Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1831 Da Song, here I come

The man in the T-shirt pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword, drew a complex circular formation on the beach, and then placed the jade seal in the middle.

"Stand next to the jade seal, and then drip the blood essence on it." The man in the T-shirt ordered.

I immediately moved my steps, stood carefully next to Yuxi, bit my finger and slowly dripped the blood on it.

The man in the T-shirt stuck his sword on the edge of the formation and whispered something in his mouth. I could only roughly hear the words Qianxin and Entering the formation.

Then a white light emitted from the jade seal, the man in the T-shirt and others in front of me gradually blurred, and I also lost consciousness.

"Hey, young man, are you scared to death before you even go to the battlefield?" A vague voice came over. I opened my eyes with difficulty and found a soldier in military uniform squatting in front of me. Lying on the ground in a panic.

It took me a while to realize that I must have entered the vaginal space. But now I don't understand the situation, so I don't dare to say anything more. I can only smile awkwardly and get up from the ground.

I was stunned by this movement, and the heavy military uniform on my body made me confused for a moment.

I remember that the last time I entered the vagina, I was wearing my own clothes, but why did I just change them this time? I quickly sensed it, and fortunately, the Eternal Spirit Ring, the Invisible Needle, and other things I kept close to my body were still there.

"Why are you so stunned? General Zhang wants to see us." This man pulled me, patted the dust on my body and pushed me forward.

I was stunned, General Zhang?

Regarding the Battle of Yashan, I only know two generals. The first is naturally the famous Southern Song Dynasty general Zhang Shijie, and the other is the traitor Zhang Hongfan. I don’t know which one it is?

I looked at the military uniforms I was wearing, but I couldn't tell which side I belonged to, because Zhang Hongfan was actually considered a traitor, and the clothes of the army he led were not much different from the Song army.

Before I could figure out the reason, I was taken into a palace. A group of guards were guarding outside the palace. They didn't question us when they saw us, but just let us in.

As soon as I entered, I saw a man in his early forties with a square face sitting above him. He must be General Zhang.

In addition to him, there were also many soldiers dressed like the people around me sitting in the palace. They seemed to be the lowest level soldiers. I didn't understand why these people gathered here.

I was not allowed to ask any more questions. The person who came with me had already pulled me to find a place to sit down cross-legged. Then he lowered his voice and said, "You think you, how can you stare at General Zhang blankly?"

I smiled awkwardly and didn't answer. What can I say? Can I say that my first reaction when I saw them was that they were filming a costume drama? But I knew in my heart that this was not filming but real history, so I had mixed feelings.

"Thank you for your hard work, brothers." General Zhang finally spoke. His honest voice had the unique aura of a superior. Even his plain words instantly silenced the noisy palace just now.

General Zhang exchanged a few more pleasantries: "Zhang Hongfan has been forced to Yamen and has surrounded our army on three sides. All the anti-Yuan soldiers who sacrificed their lives for righteousness at the critical moment are really the heroes of our Song Dynasty."

Anti-Yuan warrior?

I was confused, but then I understood the current situation through the words of everyone and General Zhang.

These soldiers were not recruited, but voluntarily joined the army on the eve of Zhang Hongfan's attack on Yamen. They were called anti-Yuan martyrs by the others. They only joined the army in the past two days, so everyone did not recognize each other fully. No wonder they They regard me, a stranger, as an anti-Yuan martyr.

But it's okay, I was still worried about how to sneak in? Now I have saved a lot of trouble, but I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. I went straight into the Southern Song Dynasty's military camp.

According to what they mean, it should be the first month of the second year of Xiangxing. Zhang Hongfan had just attacked Yamen and used the terrain advantages to besiege the Song Army in Yamen Town. Apart from the sea, the Song Army had no other way out!

After quickly sorting out the current situation in his mind, General Zhang Shijie and Prime Minister Lu Xiufu escorted the young emperor Zhao Bing to retreat to Yamen. There seemed to be 200,000 Song troops guarding Yamen, but in fact they included many family members, wives and children. , the actual number of soldiers was less than 100,000.

Therefore, even though the terrain of Yamen was easy to defend and difficult to attack, the Song army was still defeated, and even the people who broke out were inevitably killed in the battle.

Another regrettable situation is that there is one person in the enemy camp who is forced to witness this battle from beginning to end, and that is Wen Tianxiang, another one of the three heroes of the late Song Dynasty...

Now is the second year of Xiangxing, which is 1279 AD, and Wen Tianxiang was captured in Guangdong in 1278. Kublai Khan wanted to recruit Wen Tianxiang because he felt that Wen Tianxiang was capable of literature, military, and majesty. But Wen Tianxiang refused to obey, and in the process he wrote the famous "Crossing the Lingding Ocean" to express his determination.

The traitor Zhang Hongfan had always had a headache for Wen Tianxiang, so he simply took him with him in the army and let him witness the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty. This was more painful than any torture for the loyal Wen Tianxiang!

I was filled with emotion, and then panic arose. The Battle of Yashan did not last long. The war that started on the first month of the lunar month ended on March 19th. It only lasted two months, and now there is not much time left.

I exhaled, feeling my heart heavy.

"Why are you in a daze?" A low voice came, and then someone pushed me gently.

I suddenly came back to my senses and saw everyone looking at me. Even Zhang Shijie turned his face curiously, with an inquiring look on his face.

"I'm sorry, I have never encountered such a situation before, and I was a little out of control for a while." I smiled and said politely.

Everyone didn't say much, they just continued to discuss. When I heard it, I realized that they were discussing how to deal with the current situation.

If 200,000 people want to survive, they must consume countless amounts of food and grass in a day. However, Zhang Shijie and others fled all the way here. The food and grass baggage was not enough, and now they are besieged, so they naturally have a headache.

I had no suggestions to make in this regard, so I could only remain silent. Everyone discussed for a while but saw no progress. Zhang Shijie waved his hands with a headache, and we had to withdraw first.

Shortly after we exited, we saw a few people entering the palace. Judging from their appearance, they should be other generals or staff. They must be formulating a battle plan!

Walking on the road, looking at the rows of houses and the palace not far away, I suddenly thought of something: In order to prevent soldiers from escaping, Zhang Shijie burned all the houses and strongholds on the land, and then took them with him. Everyone stayed on the ship on the sea, which ultimately led to the failure of the battle.

Although Zhang Shijie was one of the three heroes of the late Song Dynasty and his national spirit was admirable, it must be said that his decision was very stupid. If it hadn't been for this decision, even if the final battle failed, the Song army would not have suffered such a tragic fate.

Looking at the surrounding buildings, I felt happy. Now that this has not happened, I must find a way to stop it and leave a way for everyone to survive!

It’s just that I’m not that naive, thinking that if I go up and say a few words, they will believe me, so I have to rely on myself in this matter.

"Why are you in a daze again?" The person next to me pushed me, and I came back to my senses and smiled sheepishly.

He said with a smile: "Weren't you stupid in the battle yesterday? What are you afraid of? If the Yuan army really dares to fight, it will be a back-up even if it means death!"

He said the last sentence fiercely, and I responded with a few words. Only then did I find out that this man's name was Ergouzi, an aborigine from Yamen. He joined the army after the Song army retreated, and he was like the rest of us. The anti-Yuan martyrs marched one behind the other.

We returned to a small house, where five or six people were gathering together. Some of them were covered in blood, and one of them had a broken arm. I looked at these soldiers, who were probably in their teens with weathered faces, and I couldn't help but feel sad.

Most of these people are not soldiers, they are just safeguarding their national dignity. Even though their faces are tired at this moment, their eyes are still bright.

"Hi, this is the new brother." Ergouzi seemed to want to introduce me, but he didn't know my name when he opened his mouth. He turned to me and asked, "By the way, what is your name."

"Zhang Jiulin." I reported my name, and they immediately joked that the name sounded like the son of a wealthy family.

I don’t blame them. The common people at this time were not well-educated. The common people’s children didn’t have serious names. There were a lot of names like Ergouzi. Even if they had a given name, they were usually Zhang Ergou or Li Erniu. , my name is really weird here.

However, they didn't take it seriously. They laughed for a while and then fell silent again. After all, the current atmosphere really made people unwilling to make trouble.

But I was happy and relaxed. After all, talking to them all the time would inevitably expose my flaws. When I saw that they stopped talking, I just found a bed and got in there and pretended to sleep. In fact, I was thinking about what to do?

I don’t know much about formations, and even if I know Zhang Shijie, I may not be able to listen, so all I can rely on is my unique skills...

It seems we still have to rely on Yin spirits!

I touched the ebony core and the eternal spirit ring. There are many Yin spirits in both of them, but I can't control many. I hope it can work.

It's not convenient for me to take action during the day, so I can only wait silently for night.

Nowadays, food and grass are limited, so dinner is porridge so thin that the rice grains are almost invisible, but the soldiers around them eat it with gusto.

I drank a few sips randomly, gave most of the remaining bowl to Ergouzi, and then returned to where I lived.

After everyone fell asleep at night, I opened my eyes and tiptoed out of the house. Then I summoned a few little ghosts and asked them to carry me and run outside the cliff gate.

Although there were guards, the imp's speed was so fast that those people thought it was just a gust of wind passing by and would not attract any attention, so I successfully exited the cliff gate. Standing on the top of the dense trees and looking down, I saw a dark area full of Yuan troops. They were also resting, but their condition was obviously much better than that of the Song army.

My idea is very simple, which is to use the little ghosts to enter the Yuan army camp to see what their strategies are, and then I can use them to show off their strategies...

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