Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1836 The naval battle begins

Watching Zhang Shijie ask people to retreat to the sea, I felt a little depressed.

Finally got to this point...

The Battle of Yashan is actually a naval battle at Yashan. The outcome was already determined when the Song army retreated to the sea and connected all the ships together.

Yes, there is no way out when we reach the sea. If we are on land, we can still break through. Even with the Yin Spirit, I can fight a bloody way, but what happens next?

There are Yuan troops outside Yamen, and even if they break out, they will be dead ends.

For a moment, the pessimism almost overwhelmed me. Firstly, I really didn’t want the Song army to be defeated while I was there. Secondly, if I had not changed history, 200,000 Song soldiers would still be buried in the sea, and their grievances could not be dissipated. Then what would happen next? What should I do if I get down?

If the mission fails, can I, a stranger who came in from the outside world, still be able to get out, and how can I resolve their grievances after I get out?

All kinds of questions made me breathless, and once I thought that I might never go back, and that I would become one of the two hundred thousand soldiers who threw themselves into the sea, I felt breathless.

I sat on the bow of the boat. I was so exhausted that I couldn't react and felt empty in my heart. In fact, this is a war that is destined to be lost from the beginning. Even if I use all my strength to turn the tide, I still cannot resist the wheel of history.

"Mr. Zhang, do you want to take a rest?" A deputy general came over. He looked at me with eyes full of awe. He was in awe because I had led them to delay for a long time, but he was afraid that it was the person I had summoned before. Yin spirit.

I smiled bitterly and shook my head. I must be a monster in their eyes now, right?

But there is no way. As long as there is a slight possibility of changing history, I will persist. Otherwise, when this war is over, I will fail.

Fortunately, Zhang Shijie was suppressing them, and the addition of Yin Ling gave them some time to breathe, and they didn't say anything. Otherwise, an alien like me would probably be dead in this era.

Finally, everyone retreated to the sea, with the little emperor's dragon boat surrounded by Prime Minister Lu Xiufu by his side.

I looked at the dragon boat, and there were two figures standing there, one big and one small. It must be the two of them, right?

I don't know what to say anymore. I no longer have any hope. After this war, the summoned Yin spirits have been consumed. Even my own spiritual energy has been lost a lot. In a short period of time, It is no longer possible to make larger formations.

"Mr. Zhang." Zhang Shijie came over after arranging everything.

He looked at me and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, we will not give up even if we get to the last step."

"What if we lose?" I looked at him.

He put his hands behind his back and looked at the sea without speaking for a long time. It wasn't until I thought he couldn't speak that he turned to me and said, "So what if I lose? Zhang has a clear conscience in this life."

Looking at him and the many soldiers standing on the ship who were ready to die, I didn't know what to say for a moment. I don't know how these people did this. In the past, when I read history books about these heroes who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the nation, I just admired them and had a vague idea in my mind, but it was not as shocking as facing them directly like this.

"Yes, I understand." I nodded, feeling relieved a lot. The reason I came here was to give them hope, not to turn the tide of the war.

Thinking of this, I asked Zhang Shijie seriously, if they lose, what is their only hope?

Zhang Shijie was silent for a while and turned to look at Longzhou. I nodded in understanding. If I could, I would definitely help them realize it.

In this battle, we were forced to come to the ship, but the opponent actually suffered a lot of losses, so they did not pursue us for a while, which gave us a chance to breathe.

After staying at the bow for a while, I slowly entered the cabin. Lying on the simple bed and listening to the sound of the sea water, I slowly fell asleep.

To be honest, I haven't slept so soundly for a long time since I went to the battlefield. After all, those real scenes and the pressure in my heart made it difficult for me to let go. But today, I don't know if it was because of a few words with Zhang Shijie that the pressure was suddenly relieved, and the sleepiness naturally became stronger.

I slept right away until the next morning. I woke up when the deputy general called me. When I saw the deputy general, my heart skipped a beat and I asked him if something had happened.

He smiled and shook his head and said no. Scouts had already inquired about it. The other party was also resting now and there should be no more fighting in a short time.

I nodded. Fortunately, at least the Yin spirit had some effect, otherwise I would be really depressed.

Time passed slowly and for three consecutive days, there was no movement from the traitor Zhang Hongfan.

I stayed with Zhang Shijie and Lu Xiufu to discuss what to do next.

Zhang Shijie was quite tolerant. He told me that if it came to the last moment, I would only need to protect the little emperor. As for Lu Xiufu, he would naturally stay with me, because he was the one the little emperor trusted the most.

Lu Xiufu looked at Zhang Shijie worriedly and asked him what to do? We are all gone, he can't hold it alone.

Zhang Shijie patted our shoulders and said with a smile: "This is just the worst plan, and now we can only do this."

Zhang Hongfan didn't give us a longer rest, so he attacked again on the night we had discussed.

The deputy general looked at me with a pale face and said, "Mr. Zhang, they use fire attacks!"

My face turned pale. Now our ships are all connected together. If they use the wind to push the fire towards us, we will not be able to escape at all. Although I knew when arranging the ships that it was not good to connect them together like this, this is a vast sea. If we didn’t connect them together, once the ships were broken up, we wouldn’t even have a chance to resist, so I didn’t say anything. What.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Hongfan actually chose the fire attack. Grandma’s traitor is addicted to using fire attacks?

"What's the wind direction today?" I quickly asked the deputy general.

The deputy general looked at the sky and then his face lit up: "Fortunately, it's the west wind."

I nodded, we were in the east, and Zhang Hongfan's fire attack would only work if the east wind blew. When I felt at ease, I remembered that in history, when Zhang Shijie retreated to the sea, Zhang Hongfan also used a fire attack, but it was not successful.

I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that this time must be the one recorded in history.

I quickly stood on the bow of the ship to tell everyone not to panic. Zhang Shijie was already there. He calmly directed the soldiers to get into a fighting posture. It seemed that he should also know that the fire attack would not work.

But I didn't see Lu Xiufu, he was probably already with the little emperor.

"Mr. Zhang, are you good at naval combat?" Zhang Shijie's eyes lit up when he saw me.

I couldn't help but smile bitterly. I'm not good at sea battles, even land battles, okay? If it hadn't been for the rush of ducks on the shelves before, and the cooperation of Yinling, I would have been eliminated as early as the first round.

Zhang Shijie probably guessed it after seeing my reaction. He sighed: "If Mr. Zhang is not good at it, he should avoid the rear. If...if you can have those things to help, please don't be stingy, Mr. Zhang."

Those things he mentioned should be Yin spirits, but in my current situation it is impossible to use the spirit gathering array, but looking at his appearance, I had no choice but to accept it.

Seeing that Zhang Shijie was handling it well, I didn't stay in front. Instead, I retreated to the cabin and stared at the Eternal Spirit Ring in a daze.

There are countless heroic spirits that I have subjugated in the Eternal Spirit Ring, but they may not completely obey my command, not to mention that I am still injured from using the large formation. No one can predict the consequences of forcibly summoning them.

Just wait! I silently thought in my heart, after all, Song Jun will be fine in this conflict. If there is another time, even if it means fighting to death, I have to try.

Sure enough, the conflict only lasted for more than half an hour before the Yuan army retreated, but they were stationed directly on the shore. From the looks of it, they should have been preparing for a naval battle because they were already packing their things. Naturally they will not retreat at this time, so the only possibility is that they are preparing to board the ship.

I immediately went to Zhang Shijie and explained my speculation. He nodded: "Yes, judging from their appearance, a large number of ships should arrive in the next two days."

Faster than Zhang Shijie said, but half a day later, a fleet of dozens of ships arrived along the coast. Judging from the equipment, it was definitely superior to the Song army.

Zhang Hongfan boarded the main ship, and the commanding officers beside him held two flags and waved them in the air.

I didn't understand what it meant, but I found Zhang Shijie sneered: "You actually want me to surrender?"

It turned out to be a surrender. In history, Zhang Hongfan also asked people to surrender Zhang Shijie, Wen Tianxiang and others, but none of them agreed. They would rather die than surrender. This is one of the reasons why this war was so tragic to later generations.

The situation became more and more serious. The soldiers' eyes were red but they still refused to admit defeat. Zhang Shijie would rather die than surrender. The morale of the soldiers suddenly rose!

Looking at Zhang Hongfan across from me, I felt as if I had swallowed a fly. It would be nothing if he was originally the commander-in-chief of the Yuan Army. But he happened to be from the Song Dynasty. When the country was in crisis, he became a traitor to the Yuan army. As soon as I saw him, I felt uncomfortable.

Zhang Shijie sees clearly. Although he looks down on Zhang Hongfan, he will not waste too much emotion on him. He will only tell us to deal with the enemy seriously.

"They should attack tonight, so the soldiers should be prepared." Zhang Shijie ordered coldly, with a stern look on his face.

I asked him if Zhang Hongfan would make any big moves? He looked at me in surprise, and then explained that the opponent's fleet had just arrived, and even for the sake of the morale of the soldiers, they would launch a strong attack tonight.

After hearing his explanation, I understood why he looked at me like that just now, because this should be the most basic thing in the art of war, but I don't understand it. I smiled awkwardly, but fortunately he didn't care, he just went down and started getting ready.

And I touched the Eternal Spirit Ring again. It seems that I must use it tonight...

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