Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1826: Burning paper to sacrifice evil spirits

I suddenly became energetic. It was obvious that Amul was being controlled!

Putting the sun-shading charm on my body, I followed Amul quietly, and saw him running towards the beach from home holding a cloth bag.

I kept a cautious eye on him, after all, the T-shirt man and I were tricked by him last time, so I decided not to act rashly no matter what I saw.

It is now past ten o'clock in the evening, and people in the town have gone to bed early. Except for a few lights, the whole town is dark. Even if there are street lights, they don't feel bright enough.

When he arrived at the beach, Amul took out a flashlight from the cloth bag, turned it on and put it aside. Suddenly, the scene around him came into view.

I looked up and saw him digging a hole on the beach, and then took something out of the bag.

"It's Ming Zhi..." I muttered.

I saw him carefully separating the paper and lighting it with a match. He was opening and closing his mouth and saying something. It seemed that he was offering sacrifices to someone.

If the person in front of me is Amul, I can still suspect that he is offering sacrifices to dead people like Wang Qiang, but judging from his words and deeds, he is just like a puppet, so who is he offering sacrifices to, and why does he have to go to the beach? Sacrifice?

"rest in peace!"

The paper burned to the end and was gone. The moment it was extinguished, Amul suddenly stood up and shouted towards the sea. Although I understood it, his pronunciation was obviously different from the current Chinese, and it was not from Yamen Town. The dialect here.

I slapped my head. Yes, the pronunciation was exactly the same as what I heard from Sobud's mouth. Although they obviously didn't shout one sentence, the pronunciation of each place has its own characteristics. I can still hear it. Gotta come out.

After the sacrifice was completed, Amul walked back. He walked a few steps and suddenly glanced towards me, with a sarcastic smile on his lips. I knew he had seen me, so I stopped hiding and stood up to stare at him coldly.

When I stood in the light, I realized that Amul's eyes were red, blood red as if they were dyed.

"Ha..." He sneered, his voice was strange, it seemed like many people were speaking at the same time, and it made me dizzy.

After that, he stopped looking at me and continued walking back. When he was about to reach Amul's house, he suddenly turned a corner. I ran two steps quickly but saw no one.

"Damn it!" I pounded my fist on the wall, looking at the empty streets and feeling overwhelmed by deep frustration.

Then I ran directly to Amul's house, only to find that he was lying on the bed fine. His wife was frightened by my sudden arrival and asked me what I was going to do. I waved my hand impatiently and called Amul up, asking him if he still remembered what he had just sat on.

He looked at me blankly and said that he just stayed in the living room for a while and then fell asleep in the bedroom.

"Have you slept? Look at the sand on your shoes. Do you know that you just ran out?" I pointed to the shoes beside the bed angrily.

He was startled after taking one look and quickly asked me what he was doing when he went out. I had no intention of talking to him, I just told him that he was being controlled and now I had to guard him to prevent him from getting into trouble again.

Of course Amul didn't want me to keep his request, so he hurriedly took my arm and asked his wife to prepare some food for me. I was not in the mood to eat, so I waved my hand to tell him not to bother and sat aside.

Because Amul has already lied to us once, I don’t really believe him, but I just observed his reaction carefully and found that it doesn’t look like a lie.

So, he was indeed controlled just now!

I rubbed my brows, feeling a little irritated. I had no other choice but to wait for the results from the T-shirt man and He Chengda.

If you know who the Yin spirit is who is speaking, then the matter will be much easier to solve.

I stayed at Amul's house all night and nothing happened to him. I breathed a sigh of relief and told him not to do anything that would cause public outrage during this period. He also knew the power and nodded in agreement.

After leaving Amul's house, I first went to the basement. Apart from the fact that the people inside were not in good mental condition, their lives were not in danger.

"Mr. Zhang, hasn't the junior high school principal come back yet?" After I wandered around doing nothing all morning, He Chengda found me and said with a frown.

I hurriedly asked him what was wrong, and he said that experts over there had given him information. Although he was not sure of the content of what he said, he was sure it was the official language of the Song Dynasty.

"Sure enough, it's the Song Dynasty." I had already expected this, so I didn't think it was a big deal when he said it.

He Chengda was a little embarrassed and said that because time is too tight, there is no way to determine the content now. In addition, even if it is the official version, there are surprises in each place, so it increases the difficulty of translation.

Of course I know the difficulty of this task, otherwise I wouldn’t have a headache. If every archaeological task was so easy, then there wouldn’t be so many archaeological problems in history!

I nodded to show that I understood, but I was just wondering why he was looking for the man in the T-shirt.

He Chengda scratched his hair in embarrassment: "They said that the first grade principal should know more professional people, so I wonder if he has already produced the results."

I was surprised by the connections of the man in the T-shirt, but he hadn’t come back yet. I could only shake my head regretfully: “Not only has he not come back, but his phone has also been turned off.”

"Is something wrong?" He Chengda asked with concern.

I smiled: "No."

With the T-shirt man's ability, he can solve any problem smoothly, so there is no need to worry, but He Chengda didn't believe me at all, so I had no choice but to stop trying to persuade him.

In the next two days, I had nothing else to do except go and see Amul. The latter did not have any problems except for the first time he was controlled. This gave me the illusion that the Yin spirit was no longer in Yamen Town, but Nothing is a good thing, at least I can wait for the results with peace of mind.

The man in the T-shirt we had been longing for finally came back on the third night, with no other problems other than the dust all over his body.

The first thing he said when he saw me was: "The content is out."

"What is it?" I asked nervously.

The man in the T-shirt shook his head in disappointment: "It's the official saying of the Southern Song Dynasty. It just says that those who oppress the people deserve to be punished, and that we should not interfere."

After listening to his words, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. I originally thought that as long as the content was released, there would be a result, but now it seems that it is still a mess.

"But I have good news here." The man in the T-shirt breathed out, obviously the news was very shocking to him.

I stared at him nervously, as if I couldn't even speak. He took out something from his arms, which was the light-colored imprinted drawing he drew. I looked at him in confusion, and he exhaled and said, "This is the jade seal."

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