Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1830 The Guardian of the Jade Seal

Li Mazi and I pretended to chase him outside for a while, then pretended to be dejected and returned to the hotel.

"Come to the beach!"

As soon as he opened the door, the man in the T-shirt called. He said three words in a low voice and then hung up.

I raised my phone to Li Mazi: "Look, it's done."

Li Mazi laughed, closed the door and ran outside happily. I followed him quickly, but when I got to the beach, I was dumbfounded. What was going on?

I saw the man in the T-shirt sitting on the ground with a trace of blood remaining on the corner of his mouth, and opposite him stood a man about my age, approaching him with a sneer...

"Stop!" I shouted, quickly blocking in front of the man in the T-shirt, and then staring at the man warily.

This man looked like a mixed-race man and was very good-looking, but his eyes were bright red at the moment. I didn’t dare to take him lightly. After all, even the man in the T-shirt was no match for him.

"Are you really going to destroy Yamen Town?" The man in the T-shirt wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the man calmly.

The man didn't say anything, but his behavior was obviously acquiescence. I quickly asked the man in the T-shirt what was going on.

The man in the T-shirt smiled bitterly and said that this man was controlled by Yuxi, and his own strength had declined greatly due to the large amount of resentment sealed, so he actually fell into his trap. Yuxi's resentment has become stronger and he is no longer satisfied with the punishments one by one. When he arrived, he found that Yuxi was trying to summon the resentment in the sea, hoping to catch all the so-called bad guys in Yamen Town.

It is precisely because of the man's call that the resentment well sealed in the T-shirt man's body tends to become uncontrollable. This is also the reason why he is defeated by the man.

"I'll do it!" I breathed out, handed the man in the T-shirt to Li Mazi to take care of, and then looked at the man coldly.

The man's eyes were locked on me, as if he was just looking at ants. I ignored his gaze and directly used the invisible needle. At the same time, I arranged a simple defensive formation in the air to protect the T-shirt man and Li Mazi.

The man in the T-shirt has the same resentment as Yuxi. If a man deals with him, we will suffer a lot.

The man waved his hand, and a transparent and glowing red whip appeared in his hand. He waved the whip lightly, and a tearing sound came from the air around him.

I exhaled, knowing that defeating him was not the goal. The goal was to wake up the possessed man so that he could at least have a chance to breathe.

"The jade seal is on his neck. As long as it is away from the body, it is not so easy to control." The words of the man in the T-shirt came. I glanced at the jade seal hanging around the man's neck and nodded slowly.

The invisible needle pierced the man's right wrist, and I rushed forward. At this moment, I held the black ball in my hand, and caught him unawares.

In just a few seconds, I did not move the jade seal, but controlled the invisible needle to move towards the rope hanging the jade seal.

The jade seal cannot be damaged, and I am not sure that it can be damaged. However, the rope used to wear the jade seal is very ordinary. It can be broken by just pulling it, let alone the invisible needle, so I naturally choose the rope to start.


The rope broke at the sound, Yuxi rolled to the side, and the red in the man's eyes became lighter. I didn't give him time to react, and flew up with a kick, putting a greater distance between him and Yuxi.

"Get out of the way!" the man in the T-shirt yelled, and I subconsciously rolled to the side. I only heard a sound. When I looked back, I saw a two-finger-wide crack where I had just stood, and above it was It's a levitating whip.

The man who was lying on the ground after I kicked him also struggled to stand up slowly. The man in the T-shirt ignored Li Mazi's stop and stepped out of the protective formation. He raised the eight-sided Han sword and slashed directly at Yuxi.

"No!" came the exclamation. I turned around and saw that the man's eyes had returned to normal, and he was staring at the man in the T-shirt in horror.

The man in the T-shirt snorted, and his men continued to exert force, and the Eight-sided Han Sword and the Jade Seal collided. I closed my eyes subconsciously and heard a thud. I opened my eyes in confusion and saw that Yu Xi had knocked the Eight-sided Han Sword away.

The man in the T-shirt did not give up, attacking Yu Xi one after another, while the whip suspended in the air became more and more transparent until it disappeared.

"How's it going?" I hurriedly went over to help the man in the T-shirt, and he knelt on the ground holding his sword, and asked me to wrap the jade seal in red cloth.

But I don’t have any red cloth at the moment, so Li Mazi came over and took out something like a red handkerchief from his neck: “Is this okay?”

"I'm going, you're still wearing a bellyband..." I stared at Li Mazi in surprise. He glared at me and said that this was not a bellyband, it was for warding off evil spirits.

I looked at him speechlessly, but fortunately the man in the T-shirt nodded. I quickly wrapped the jade seal in red cloth and stuffed it into my arms.

"Give me back the jade seal!" An angry roar came, and only then did the three of us realize that there were other people here.

The man rushed towards me, and I twisted his arm to subdue him. Without Yuxi's help, he was just a bit bigger, and he was not good enough in my eyes.

"You..." The man stared at us, seemingly too angry to speak.

I looked at him coldly: "Do you know that this jade seal has caused several lives?"

"Human life? Can those things be called human beings? I have wanted to teach them a lesson for a long time. Haha, luckily I have Yuxi to help me." The man looked a little dazed.

Seeing him like this, I realized that he had resentment in his heart, which gave Yuxi an opportunity to take advantage of him.

I slapped him on the head and told him that the ghosts in the jade seal should not be desecrated by these people. If this continues, even the 200,000 Song soldiers who died in the battle will become evil ghosts, and their national loyalty will be a joke. !

Of course, I also think that those people deserved to be punished, but it should not be done by these soldiers who died for national justice.

They have become evil spirits. If their hands are stained with too much blood, they will turn into evil spirits sooner or later. This is what the man in the T-shirt saw today. If the resentment had not deepened, these loyal people would never have done what they wanted. Ruined the destruction of Yamen Town.

"Do you know the origin of the jade seal?" The man stopped grabbing the jade seal and stared at us in fear.

The man in the T-shirt and I looked at each other, and then we basically said everything we could. Finally, I told the man that if he didn’t want these Song soldiers who died in battle to become evil spirits because of some trivial things, he would give us the jade seal.

"What are you doing with the jade seal?" The man looked at us warily.

I only told him that the purpose of taking the jade seal was to eliminate their grievances and enable them to reincarnate with peace of mind.

The man in the T-shirt stood up and pointed to the sea and said: "They have been trapped on this sea for hundreds of years. If they continue to let it go, they will be trapped here forever and have no peace! The jade seal is on you, you know it Let’s talk about the history of Yuxi.”

I don't know what the man in the T-shirt said moved him. The man stopped moving and sat blankly on the beach. After a while, he sneered and then slowly told a story.

It turns out that he is actually a descendant of the Yuan Dynasty. His ancestors risked beheading and buried the young emperor in Chiwan Village, but left the jade seal behind.

In the words of his ancestor, even if the Southern Song Dynasty perished, their integrity is worth learning from future generations. Therefore, he left the jade seal to give the Han people a thought.

However, due to the pressure of the times, he did not dare to take any unnecessary actions. He could only secretly pass down the jade seal as a family heirloom. Every time it was passed to a new generation, he would tell the story of the Battle of Yashan.

It was not until later, after the reunification of New China, that relations between ethnic groups eased, and his great-grandfathers began to intermarry with the Han people. This jade seal meant more to them, so they became the jade seal guardians!

In the middle of the process, I thought about handing over the jade seal to the country, but in the end I still didn't want to give it up.

The jade seal was well preserved before, but because of the resentment in the man's heart towards the Mongolians who oppressed the townspeople, he resonated with the jade seal. After that, some behaviors he could control, and some he couldn't control at all. For example, what happened today, although he hated those people, he didn't want the entire Yamen Town to be buried with them, so he believed what the man in the T-shirt said to me.

"You are right. The jade seal is a symbol of national integrity and cannot be destroyed in my hands." He smiled, then stood up and stared at me, to be precise, at the jade seal in my arms: "If you can really make it happen, Two hundred thousand Song soldiers rest in peace, I will definitely be grateful."

I didn’t say anything big, because I knew that getting the jade seal was only the first step. No one could predict what would happen after entering the underworld. I only told him that I would try my best.

He nodded: "Can I follow you? If you can't resolve it, the jade seal still needs to be returned."

"Okay." I nodded. His request was not too much. The jade seal has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is his right to deal with it how to deal with it. Even if I can resolve it, the jade seal must still be returned to its original owner.

After I got the jade seal, I immediately looked at the man in the T-shirt, and he shook his head: "Not today, I've already calculated it, and midnight in two days is the best time."

Since he said that, I couldn't force him, so the group returned to the hotel and fell asleep.

Nothing happened in the next two days. The man in the T-shirt told me to eat well and sleep well. I must adjust my condition to the best. I also knew the seriousness of the matter, so I turned a deaf ear to it. Even if He Chengda urged me several times, I would only let Li Mazi deal with it.

Two days passed in a flash, and the four of us gathered on the beach in the middle of the night, looking solemn.

"I'm going to send you into space later, but how you go from there depends on you! Li Mazi and I are guarding outside. If there is danger, I will forcefully pull you out." The man in the T-shirt looked at I said seriously.

I nodded: "It'll be okay."

Then I handed the jade seal to the man in the T-shirt and waited quietly for his move, but actually I was already very excited. After all, I was going to an era of turmoil but where heroes emerged in large numbers...

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