Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1838 The Final Battle

In the evening, they even prepared a small celebration banquet. Although there was not much food, all the soldiers ate with gusto. In the middle of the process, the little emperor came over from the dragon boat to toast Yue Fei, Taijun She, and Ran Min, which brought the momentum to its peak.

"Mr. Zhang." I was sitting on the side enjoying the sea breeze, and the little emperor suddenly stood next to me.

I turned to look at him and stretched out my hand to touch his cute little head. Then I realized that this action was disrespectful, so I could only take it back in a dignified manner.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" The little emperor blinked his big eyes and looked up at me.

In fact, he always claimed to be a mediocre person at first. I felt uncomfortable and mentioned to him that he was just a child, and he immediately changed his mind.

I nodded, and he pointed to where Yue Fei and others were: "They are all dead, right?"

"Are you scared?" I asked funnyly after taking a sip of wine.

The little emperor shook his head: "I'm not afraid. What I'm afraid of is that even with them, we will still lose."

"Why do you think so?" I was a little surprised. I was impressed by the calmness of the child in front of me. I didn't expect that he could see the situation so clearly.

He looked at the sea, then held his chin and said: "I knew it from the time Prime Minister Lu brought me out. We have been fleeing all the way. After escaping here, we really had no retreat, so we faced the Yuan army. So sooner or later we will lose."

"We won't lose." I don't know why, but I suddenly became excited: "There has been a turn for the better now, so we won't lose."

The little emperor stood up and said slowly: "Yes, even if we lose the war, the integrity of our Southern Song soldiers has not been lost!"

Listening to his powerful words, I was a little moved. I held his hand and said, "Yes, the integrity of the soldiers will not be lost!"

Then he turned around and returned to Lu Xiufu who came to see him. His small figure made me feel that he was not a child.

No wonder he will be the last hope of the entire Zhao Song Dynasty. Such a little emperor is indeed worthy of heroes fighting for him.

I let out a long sigh. This time in Yamen actually felt longer than a lifetime. Now I just want to end it quickly, otherwise I don't know if I can recover from this battle.

In the next few days, the Yuan army fiercely attacked and tried several large and small battles, but Yue Fei repelled them all. Relying on my blood essence, these Yin spirits survived for two days.

But on the third day, we gathered in the cabin again, and they looked very unhappy and said that they would have to return to Eternal Spirit Ring in one day at most.

"How could it be? It's not my blood?" I stood up suddenly, but felt dizzy.

Yue Fei looked at me and shook his head: "You have seen your condition, how much blood essence and blood do you think you can still provide now?"

I sat down slumped. What was regrettable was that I couldn't use other people's essence and blood to support me, because I was the only one who was the so-called 'Lord of All Spirits'.

Moreover, there is not enough food and grass, which is what worries us the most. The war situation has improved in the past few days, but many soldiers have lost their mobility because they don't have enough to eat. If this continues, even Zhang Hongfan's hard work will kill us.

I looked at Zhang Shijie and said solemnly: "General Zhang, prepare to fight."

"Understood." Zhang Shijie's body trembled slightly, then he knelt on one knee and said with great piety: "Song Privy Envoy Zhang Shijie!"

Lu Xiufu next to him knelt down: "Lu Xiufu, Prime Minister Zuo of the Song Dynasty!"

Seeing this scene, all the Yin spirits also knelt down.

"Song Jiedushi Yue Fei!"

"Song Gaoming's wife She Saihua!"

"Wu Dao Tian Wang Ran Min! See the coach Zhang Jiulin."

"It is our honor to fight the last battle of this life under the leadership of Mr. Zhang." After Zhang Shijie said that, he stood up and respectfully handed the token to command the three armies into my hand.

When I came out of the cabin again, the atmosphere outside had changed. It seemed that everyone was determined to die and was just waiting for the last moment to come.

When the last moment came, it was night.

The weather was originally gloomy that day, which made the atmosphere on the entire ship very heavy, and at the same time suppressed the atmosphere of perishing together.

I am sitting on the bow of the dragon boat. Now I can only ensure that I provide enough blood essence, and there is nothing else I can do.

Zhang Shijie, Yue Fei and others stood on the warship respectively, while Ran Min and She Taijun commanded the entire army from a little later.

As for Lu Xiufu, he was also protecting the little emperor on the dragon boat. If the last moment came, he would jump into the sea with the little emperor on his back...

The soldiers had not eaten enough for many days in a row, and their faces were full of food, but their spirits were very high. It seemed that what was waiting for them ahead was not death, but a bright future.

The war drums sounded, and this time the Song Army did not wait passively, but took the initiative to attack!

Soon the warships of both sides collided with each other. In such a short period of time, both sides lost a lot of soldiers due to the presence of archers.

After finally getting together, the soldiers jumped directly onto each other's warships and fought together.

There is no strategy at this moment, just a life-threatening way of fighting!

I just sat there, because the dragon boat was protected in the middle position, so it was not attacked for the time being. I opened my wrist, and the essence and blood flew in the direction of the Yin spirit without any control.

I silently recited the "Tao Te Ching" and my head was still turning black.

The stronger the Yin spirit is, the higher its requirements for essence and blood are, so I don’t know how long I can sustain it?

The little emperor stood next to me, saying nothing, just looking not far away silently. Lu Xiufu looked at me worriedly. I smiled and told him not to be nervous. I was already the most relaxed among the soldiers.

Although the last moment was passionate, it was also tragic. In just three or four hours, the Song army had been retreating steadily, and my blood was almost at its end.

"move back!"

Yue Fei gave the last order, and then several of their Yin spirits rushed over to escort the soldiers' retreat.

After all, they were all high-level Yin Lings. Instead of using strategies, they directly used their identities as Yin Lings to fight against the Yuan army.

Zhang Shijie decisively led the soldiers to retreat, and behind them were several Yin spirits who were gradually unable to support themselves due to the lack of blood supply.

"Mr. Zhang, please take the saint and escape..." Zhang Shijie knelt down in front of me as soon as he got on the dragon boat. The reason why he did this was that he had something to ask for, and he couldn't hold it anymore.

The soldiers following him and Lu Xiufu all looked at me, with ardent hope in their eyes!

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