Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1832 Celebrity Zhang Jiulin

I don't know how to arrange troops, but if I know the Yuan army's strategy, I still know how to avoid it.

I don't expect Zhang Shijie to believe me. If he believes in an anti-Yuan righteous soldier so easily, the Song army will only perish faster! What I want is to create public opinion. After I steal the Yuan army's strategic map, I will go and talk to Ergouzi and the others. In the army, gossip spreads the fastest. I don't have to worry about Zhang Shijie and the others not being suspicious. Believe me slowly.

It's not that easy to sneak into the Yuan army. Even with the help of a kid, it's impossible to escape unscathed once discovered, so I don't dare to take risks easily.

After making sure that I wouldn't be discovered, I controlled the little ghost to walk into the Yuan army's tent. Halfway through, I realized that I didn't know where they were discussing?

I patted my head and simply retreated. I first used the invisible needle to probe the military situation, while I let the little devil go around freely. If I came across any news, everything would be fine.

Time passed slowly, and invisible needles probed one military account after another. Although it took a lot of spiritual energy, it was extremely safe.

Although it is very late now, I believe that the military commanders and generals must not have slept at this time. After all, they have to think about how to completely eat the hard nut of Yashan.

After the invisible needle circled around and finally found the camp where the coach was conferring, I called the little ghosts back and continued to let them carry me away. As long as I was fast enough, I was not afraid of being discovered.

When I arrived at the camp, I controlled the little ghosts to possess the guarding soldiers, and then I squatted majestically at the entrance of the camp to listen to their discussion.

Sure enough, what they discussed was the battle plan for the next few days. From their tone, they did not take the Song Army seriously at all. The battle plans were mostly to recruit surrender and apply pressure, hoping to disintegrate the Song Army from within. As for fighting, they were more It is the choice to continue to consume with the Song Army...

I was just about to leave when I heard a voice coming from inside: "Tomorrow morning, the three armies will act like they are having fun. The Song Army should come out after being huddled for such a long time."

I couldn't help but curse when I heard their words, and then I remembered that there was indeed such an incident in history. At that time, Zhang Shijie took it seriously and commanded tens of thousands of naval troops to attack and break through. As a result, he suffered heavy losses in this scam, which also laid the foundation for subsequent failures. Foreshadowing...

This time I kept an eye out and stayed for a while to make sure they wouldn't talk anymore, then slowly walked back.

Unexpectedly, when I came back, I heard that Zhang Shijie really took the other party's plan seriously. At the risk of disturbing military discipline, I raised my hand and said, "General, this is a scam!"

"Who are you?" Zhang Shijie looked at me, and I curled my lips speechlessly. Didn't I just meet you?

But seeing that they were about to set off, I didn't care much and kept saying that I was a righteous person who resisted the Yuan Dynasty.

Zhang Shijie asked the people around him to step aside first and asked me what I meant. I was relieved to see him asking for advice so humbly.

Then I said that the traitor Zhang Hongfan was planning to capture us all at once, and it was impossible for the entire army to relax. Besides, they are not stupid at all. Even if they want to relax, why would they leave no patrol ships and let us break through in such a big way?

Zhang Shijie was a little hesitant, so I quickly said: "General Zhang, forgive me for the offence. If the Yuan army really didn't know how to fight, how could the Song Dynasty be defeated so miserably?"

He suddenly looked at me, and I could feel that he was angry, but I did not flinch, but looked at him arrogantly.

After all, he is a famous general. After thinking about it for a while, he realized that 80% of what I said was true. He had just been dazzled by the so-called victory, but naturally he would not be willing to give up like this.

I hurriedly suggested that he could use a team of people to test it out and create a huge noise.

Zhang Shijie immediately organized a fleet of boats filled with flags and scarecrows, and rowed towards the Yuan army camp from the side.

I don't know how long it took, but a man rushed back covered in blood. From what he said, the Yuan army was deliberately confusing the Song army.

Zhang Shijie looked at me, and after a while he stood up and saluted me and said, "Sir, you are a great talent, ten times better than Zhang!"

I hurriedly avoided it and took advantage of the momentum to make several suggestions to him.

After all, I just heard about Yuan Jun's plan. Even if these suggestions are useless, there is nothing wrong!

I'm not sure whether Zhang Shijie will adopt my suggestion, but as long as he has experienced a subsequent battle and knows that what I say is true, then the rest of the matter will be easier to handle.

"Thank you sir, I will consider it." He didn't say it directly, but his attitude made me understand that he would not ignore it, and that was enough.

After preventing Song Jun from committing suicide, I finally felt that my energy was exhausted after not sleeping all night. I returned to the house and was about to bury myself in bed, but I was pulled up by Ergouzi: "You don't want your life? How dare you go directly to the camp like this?" Rush? Do you know that if those guards moved a little faster, you would be chopped into pulp?"

"Haha, I'm fine." Knowing that Ergouzi was caring about me, I couldn't ignore it and responded with a smile.

He glared at me angrily, and then smiled: "But you have made a great contribution, and it has spread throughout the military camp, saying that if it weren't for you, at least tens of thousands of elites would have been lost this time. The team can compete with each other."

I laughed and said that I was just lucky. Ergouzi patted me on the shoulder and said, "What is good luck? All it takes is meritorious deeds."

After chatting for a few words, he saw that I was really sleepy and stopped disturbing me. As soon as he left, I covered my head and fell asleep. The sky was so dark that I almost didn't realize where I was when I woke up.

After waking up and walking around, I realized that the military camp was in a state of preparation for war. I quickly packed up my belongings and followed Er Gouzi.

In the next few days, the Yuan army did not know whether it was to vent their shame and anger for not deceiving the Song army last time, or simply to break through the Song army's defense line quickly, and continued to attack tirelessly, making it difficult for the Song army to cope with it.

But their strategy has not changed. With the advice I gave, Zhang Shijie not only did not lose in these collisions, but also won a small victory, which temporarily gave the desperate Song Army a dose of reassurance.

At this moment, I was sitting upright in the tent, Zhang Shijie stared at me, and after a long while he said, "May I ask your surname, sir?"

I was stunned, and then I realized that he thought I was very powerful. I told him my name was Zhang Jiulin with some embarrassment, and he immediately said: "Mr. Zhang, I wonder if you would like to serve as a staff member and make suggestions for our army."

Although I knew my worth, my goal was to sneak into the top management, so I immediately and shamelessly agreed.

In the next period of time, relying on my understanding of this battle and the secret help of Yin Ling, I led the Song army to win several siege battles, making them more convinced of me. For a time, I gained a high reputation in the army. When the soldiers saw me, they would respectfully call me Mr. Zhang. I gained their trust in this way!

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