Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1834: Listen to my orders and kill

At this moment, I could no longer hear other sounds. There was the whistling wind in all directions, mixed with crying and whimpering. Thousands of ghosts gathered towards me and knelt down to obey my orders.

The spiritual energy in my body was absorbed by the ebony core as if it was free of charge. About ten minutes later, I was surrounded by dark Yin spirits. Some of them were ancient, some were contemporary, including the Song Dynasty army and the Yuan army.

I took a breath, pointed outside the city gate and shouted: "Listen to my order and kill!"

The Yin spirits rushed towards the city gate in an instant. The soldiers guarding the city gate were frightened. They looked at the many Yin spirits and didn't know how to react.

I ignored them and quickly stood on the tower to see the latest battle situation.

There were corpses all over the tower, and there was no place to stand. I resisted the turmoil in my heart and stood next to Zhang Shijie. He pointed at the battle situation below and looked at me in surprise. I shook my head. I was still dizzy from the excessive loss of cultivation and couldn't speak at all.

Fortunately, the situation down there has eased a lot. The Yin spirits are like no one in the army. I breathed a sigh of relief. Not to mention the Yin Ling's combat power, just the shock their appearance brings to the enemy will allow our soldiers here to find an opportunity to counterattack!

Zhang Shijie naturally understood. After being stunned for a moment, he immediately commanded the army to attack fiercely. Even though these soldiers were also afraid, they were relieved when they saw that the Yin spirits were all heading towards the enemy, and their momentum surged.

The city gates were also wide open, and many soldiers were chasing the Yuan army with spears raised. Those who were bold enough to follow the Yin Ling directly followed them. Seeing that they scared a person, the spears followed them. We cooperated happily for a while, which made me very funny. .

"Mr. Zhang!" Zhang Shijie yelled. Only then did I realize that I fell headlong under the city gate. Fortunately, he caught me in time. And in such a short period of time when I was absent-minded, Yuan Jun also discovered something strange, that is, these Yin spirits can also be eliminated. I smiled bitterly, these Yin spirits can naturally be eliminated, and many of them are only the lowest level of existence. The people in the army all have evil spirits. If it weren't for my spiritual power, they might not dare to rush forward. But in this situation, we can only advance, not retreat.

I simply sat down cross-legged, biting the tip of my tongue to prevent myself from falling, and at the same time mobilized my spiritual power again to control the endless Yin spirits.

The Yin spirits were stimulated by the spiritual power and became excited again. The Yuan army had no strength to deal with it. In the end, they had no choice but to withdraw their troops, while the Song army took advantage of the situation and drove them away for dozens of miles.

I sat down on the ground, the formation also lost its effectiveness, and many Yin spirits disappeared in an instant.

Zhang Shijie opened his mouth and hesitated. I turned pale and said, "General Zhang, do you think I'm a monster?"

"It's just unbelievable." He smiled and helped me down the tower. I could see the soldiers whose faces were flushed because they had won another battle, looking at me wanting to get closer but not daring to get close.

I shook my head, no matter what, just win this battle.

"I can hold on for one more time at most." I interrupted Zhang Shijie directly when he helped me lie down and wanted to say something. I knew that he must want to ask about Yin Ling, but with my current physical condition, such a large-scale The most I can do is one more time...

He was obviously disappointed, but he didn't say anything in the end. He just let me rest and said that he could also see that it was really hurting me to use this.

I smiled and wanted to say something else, but I fainted. Before I fainted, I had only one thought: I really can't easily use a formation that is much higher than my level!

I slept until noon of the next day. When I got up, I still felt that my whole body had no strength. The deputy general was nearby. When he saw me shaking, he hurriedly came up to help me.

I waved my hand and asked him where Zhang Shijie was. He said they were discussing matters in the palace. I said yes and got up to wash up and then went to the palace.

"Mr. Zhang is here." The soldiers guarding outside the palace nodded respectfully when they saw me, and couldn't help but look me up and down.

I'm a little helpless. It seems that what happened yesterday has been spread, but I don't care. I don't belong to this era anyway.

What surprised me was that in addition to the generals discussing matters, there was also the young emperor in the palace. He was sitting in the main seat and listening to the conversation with a serious look on his face.

As soon as I walked in, everyone looked at me, making me feel uncomfortable for a moment.

Zhang Shijie reacted quickly and immediately asked the deputy general to help me sit aside and said with a smile: "How do you feel, Mr. Zhang?"

"You've recovered. How are you now?" I almost collapsed in my seat, but it was much better than yesterday. I was just out of strength now.

Zhang Shijie's face darkened, and he finally shook his head: "Although Zhang Hongfan seemed to have been defeated yesterday, our casualties were not less than theirs, and it probably won't take long. Besides, if my guess is right, they will probably do it next time." Attack during the day, Mr. Zhang..."

I nodded clearly. No matter what kind of Yin spirit it is, it is still a ghost. As long as it is a ghost, it will be afraid of the sun. Even if some powerful Yin spirits can walk in the sun, it is just because the sunlight has a greater impact on them than other Yin spirits. The influence of the spirit is just smaller, which does not mean there is none.

"If it is during the day, my formation will indeed be greatly reduced." I frowned. In fact, it should be said that some of the ghosts will disappear immediately once they are exposed to the sun, but it is hard for me to say anything to undermine morale at this time.

Zhang Shijie looked as if this was indeed the case, and then he solemnly said: "In this case, if they attack during the day, we will try our best to delay it until night, and then we will invite Mr. Zhang..."

"Okay." I responded, and then went back to rest with the support of the deputy general.

Originally I didn't have to come this time, but I don't know why I felt a little uneasy? After all, the current situation can be described as changing rapidly. I am really afraid that when I fall asleep, the advantage that I finally regained with the Yin spirit will be gone.

Zhang Shijie's guess was correct. Just after breakfast the next day, the sound of attacking drums came from outside. The soldiers quickly stood up to meet the enemy, while I frowned.

If they have to hold on until night, it will be a whole day. Can they hold on?

"Mr. Zhang, once it gets dark, please cast a spell." Zhang Shijie took a deep look at me before ascending the tower. He should also know in his heart how difficult it would be to last until night, but they had no choice.

I exhaled and stood silently, listening to the screams from the battlefield. For the first time, I felt that time was so difficult.

This kind of enemy and us made me understand one sentence: any strategy is useless in the face of absolute strength.

Although I won a few games earlier with the advantage of knowing the history, I still couldn't save the situation after such a head-on confrontation.

I stared at the sky. I no longer knew how long they had been fighting. I only knew that corpses fell in front of me, and the blood seeped into the soil, dyeing the land bright red.

And just when I was about to despair, the sun finally set...

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