Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1828: After Yashan, there is no more China

This is the Battle of Yashan, a battle known as "There will be no more China after Yashan"...

The history of the Battle of Yashan filled my mind. The man in the T-shirt and I looked at each other and saw shock in both of our eyes.

"What should we do now? How can the two of us resolve the grievances of 200,000 Song troops?" I said with a wry smile.

With me and the man in the T-shirt joining forces, we are sure of even facing the Ghost Emperor, but this time it is not just a Yin spirit, but the resentment of 200,000 Song troops, no, or rather obsession, the reason why they are gathered here I hope to see the future of China.

It wasn't until today that I finally understood why I had never been able to detect Yin Qi before. It was because these soldiers were obsessed with righteousness, just like the "Song of Righteousness" written by Wen Tianxiang.

All they had in mind was national justice. They used flogging to punish these Mongolians not because of their ethnic differences, but to safeguard justice.

These Mongolians bought and sold in Yamen Town and oppressed the townspeople. This alarmed the 200,000 Song soldiers who were buried here. Their anger even spread to the entire Guangdong Province, which triggered this major incident. !

And they didn't want to cause trouble at the beginning. It can be seen from the wounds on the injured Mongolians that it was just a warning at the beginning. If they understand and stop doing evil, nothing will happen.

Faced with such a ghost, I can't think of subduing it at all, but no matter what, the current social order cannot be disrupted, and we must do something to prevent the situation from expanding further...

The man in the T-shirt was silent for a long time, stared at me and said slowly: "There is only one last solution, enter the ghost world, give them an explanation, and give an explanation to the Chinese nation."

"But how do you enter the Yin Realm?" I frowned.

I told the man in the T-shirt that I was forced to enter the ghost space created by Zhu Yunwen. It was also through him that I learned that although everything in the ghost space is real history, the changes will not have any impact on reality. . It can be said that this is just a void space created by the Yin spirit's obsession. As long as the obsession is eliminated, this space will no longer exist.

Therefore, it is very possible to enter the Yinwu Space to give an explanation to the 200,000 Song Army, or to give them a hope, but the premise is that how to enter the Yinwu Space is a big problem.

"I know the method, but we are missing something." The man in the T-shirt said, and I looked at him in shock. He had obviously said before that he had only heard others mention the vaginal space, but now he knew how to enter it?

But now that I have the method, I feel much more at ease, so I don’t dwell on it and quickly ask him what he’s missing.

"Jade Seal." The man in the T-shirt spat out two words.

I slapped my thigh and realized, yes, if you want to enter the vaginal space, you need vaginal objects, so we started looking for the jade seal.

"But before that, shouldn't we control the situation first?" I asked hesitantly.

Three of the five victims locked up in the ward have died, including Wang Qiang, the total is four. Even if you want to suppress it, it is difficult to suppress it. In the past few days, I have heard the townspeople talking about it, saying that these people are all dead. You’ve been punished! What's more, some people have begun to spread rumors that these people were killed by ghosts. For a while, their wives and children were also frightened.

Although this is what they deserve, the expanded impact of the situation will indeed cause ethnic conflicts, so I still hope to control the situation before entering the ghost space.

The man in the T-shirt hummed: "I have a way to suppress their obsession temporarily, but it only lasts for a week, so I must find the jade seal during this time. When you enter the Yin Realm, they will take all the If I transfer my hope to you, I will naturally stop causing trouble!"

I exhaled and followed the man in the T-shirt to the beach. I saw him picking up a few shells on the beach and arranging them into a semicircle with the outlet facing the sea. Then he took half a bowl of his own blood and placed it in the center, mumbling something.

I touched my arm and felt that the temperature here had dropped a little bit after the man in the T-shirt opened his mouth, until he started to feel cold, and the man in the T-shirt became paler and paler.

This process lasted for about a minute. The man in the T-shirt tilted his body and fell to the ground. I rushed to help him and saw that his face was completely drained of color.

"Are you okay?" I looked at him worriedly.

He waved his hand to indicate that he was okay, but it didn't look like he was okay. He shivered for a long time and couldn't even utter a word.

I helped him sit on the beach for a long time before he recovered and explained that he had temporarily sealed the obsession of 200,000 Song troops on his body. As long as I enter the Yin Realm in a week, I will not be able to do it during this period. Something will happen again.

"What impact does it have on you?" I looked at him disapprovingly. With his pale face, the obsession with sealing must have been very energy-consuming.

He shook his head: "It's okay, just rest for one night. Let's go back first after bringing the blood."

I couldn't let him give up after the matter was done, so I had to hold the blood in one hand and support the man in the T-shirt back to the hotel.

Along the way, I also wondered why the soldiers in the Song Army should not be obsessed with the jade seal, but why did the man in the T-shirt do it on the beach? The man in the T-shirt smiled and explained to me that even the Imperial Seal could not withstand the obsession of the 200,000 Song troops, so the Seal was just a carrier, and the real obsession still existed in the sea that buried them. Now he has sealed the resentment On the body, the carrier of Yuxi cannot make any waves.

We returned to the hotel while chatting. Unexpectedly, He Chengda and Wu Ping were waiting at the hotel. Seeing their anxious faces, I felt a thump in my heart. Someone had died again, right?

"Chief First Officer, Mr. Zhang, whether this matter can still be resolved, the superiors are urging us. If this continues, it will cause unnecessary trouble sooner or later." He Chengda came up to meet him.

Fortunately, it's not a dead person.

I didn't say anything. I helped the man in the T-shirt to the bed first, then turned around and said, "Nothing will happen to him this week, but what happens next depends on the situation."

Then I told them about our search for the jade seal and asked them to pay attention to it in various museums in Guangdong Province. Although this possibility is unlikely, we can only treat a dead horse as a living horse. Now we are no different than looking for a needle in a haystack.

He Chengda's face improved a lot when he heard that there was a week's buffer, and he quickly said that if Yuxi was in the museum, he would definitely get it. Then he asked about the man in the T-shirt and exchanged a few words before leaving.

I said angrily: "This person really didn't see you injured, but he looked like he was questioning you as soon as he came up!"

"You can't blame them." The man in the T-shirt said slowly, and then asked me to call Li Mazi from Jiangmen City.

I was stunned, and the man in the T-shirt explained that after I entered the vaginal space, someone must be guarding me outside, and it would not be safe if he was alone.

"But no one was watching last time." I scratched my head. Last time Li Mazi fainted and didn't understand what happened.

The man in the T-shirt shook his head and said that last time I was put in by the Yin spirit, and the Yin spirit would help. This time is different. This time we take the initiative to go in. We don’t know what accidents will happen in the process.

I thought about it for a moment, and it was unlikely that anything would happen to A Duo now. It was really useless for Li Mazi to stay in Jiangmen, so I called him and asked him to take the car over the next morning.

"Hey, little brother, you finally remembered me. I'm almost bored to death." Li Mazi shouted exaggeratedly.

I silently despised him, told him not to make such nonsense and hung up the phone.

After a night of silence, Li Mazi arrived in the town early the next morning, brought some breakfast to the hotel and said with a smile: "Look at me, please come and eat while it's hot."

Not to mention, after what happened last night, the man in the T-shirt was really hungry when he woke up. Before I had time to go down to buy something to eat, Li Mazi came, just in time to catch up.

?The three of them had breakfast in a hurry, and in the meantime they told Li Mazi the current situation, causing him to be stunned for a while.

"Does this involve the Southern Song Dynasty's small court?" He said naa-naa: "Oh my god, a lot of people died in that war. A Yin spirit can swallow us up in one bite."

I looked at him speechlessly. This person's focus is always so weird. Fortunately, the man in the T-shirt quickly brought the topic back: "We still have to start from the town. Since the situation was first in Yamen Town, Then it is very likely that the Jade Seal is in Yamen Town."

I nodded, but even in Yamen Town it is not easy to find a fist-sized jade seal. The man in the T-shirt said that he could use the obsession of the Song Army soldiers sealed on his body to find it. They have the same breath, so there should be Induced.

With his words, I felt a lot more at ease. After dinner, we walked around the town. Li Mazi didn't come with us because he was angry and it was more convenient to do something, unlike where we are going now. There were people staring with defensive expressions.

However, after shaking it around for a while, the man in the T-shirt showed no reaction. He asked strangely: "Is it possible that Yuxi is not in the town?"

"It's unlikely, right?" I shook my head: "Maybe it's just that the induction is too weak. It's okay. Let's think of other ways."

The man in the T-shirt could only nod. He told me that another way was to let Li Mazi do evil. He would relax the seal a little and let Li Mazi's resentment get entangled with him, and then he would follow suit.

"But Mazi is not Mongolian..." I said, and the man in the T-shirt looked at me speechlessly. Only then did I realize that the resentment was not just against the Mongolian people.

I just did what I said, and I immediately called Li Mazi to tell him the situation. He was eager to say, "Hey, I don't know anything else. When it comes to being a bully, I know how to be a bully. Just wait..."

After saying that, he hung up the phone, and before the phone was hung up completely, I heard an angry yell: "Pervert!"

I looked at the man in the T-shirt with a dark face, feeling a bad feeling in my heart. Sure enough, within a few minutes Li Mazi ran over from the street, and a woman chased him and beat him, but he kept turning around and teasing the woman while running. The woman's face turned red because of him but she couldn't do anything to him.

The moment Li Mazi was about to see us, the man in the T-shirt grabbed me and dragged me into the alley, his face not looking good.

"Can this... be possible?" I looked at Li Mazi's sobbing back with uncertainty.

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