Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1827 Battle of Yashan

"Jade Seal?" I looked at this square pattern in surprise. Could this thing be a Jade Seal?

The man in the T-shirt explained that there is indeed a character in the middle, and through expert analysis it is likely to be the jade seal of the Southern Song Dynasty.

I couldn't say it for a moment, and I was holding this piece of paper a little confused: This incident actually involves Yuxi?

He nodded: "I also forgot to tell you that the several recordings you gave me contain more than one person's voice."

I was silent. Although I knew that things were not that simple this time, it seemed to be getting more and more complicated. What was going on?

The man in the T-shirt said that he had a guess, but he didn't know if it was possible. I was very curious by him. When I asked him what it was, he didn't say anything. He just said that he would wait until he was sure.

"We will keep an eye on the remaining two people for the next two days. As long as nothing happens to them, we won't think about anything else. We will first look for historical information about the Southern Song Dynasty in Yamen Town."

He put the drawing with the jade seal back into his arms, his expression very solemn.

In fact, I had an idea in my mind when he told me about Yuxi, but this idea was so shocking that I probably wouldn’t believe it without further investigation.

So the two of us didn’t say anything else, we just dived into the Internet cafe and started investigating what happened in Yamen Town during the Song Dynasty?

The first one on the search page was still the Battle of Yashan, but I didn't pay attention to it. Instead, I scrolled down. The man in the T-shirt was still reading various history books, and it seemed like there was no progress.

We stayed in the Internet cafe for a day and a night, and finally gave up.

I looked at the man in the T-shirt, who was looking at me with a wry smile: "I guess not?"

"But now it seems that it is the most likely." I said expressionlessly, not because I wasn't shocked, but because I was so shocked that I couldn't speak for a while.

Because now there is only one possibility left!

Southern Song Dynasty, nationality, and jade seal, these related words are put together, and the only thing that comes to mind is the Battle of Yashan, a naval battle that shocked China and foreign countries.

Looking at the predicted results, I couldn't believe my eyes.

The man in the T-shirt also remained silent for a long time, and then sighed after a while: "I didn't expect it to be them..."

"Yes." I answered, but I didn't know what to say.

The man in the T-shirt was quite calm and added silently: "The vagina this time should be the jade seal."

But I didn't react much to these words, because in the face of the Battle of Yashan, Yuxi could no longer shock me.

This is the battle of Yashan!

The Battle of Yashan is one of the most tragic and tragic naval battles in the history of the world. At that time, the small court of the Southern Song Dynasty was already in turmoil, but the Mongolian army swept across the Central Plains, and finally forced the Song army to its last stronghold: Yashan.

In order to protect the Chinese nation, King Qin's troops from all over the country gathered at that time, totaling 200,000 naval troops and thousands of warships.

Mongolia also ordered the traitor Zhang Hongfan to lead his army and surround Yashan!

Both sides realized that this was a battle in which the fate of the country was at stake, so they had no reservations and fought fiercely for several months. In the end, the waves swept away all the heroes. The famous Southern Song Dynasty general Zhang Shijie was the first to die in battle, and all the naval forces were wiped out. In order to avoid being humiliated, the left prime minister Lu Xiufu threw himself into the sea with the young emperor Zhao Bing in his arms.

At that time, I saw the little emperor falling into the water, and more than 100,000 soldiers and civilians jumped into the water to die for their country. No one surrendered. For a while, the sea was full of floating corpses. The scene made God weep.

After the Battle of Yashan, the Right Prime Minister Wen Tianxiang refused to surrender in the face of Mongolia's surrender, and finally wrote the famous poem "Who has never died in life since ancient times, leaving a loyal heart to illuminate history" and then died with emotion, and the Southern Song Dynasty was destroyed.

The Battle of Yashan was the first time in Chinese history that China was completely conquered by a foreign nation. All the Han people with national integrity died in this battle, and Chinese civilization fell. Therefore, there is a saying in modern history that "after Yashan, there will be no more China".

We were so shocked by this clue that we didn't speak for a long time, until my cell phone rang.

"Team Leader He?" I asked in surprise. We have already said that if nothing happens, don't come to us before we contact them proactively. Could it be that something happened?

Sure enough, He Chengda's heavy voice came over: "Come to Amul's house."

There was still a noisy voice on the other side of the phone. I knew that if there was nothing wrong, he would definitely not come to us. In addition, I was really shocked by the history of the Battle of Yashan and didn’t know what to do next, so I simply went over to watch. look.

When we arrived, a circle of people gathered around Amul's house. They were muttering something in a low voice and seemed to be very scared. It was only getting dark now, so it was really strange to have so many people here.

After pushing through the crowd and walking in, I was stunned by the scene in front of me.

Amul and his wife fell to the ground with pale faces. He Chengda stood beside him with a pale face, and there was no one else.

The man in the T-shirt and I looked at each other and stepped forward to ask He Chengda what was going on?

"The last body ran out." He Chengda glanced at Amul's house, and then I heard what sounded like a fight coming from the house.

I was shocked and asked how the body came out. Didn't they handle it in time?

"Originally it was supposed to be dealt with in time, but it was lost that day. We kept searching silently for fear of causing a sensation. Unexpectedly, the body that had never been found was standing at the door of Amul's house early in the morning." He Chengda looked very bad. Now Even if I try to suppress it, I can't suppress it anymore.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I stared at them speechlessly. Although the man in the T-shirt was not here, I must be more experienced than them in dealing with corpses that were manipulated, right?

Unexpectedly, he shrugged and said that it wasn't because he didn't say anything, but because I was too busy during those two days.

I was speechless for a while. After the T-shirt man left, I was not busy at all. It seemed that they were afraid that I would make the matter bigger, so they wanted to solve it quietly. I didn't expect that it would end up like this.

Seeing that the word had spread among the crowd, I even heard someone say that he had taken a photo and was just waiting to post it on the Internet.

We can't stop this person's behavior because he was not the only one to take the photo. As the saying goes, you can't blame everyone. We can't check the mobile phones one by one, right?

I exhaled and entered the room with the T-shirt man, while Wu Ping, the T-shirt man and the others came out to deal with the crowd of onlookers.

The state of this corpse is actually similar to Sobud's, but it seems to be more manic than the latter. A pair of scarlet eyes stare at us, as if they want to eat us.

But in the end, it was controlled by -, and the two of us worked together to solve it quickly. Looking from the window, Wu Ping should have successfully persuaded the crowd to leave. Although the occasion is wrong, I still want to say that I am worthy of being a secretary. If I deal with that group of gossiping people, I might as well be left among the corpses.

I placed the body casually on the floor. I came out and told He Chengda that He Chengda had solved the problem. He breathed a sigh of relief and immediately asked Wu Ping and the men in military uniforms to secretly take the body away and burn it.

After the body was taken away, Amul dared to enter the house and asked us tremblingly what that was just now.

I sneered and told him that if he continued to do evil things, he would end up like this in the future. Seeing how frightened he was, I knew he would not dare to bully others again in the future.

"The resentment is getting worse..." The man in the T-shirt sighed.

He Chengda hurriedly asked us if we had made any progress. I nodded. There was indeed progress, but we didn't know what to do next.

When we returned to the hotel, we tidied ourselves up first, and then became relatively dazed. We all know that the sooner the matter is resolved, the better, but who is going to tell us how to resolve it?

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