Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1825: Poor people must be hateful

I grabbed him and threw him to the ground, and cursed fiercely: "Murderers? What is the difference between you and murderers? Don't say that you have suffered retribution now, even if you have not suffered retribution, according to what you have done As long as you investigate carefully, do you think you can escape the law?"

He was stunned for a moment by what I said, but he still didn't give up and struggled desperately to get out. I was really impatient, so I kicked him directly, and then asked someone to tie him up.

Then I looked at him and said coldly: "Do you want to live?"

He must have realized that he was indeed no match for me and became a lot more honest. When he heard my question, his head felt like a chicken pecking at rice: "I want to live, I want to live!"

I told him to cooperate if he wanted to live, and then I asked him what happened while they were being whipped.

He opened his mouth, then lowered his head: "The townspeople are right, we have indeed suffered retribution."

Then he told the story about how he, Amul, and Wang Qiang were acting arrogantly in the town. Everyone who listened wanted to shoot him right now.

Because I knew it in advance, I wasn’t that angry now. I just asked him if he still remembered the specific circumstances of each time he was whipped?

We have asked this before, but they don't know whether it's because they think it's no big deal, or they are used to being domineering, so they don't cooperate at all and just say they don't remember.

The man was silent for a while and then said: "Actually, we all did bad things before we were whipped, so..."

I nodded in understanding. I had thought of this a long time ago. Then I asked in detail about the situation when he was whipped. He recalled that he usually felt his waist being whipped when he was sleeping or resting. one time. They didn't pay attention at first, thinking they just bumped into something, but then it got worse every time, as if there was an invisible person standing behind them and beating them. Then they got scared. They went to the hospital and found out that they were whipped. After that, the investigation team stationed in Yamen Town to investigate.

But because they committed many evil deeds, they were vague when asked about the causes and consequences, which hindered the work of the investigation team.

Now that they saw someone dead, they were finally afraid. He just discussed with the person who died and told us the whole thing when we arrived. It was just that he was frightened and confused for a while, so he tried to run out.

"Besides the sound of the whip, was there anything else weird when you were beaten?" I frowned.

The man screamed: "Yes, one time when I was beaten, I seemed to hear someone talking, but because the voice was very soft, I couldn't understand what was said, so I didn't take it to heart. Later, Ask those people and they seem to have heard it too.”

I nodded. Sure enough, this was the key point. From Sobud to the light and shadow I saw and then to this person's explanation, in fact, Yin Ling never wanted to conceal his identity, but we couldn't understand what he said.

I breathed out: "Okay, it's none of your business now. Just hold this thing and put a drop of blood on it at the critical moment. It can save your life."

Seeing that everyone was almost dead, I couldn't stand idly by, so I pulled out a precious high-grade spiritual talisman. Ordinary talismans no longer worked, so I could only rely on this.

Knowing the news I wanted to know, I didn't stay here any longer. Instead, I went out to call the man in the T-shirt and wanted to tell him about the progress here, but I didn't know what he was doing and his phone was turned off.

He Chengda followed me out and asked me if I had discovered anything?

I nodded and then my eyes lit up. If I were to say an expert, He Chengda would definitely know him.

So I hurriedly sent the recording to him and asked him to find historical experts, especially experts who studied the history of the Song Dynasty, to find out what exactly it was saying.

He Chengda agreed, made a phone call in front of me, and then told me that the results would be available within two days at the latest.

I was quite satisfied with the speed, so I let him do it.

"By the way, how is that Amul?" I suddenly thought of something. Now that this person is protected by me, the most dangerous person is Amul.

He Chengda said helplessly that Wu Ping had stopped him, but he would run out whenever he could at his own home, leaving Wu Ping to keep an eye on him all the time.

I said oh and told him not to worry: "I'll go over and take a look, maybe I can help."

"That's great." He Chengda said with a smile.

I waved my hand, put my phone back in my pocket and walked towards Amul's house. As soon as I arrived, I found a lot of people gathered around, pointing, and Amul's voice broke out from the crowd: "I Let me tell you, don’t be deceived by them, you don’t know about the investigation team, except for me, all those people are dead, absolutely dead!”

My eyes moved. Although what he said was wrong, it was true that except for the last person, everyone was dead. I didn't know where his ability to tell nonsense came from.

Wu Ping's cold voice also came from the crowd: "What nonsense are you talking about? They are just treating patients in the hospital!"

"What kind of disease are we looking for? Let me tell you, we have never seen a doctor in the hospital. They locked us up. But Wang Qiang died within a few days of being locked up. Yesterday I went to the hospital to see a doctor. Tsk tsk, everyone was No, I must have been tortured to death by them. Didn't they stop me just as I was about to run for my life? Is there any other way to do this?" Amul made a very fierce noise, even though some of the people surrounding him had been bullied by him. The townspeople disappeared as soon as they heard that good people had entered the hospital. These townspeople were still a little scared, so they all gathered around Wu Ping and pointed.

Wu Ping explained helplessly, but unlike Amul, his voice was drowned out after a while.

It's a little funny to me that Amul has the nerve to mention Wang Fa. Doesn't he know the unscrupulous things he has done? But listening to what he said, I can also understand why he ran away today. It was just a guilty conscience. He probably understood that what he did was actually illegal, so when he saw those people missing, he knew something was wrong, and then he thought Run for your life.

"Haha, it's really lively here." I smiled, squeezed into the crowd and looked at Amul with a smile: "You are not afraid of death."

"Did you see it? He dared to threaten me in person. Is there any other way?" Amul pulled my sleeve as if he was afraid that I would run away, while his wife just threw it on the ground. They burst into tears, as if Wu Ping and I were bullying them.

I waved my hand at Wu Ping impatiently: "What are you afraid of? We are handling the case in accordance with the law. He really thinks that no one knows about the things he did."

Then I looked at the crowd: "What, you also want to speak for them? Have you forgotten what they usually do?"

"Then you can't kill people either..." The crowd was silent for a few seconds. I don't know who said it. Then everyone started to condemn. I asked them angrily who saw us killing people.

"Then you should ask those people to come out and show us. Why is it that only Amul came out?" There were still dissenting voices in the crowd. I looked at these townspeople with sympathy. Even the Widow Xi was there. I could only Feel sad for them.

I didn't expect that they would still think of defending Amul at this time. Such pitiful people must be hateful.

Wu Ping wiped the sweat from his forehead: "They committed a crime and were locked up. How can you look at the criminals casually? Go back to me, otherwise I will arrest you for obstructing official duties!"

As he said this, he waved and several soldiers came from a distance and gathered around the crowd. The crowd left in silence. I noticed someone taking pictures and signaled Wu Ping to deal with it immediately.

He obviously saw it and asked a soldier to delete the photos taken, thus avoiding causing an uproar on the Internet.

Amul saw that it was useless to make such a fuss, so he became so angry that he came up to catch us. I directly twisted his arm and dragged him home.

His wife was crying behind her, and I turned around impatiently and yelled, "What are you doing? He's not dead!"

Then I looked at Amul and told him coldly not to make trouble again, otherwise I could have saved his life, but his trouble would only make him follow in Wang Qiang's footsteps.

"So they are really dead?" Amul swallowed, his eyes full of fear.

I sneered: "Didn't you say they were dead? Why, are you scared?"

He stopped talking and hung his head like an eggplant beaten by frost. I told him that it would be useless to run away because the same thing happened in other places. If he ran away now, something might happen before he left the town.

"I will watch you in secret. As long as you don't make trouble again, I will protect you from death." I breathed out. I was really unprepared for the few people who died in front of me. I originally thought that a magic talisman would be enough, but I didn't expect it. But still didn't protect them.

Amul nodded quickly to indicate that he would not make trouble again, and I felt relieved.

He and Wu Ping left Amul's house. Wu Ping asked me worriedly if I couldn't keep it at all? I smiled bitterly and said it was because I had no idea what was causing the problem, so I had no countermeasures.

"I can only do my best." I shook my head and asked him to go back to rest. Today I will stay at Amul's house.

If the Yin spirit wants to take action, apart from the person protected by the superior spiritual talisman, the only one left is Amul.

Wu Ping didn't refuse. He had been very busy recently, so he asked me to find him if I had anything to do and left first. But before leaving, he kept a few of his subordinates behind. I didn't refuse. Things had gone beyond expectations. With them, at least they could control the situation faster when something went wrong.

I was leaning against the window of Amul's house. He was so frightened that he didn't dare to sleep at night, but his wife couldn't stand it and stayed on the sofa in the living room.

I yawned out of boredom, and then I saw Amul, who had been motionless for several hours, suddenly move. It was just that his body looked stiff, and looking at the direction of the movement - he was going out.

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