-saving Bodhisattva, and kept pulling me to ask for help. I snorted coldly: "You know what you are doing, and now you know how to ask for help?"

"We know we were wrong, and we will never dare to do it again. Please help us, help us, don't let us stay in this hellish place." One of them pulled my sleeve and begged.

I shook my head: "For now, this is the safest place."

"Safety, how is it possible? A person just died here, will I be next? I don't want to die, I really don't want to die, please, help me." This person started to speak incoherently, I don't want to die. I pushed him patiently, but he still pulled my sleeve.

I glared at him, and then pushed him away with some force. He sat down on the ground and stared at me blankly, but said no more.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but the other person said timidly: "He, is he... dead?"

"How is that possible?" I yelled but found something was wrong. This person did not move at all after sitting on the ground. Even if he was frightened by me, he could not suddenly become silent.

I looked over in disbelief and saw that this man was still looking like he was pushed to the ground by me. His eyes were staring at the place where I just stood, but he didn't look at all.

I immediately leaned over and put my hand on the end of his nose - there was no breath.

"You, you killed someone, you killed someone!" Another person huddled in the corner, pointed at me and yelled, and kept yelling at me not to kill him too.

"Shut up!" I was a little angry. No matter what, I couldn't kill this person with just a push, but the Yin spirit did kill this person with my hands...

I took a deep breath and called the few soldiers guarding outside to come in and explained the matter. They immediately called He Chengda. The latter looked at me awkwardly, and then sighed: "I can't blame you for this, it's just..."

"I understand, you will report this part when the matter is over." I know their style of doing things. If such a thing happens, it must be reported, and I will not embarrass them.

Then I looked at the last person and said slowly: "You have seen their fate. To be honest, except for Amul, who was the least injured, all the others in your group are dead! If you don't want to die, Just tell me what happened after you were whipped in detail, and don’t fool me by saying that you can’t remember anything.”

I was a little impatient. Although I knew that they might not remember clearly, I couldn't help but vent my anger on them at this time.

He looked at me blankly and said in disbelief: "He... they are all dead?"

"That's right." I nodded.

He stood up suddenly and rushed forward, muttering: "Amul is not dead, yes, he will not die as long as he gets out. Get out of the way, you murderers!"

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