Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1833 Fighting for national integrity!

After winning several games in a row and not falling into the enemy's tricks, the Song soldiers were all in high spirits. Even if they kept eating the minimum amount of food, it was hard to stop their excitement.

And after gaining trust, I immediately stopped Zhang Shijie's decision to retreat the entire army to the sea! Although he had some doubts, he was finally convinced by me. He just faced the battle while planning a retreat at sea. It seemed that he had no confidence in this battle.

Like him, I am not as optimistic about this battle as the soldiers are. The strengths and weaknesses of both sides are already obvious. Although we have barely resisted these battles, the consumption is also not small, and there are many old, weak and sick people around. There are at most less than 70,000 intact soldiers left, but the opponent still has sufficient troops, and there is a steady stream of Mongolian troops coming.

In addition, although Yashan is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the traitor Zhang Hongfan is also a general. What we will face next will be a more violent attack. Naturally, we will suffer the consequences of such a waste.

So I asked the cook to increase the amount of food for tonight. Zhang Shijie saw some disapproval and said: "There is not much food and grass left now. I'm afraid Mr. Zhang's doing this will..."

"General, what do you think Zhang Hongfan will do if he can't attack for a long time?"

I sighed, Zhang Shijie's expression also changed, and then he waved his hand and asked the cook to go down and prepare immediately.

After the cook prepared the meals in the evening, all the soldiers cheered but also felt that something was wrong. I stood in front of them and shouted with the loudest voice: "The next will be the most critical moment for the Song Dynasty. As long as If we survive, we will be able to defend the country. Let's eat and drink well tonight, leaving the troops behind for defense, and let the rest have a good rest!"

They responded loudly, and I wiped my face and took a bowl of water to drink. Looking at the soldiers in front of me, I felt filled with emotion.

In modern times, I have been traveling around the city and countryside, and the few friends I have met are all dealing with Yin spirits. It can be said that I have not met many normal people, let alone this kind of military camp life.

No wonder the book says that once you become a soldier, you will feel how insignificant you used to be.

I shook my head, but my heart seemed to be bleeding, because I knew that the faces in front of me no longer existed in history, and I couldn't save them.

When I first entered the Yin Realm, I thought I could lead everyone to win this war so as to resolve their grievances. However, judging from these battles, it is extremely difficult to win.

I don’t have any expectations, I just hope that I can leave them a beautiful thought in my last moments!

After hearing my words, the soldiers all buried themselves in their food. After finally arranging the defense, the rest all went into the house to sleep. I walked on the mostly empty streets, and from time to time I could hear loud snores coming from the room. I couldn't help but admire them. Even if the enemy was on the opposite side, and even if the enemy would attack at any time, they could still sleep soundly. Heartless.

Or is it just normal for them to go to the battlefield?

I shook my head and stopped thinking. Just when I was about to go back to sleep, I saw a figure in front of me. It was Prime Minister Lu Xiufu. I hurried over and saw him looking at the palace in front of me in a trance.

"Greetings to the Prime Minister." I shouted, and he turned back to look at me, smiling bitterly and asking me if I still had no chance of winning.

I didn't lie to them. I think they all knew it. As the most outstanding figure in the Southern Song Dynasty, I didn't need to say these things at all.

So I nodded, and he stroked his long beard clearly, and then looked at the palace: "The Holy One asked me tonight if I asked the cook to add more food because I was about to win."

"What do you say?" I also looked at the palace. I couldn't imagine how the little emperor who was just seven years old could endure so many days. Although he was an emperor and his food was better than that of many soldiers, facing a large number of corpses and a steady stream of enemy troops every day, I am afraid that his spirit had already collapsed.

You must know that in modern society, at his age, he has just entered elementary school. He only studies and plays every day, so he has no worries at all.

Lu Xiufu smiled and shook his head: "What else can I say? Of course I have to tell the Holy One that we will definitely win."

"Does he believe it?" In modern times, I would think that this trick of deceiving a child could deceive a seven-year-old child, but I don't know if it could deceive the little emperor.

Sure enough, Lu Xiufu shook his head again: "The Holy One naturally didn't believe it. He only told me one sentence: If he loses, don't hand him over to the enemy."

I was dumbfounded. It seems that it was not Lu Xiufu's idea in history that he jumped into the sea with the little emperor on his back. Presumably the little emperor also understood that if he fell into the hands of the enemy, it would only destroy the last integrity of the Han people.

I knelt down on one knee and held up my hands, but my eyes were already red: "Prime Minister, I will do my best."

"Well, of course we will do our best to help." Lu Xiufu smiled happily, as if his previous worries were gone, but the pessimism in his eyes was still obvious when he looked at the palace.

I stayed with him for a while and then returned to the house. The situation that followed was very serious and I had to brace myself. After all, I'm not good at fighting. The corpses have scared me so much these days. I guess I'll have to rest for a while after I go back this time.

I thought about it all night but couldn't fall asleep. In the middle of the night, the traitor Zhang Hongfan really started to attack. I immediately got up from the bed. The drums were beating in the army. The sleeping soldiers quickly gathered to fight!

The Yuan army was simply desperate. Zhang Shijie and I tried our best to block all places with the least amount of troops. If one group fell, another group would immediately follow.

Archers are also constantly firing arrows. When an archer dies, people don't have time to grieve, and they step on the corpses of their companions to fill the empty space. The rain of bows and arrows temporarily blocked the progress of the Yuan army. Then I asked them to pour seawater down the tower, which was also mixed with oil. The Yuan army rushing in front immediately fell to the ground.

Originally, I wanted to use all the oil, but there was not enough food and grass, and there was not much oil left, so I could only use it sparingly. Although the effect is greatly reduced, it still gives us some buffering time.

I turned to Zhang Shijie on the side and said, "They are attacking too fiercely. Our side may not be able to hold on. I need some time."

"Okay." Zhang Shijie didn't say a single unnecessary word, and immediately took my place and began to command the soldiers.

And I retreated from the tower and stood on the deserted street, hesitating.

Then I looked at the people on the tower who fell down from time to time, and breathed out silently: "Even if I become a useless person, I will fight!"

I took out a dagger and cut my finger, sprinkled the blood on the ebony core, and then silently recited a few spells. That's right, I'm going to activate one of the ten forbidden formations in the "Yin Fu Jing" and summon all the undead within a thousand miles radius, just to win this battle.

In the past, there would not be many undead souls in a thousand-mile-wide spirit gathering formation, but this is a battlefield and everything is lacking except the dead.

I exhaled, and the moment the spell ended, I pressed my hand on the ebony core, and a red light instantly appeared...

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