Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1837 The Eternal Spirit Ring Shows Its Power

Zhang Shijie's prediction was good. That night they attacked with the sound of drums. Dozens of warships formed a long snake formation. Even from such a distance, the densely packed archers on the bows could be seen.

The Song Army was naturally prepared to fight, but a comparison between the two sides can still tell which one is weaker!

I took a deep breath and went straight back to the cabin. I can still give random directions on land, but I really can't do it in a sea war.

Only a few minutes after the battle started, screams came over. I closed my eyes. After waiting quietly for a few minutes, I opened my eyes silently.

Taking off the Eternal Spirit Ring from my index finger, I slowly let out a breath and said, "I don't care, it will come back to bite me."

After calming down, I directly dripped the essence and blood on the Eternal Spirit Ring. Now ordinary Yin spirits can no longer help us. Since we have decided to fight, we will use the strongest one!

The Eternal Spirit Ring lit up instantly. As the light became stronger and stronger, my face became paler and the blood in my palms flowed faster.

I held the bed, not daring to relax at all. Any time I breathed a sigh of relief, I would only be in vain.

Ding dong!

The Eternal Spirit Ring rang first, and I felt happy when I saw a row of small cards similar to playing cards suddenly appeared in front of me. The cards were all full of lifelike portraits of ancient characters. These characters were all from history that I had conquered. celebrity.

Just when I was thinking about who should be summoned, the cute voice of the little ring spirit sounded: "Congratulations to the master for arriving in the ghost space and activating the special scene: the survival of the country. Would you like to adopt the scene and summon three related people immediately? Yin spirit?"

What? This time I was able to summon three Yin spirits. I suddenly said with great excitement: "Invite them to fight immediately!"

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the master for summoning Yue Fei. Yue Fei is a famous patriotic general in the Southern Song Dynasty. He is a god in military use. He once formed the Yue Family Army that frightened the Jin people. He devoted his life to the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains. Yue Fei's Yin spirit has his own skill Wu Mu: he is proficient in the art of war."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the master for summoning Ran Min. Ran Min is known as the King of Wu Miao. He has unrivaled divine power. He once issued an order to kill Hu Hu and saved countless Han people, and made an immortal contribution to the continuation of the Han people's bloodline. Ran Min's Yin spirit has its own skills. Kill the Hu: The attack power is doubled when facing the Hu."

"Ding dong! Congratulations to the master for summoning She Saihua. She Taijun is the wife of Yang Ye, a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty. The Yang family's marksmanship is superb. She has led the female generals of the Yang family to resist the invasion of Liao soldiers for generations. The whole family is loyal and loyal. She Taijun has her own skills in command: it can increase the morale of the other side. .”

Then I saw only three figures shining in front of me. Yue Fei was wearing a golden helmet with phoenix wings and a red brocade robe, looking majestic and majestic. Ran Min is tall and burly, like an iron tower. Mrs. She was holding a dragon-head crutch in her hand, looking at me and smiling and nodding.

These three Yin spirits seemed to have spent their whole lives fighting against foreigners for the country. Thinking of this, I suddenly realized that I must have happened to encounter a battle that was related to the life and death of the Chinese nation in the Yin world, and then I woke up by accident. got them.

I have the feeling of seeing an idol. I have Yue Fei in literature, Ran Min in martial arts, and Taijun She in morale. This is simply a masterstroke!

Although my head was still a little dizzy, I still rushed out. Such a scene would never be seen in the entire history, and I couldn't miss it.

With the help of Yue Fei and other powerful Yin spirits, the Yuan army was unable to do anything to us.

You must know that the Yin spirits like Yue Fei are different from the ones I summoned with the big formation before. They have their own thoughts, their own skills, and they even have the wisdom of their lifetimes!

But seeing Yue Fei immediately commanding the naval forces to change formations and outflank them.

Ran Min brandished a double-edged spear, jumped on the bow of the ship, and stabbed and hacked all the approaching Mongolian troops to death.

She Taijun smashed down the dragon's head and crutches, and the desperate Song Jun was immediately filled with strength as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

In an instant, the war turned around.


The soldiers surrounded them excitedly. After my explanation, Zhang Shijie and others also accepted the identity of these ghosts.

I shook my head, a little disbelieving. You know, any one of these ghosts can give me enough to drink a pot. I didn't expect that they would all obey my orders now?

No, they are not taking orders from me, they are more like helpers, coming to help me.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead. They probably came because of the national integrity on Yashan Mountain, which they couldn't ignore!

After the traitor Zhang Hongfan retreated, Yue Fei and others did not return to Yongling Ring, but followed us into the cabin. There were not many people in the cabin, except for a few generals and me, just these few Yin spirits.

Zhang Shijie rubbed his hands in excitement. Although these Yin spirits were not all from the same era as them, Zhang Shijie had long heard of their reputation, and even knelt down to the idol of the Song Dynasty, Yue Fei.

For a moment, everyone seemed to have seen the savior.

"The situation is not optimistic." Yue Fei shook his head and poured a basin of cold water on his head: "Our current situation is not suitable for a long battle. We will return to the Eternal Spirit Ring in three days at most. There is no way to recover within three days. The situation, besides..."

He paused at this point, and then looked at Zhang Shijie: "I also have a general understanding of the situation. Apart from this sea, there is only one dead end when we reach the shore. Now we are just holding on."

"Yes, Marshal Yue." Zhang Shijie was so excited by what he said that it took him a long time to come back to his senses: "But we can't admit defeat. Even if we die, we must let them understand the spirit of my great Song Dynasty man!"

"That's right! Just fight. You can fight as long as you can. Let me kill a few more barbarians." Ran Min was very happy, sitting aside boldly and not being moved by the situation at all.

Not to mention Mrs. She on the side. Her style is very clear in history. The momentum of leading the widow of the Yang family in command can scare the enemy, so there is no win or lose with her. If you want to invade our country, then you can only Step over my dead body.

After they said this, the atmosphere in the cabin became better. Then the ghosts looked at me, as if they didn't understand why I was here? I smiled and didn't explain, I just said it was a mistake.

After I summoned Yue Fei and others, Zhang Shijie and others looked at me as if they were looking at gods! I was embarrassed by them, so I simply didn't stay here. With Yue Fei here, my role would be smaller, and it didn't matter if I was there or not.

Yue Fei deserves to be regarded as a true military god. He formulated a set of fighting methods in a short period of time. It is completely different from my kind of pediatrician who relies solely on the help of Yin spirits. Of course, I am not particularly understanding, but I only provide my help at critical moments. The essence and blood are just keeping their spirits up.

After the first defeat, the Yuan army quickly adjusted its strategy and attacked again. Although the attack was fierce, Yue Fei had long been prepared to fight, and the strategy he formulated was just to restrain them. The Yuan army was in a stalemate for a long time. Then retreated again.

It can be said that this was the Song Army's first major victory since it retreated to the sea, and Zhang Shijie also breathed a rare sigh of relief!

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