Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1835 Twilight of Heroes

The formation was activated again. This time I did not go to the tower just in case. If Zhang Shijie hadn't caught me in time yesterday, I would have fallen from the tower. It doesn't matter if I fall down, the key is that as soon as I fall, the formation will break up, and the consequences will be disastrous!

The whistling wind came again, and the screams surrounded me. I cut my wrist directly, and the blood dripped on the ebony core.

The Yin spirit was greatly inspired and rushed out of the city with bared teeth and claws.

With yesterday's precedent, the soldiers were no longer afraid, but rushed out following the Yin Ling, and screams could not be heard for a while.

I gritted my teeth and persisted. Whenever I couldn't hold on, I would read a passage from the Tao Te Ching to myself, without thinking about the battle situation outside. All I had to do was hold the battle formation.

"That's it."

I don’t know how long it took, but someone tapped me on the shoulder. I didn’t have the energy to see clearly anymore, so I tilted my body and fell down.

When I woke up again it was still dark. This time the person guarding me was Zhang Shijie. He looked at me with a wry smile and asked if the formation could no longer be used?

Although I knew he would be disappointed if I told him, I still shook my head: "Let's not talk about whether I can persist again. Even if I can persist, the Yin spirits summoned are not as numerous and strong as the first time. At best, they can only scare me." The other party. But after the first two times, they must not be afraid of being scared at all..."

"Yes, you didn't go to see the battle yesterday, but I did. They were not afraid at all. Many of those things died in their hands." Zhang Shijie sighed.

I asked about the battle situation. This time, our side was slightly better, but the situation was still not optimistic.

"In addition, the Yuan army seems to have arrived for reinforcements!" Zhang Shijie said slowly, with a very solemn expression on his face.

I jumped up from the bed and asked him what was going on. He shook his head and said that the battle elsewhere must have been lost, so Zhang Hongfan had new support.

For a moment, both of us fell into silence. You must know that at this time, we can only barely survive, but if the Yuan army increases again, no matter how many methods we have, it will be of no avail.

Zhang Shijie patted me on the shoulder and then walked out. Looking at his look, I felt a little sad. In the end, a famous general of a generation could only watch his country fall into destruction without being able to do anything about it.

This news probably hasn't spread among the army yet. When I went out, what I heard more was their joy of victory. I couldn't help but shake my head. I guess Zhang Shijie didn't want to affect morale!

However, Zhang Hongfan's army has not taken any action. This is like cutting flesh with a dull knife. Not only will it not bring us hope, but it will make us more and more desperate in this atmosphere...

Finally, I couldn't bear it anymore and rushed to Zhang Shijie's room and told him that if Zhang Hongfan's army invaded, I would summon the Yin spirits again at the risk of losing my life, and he would lead as many people as he could to break out of the encirclement. .

"I understand." Zhang Shijie looked at me, and I could feel that he was not very happy because of these words. It seemed that he had given up. I grabbed him and told him not to talk lightly even if he only had the last glimmer of hope. give up.

He hummed and then smiled: "People in Song Dynasty can only die standing up, not kneeling down to live."

I breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, what I was most afraid of when I rushed over was that he would give up. If the commanders of the three armies gave up, how could the others persist? Fortunately, he was not someone who gave up easily.

"General Zhang, have your officers and men prepare more water in the past few days. The weather is getting drier. I'm worried that they will use fire to attack." I exhaled. In the historical battle of Yashan, Zhang Hongfan used fire more than once. Attack, so far I have not seen them use fire attack, so I am a bit worried.

Zhang Shijie obviously had the same concerns. As soon as I said this, he agreed and hurriedly asked the deputy general next to him to go down and deliver the order. The military camp became busy in an instant.

Except for the soldiers' drinking water, all other utensils used to hold water were used by the soldiers and carried under the tower in case they could not be lifted temporarily when needed.

After four days like this, the Yuan army still attacked.

I stood at the highest point and watched Zhang Hongfan press towards Yamen with more troops than before, and a feeling of powerlessness surged up from my limbs!

Originally, when it came to reinforcements, I didn't think so much, but looking at the dark Yuan army, I realized how desperate the Song army was this time.

Damn it, which history book says that the Yuan army defeated more with less? They are all solid soldiers. Does the Song army count those with their families?

But after all, I couldn't think about any random things when we were close, and calmly stared at the Yuan army getting closer and closer.

"Water!" Seeing that they were approaching the city, I immediately ordered them.

Everyone in Zhang Hongfan's team held a torch. I knew what they wanted to do without even thinking about it, so I quickly ordered people to bring up the reserved water.

Originally, I wanted to risk the backlash and awaken the formation again, but they chose to attack with fire. Even if I summoned the Yin Spirit, it would be of no use, so I had no choice but to confront them head-on.

As soon as Zhang Hongfan's army approached, I waved my hand and a large amount of sea water was poured down from the tower. After the rows of torches were extinguished, I asked the archers to release arrows while those people were drenched in water and couldn't open their eyes. The moment left them here.

We took the lead for a while, but I knew this was only for a moment, and the situation was very unfavorable to us!

Sure enough, because the water storage equipment was limited, after the water was used up, Zhang Hongfan still had most of the torches on. He looked up at me with a smile, and then made an offensive gesture.

These people holding torches didn't care about their lives. They ignored the bows and arrows fired at them and only threw the torches into the air as hard as they could at the moment they were shot.

I immediately ordered people to dig out the local materials and dig out the fire to extinguish the fire, but the speed was very slow. About half an hour later, as the east side of the tower was breached by torches, the entire tower slowly burst into flames. The screams made me stand up all over. pimple.

"Mr. Zhang, let's return to the sea." Zhang Shijie sighed as he looked at the offensive in front of him.

None of us expected that Zhang Hongfan would have reinforcements. The point is that there are so many reinforcements. If it were the previous strength, even if the sea water runs out, we can survive tonight with these soils. As long as we survive tonight, we will There is time to breathe. But looking at the dark Yuan army, I knew that if we didn't withdraw, we would only die.

I waved my hand dejectedly: "Retreat!"

Zhang Shijie immediately ordered us to go down, and the old, weak, sick and disabled first took the remaining provisions and baggage on board the ship, while we retreated while fighting and escaped from the sea of ​​​​fire.

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