Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1839 Saving the Little Emperor

Looking at the remaining Song Army in front of me and Zhang Shijie and Lu Xiufu who were looking at me earnestly, I couldn't say no.

They let me escape with the little emperor, which means they trust me, and I am their only hope!

I know that once this is done, the purpose of coming to the Yinwu Space this time can be regarded as achieved, but looking at the vast sea around me, I feel unsure.

"Mr. Zhang, please leave the last trace of your blood for the Song Dynasty! We are willing to stay and fight to the death." Zhang Shijie knelt on the ground, followed by Lu Xiufu and many soldiers also knelt on the ground, staring at them with eager eyes. Me, as if I was their last straw.

I held the little emperor in my arms. He was only seven years old, but he was surprisingly calm when he looked at everyone. He was not afraid, because I could feel his hand holding my arm tightly, but at this moment he was very calm: "General, please rest assured that I will be safe and sound."

Then he turned to look at me, and his soft voice did not lose any momentum: "Mr. Zhang, you have great powers, you will definitely find a way."

I let out a long sigh, glanced at the little emperor first, and then looked at everyone: "I can take the emperor and leave first, but... if the pursuers continue, it will be difficult for me to keep him safe on my own."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang. Since we want to escape, we will naturally make preparations." After Zhang Shijie finished speaking, several soldiers came out from behind, pushing a boy about the same age as the little emperor.

What is hanging around the little boy’s neck is the jade seal!

I looked at everyone in shock. I knew what this meant without them explaining. They asked this little boy to replace the little emperor, so that the enemy would never find out that the little emperor had been replaced...

To be honest, I'm not very accepting of it. Growing up, I accepted the idea that everyone is equal, and no one's life is inferior. But I knew it was inappropriate to say this at this time, because no one forced the little boy, and it could be seen from his calm eyes that he was voluntary.

I can't comment on this behavior. I only know that the momentum of unity moved me and brought tears to my eyes.

"I understand." I nodded, and then looked at the little emperor: "Your Majesty, I will take you away now. No matter what happens, you don't say anything. Do you understand?"

He nodded, and without saying a word, I hugged him and jumped into the sea from the enemy's blind spot. The moment I jumped down, I heard the sound of Zhang Shijie drawing his sword and charging.

They were trying to confuse the enemy, Zhang Shijie, Lu Xiufu, not even a single soldier escaped. The fake little emperor stood on the dragon boat and calmly faced the enemy. No one could have imagined that the little emperor and I had already escaped.

The seawater filled my mouth and nose. I held my breath and lifted the little emperor's mind out of the water, and slowly swam to the side.

Of course, I didn’t dare to let him float on the water all the time. I basically held my breath for a while and then let it out again. Fortunately, the little emperor’s mental and physical qualities were both good. He was very calm along the way, which saved me a lot of trouble. .

There are mountains on both sides of Yamen, and there is a bloody battle ahead, so there cannot be too many soldiers left in the mountainous area. I just need to swim to the mountainside and take the little emperor away from the mountain.

If the Yin spirits were not lost in the war, I could have let them take me and the little emperor. Unfortunately, even the Yin spirits as strong as Yue Fei were wiped out in the war, let alone others.

Now that my spiritual power has been exhausted, I can no longer use the art of Yin and Yang, so I can only rely on myself to escape.

From time to time, injured soldiers who fell into the water fell beside us, but we couldn't take care of it and could only swim hard. Some enemy soldiers saw us on the way, and I killed them before they could cry out. And because it was night, it was difficult to be discovered as long as you paid a little attention, so there were only two or three enemy soldiers encountered along the way, and the ones in the water were all injured, so it was easy to deal with them.

I don’t know how long I swam. I only knew that the sounds behind me gradually became quieter and the sky gradually became brighter. Only then did I feel that my limbs were weak. The little emperor was lying on my back. I don’t know if he was asleep or had passed out.

To my delight, the coast was right in front of me.

I took a deep breath, exerted my strength suddenly, and rushed to the shore before my strength was completely exhausted. I threw the little emperor onto the shore with great effort and climbed up again.

After that, I lay on the shore for half an hour before I felt that I had regained some feeling in my hands and feet. The little emperor beside me woke up and asked me with a pale face if I was safe.

I shook my head: "As soon as we get to the shore, we must leave immediately."

If I hadn't been too weak, I would have taken the little emperor and fled the moment I landed. However, seeing that there were no pursuers, I guess the Yuan army must have suffered a lot of losses.

After all, this is a desperate battle by the Song Army to protect the integrity of the nation. No one has any hope of living. The power that comes from such a belief is very terrifying!

I struggled to stand up, hugged the little emperor and looked at the sea again. Even from such a distance, I could still see the dense bodies floating on the sea.

Those were all Song troops. Fortunately, they did not die in despair this time. They at least had hope when they threw themselves into the sea.

The little emperor's eyes were red. Then he looked at me and asked me confusedly. All the soldiers were gone. Is there really any hope for him to survive?

"Yes, as long as you are alive, you will carry their trust with you, so that they will feel at ease even if they die." I touched the little emperor's head, took one last look at the sea, then stopped delaying, and hugged him from nowhere. Traveling through the mountains and forests.

I don’t know the road here either, I just know that the farther away from the battlefield, the better. When we got hungry on the way, we picked some random fruits from the forest to eat. As long as they were not poisonous, we could eat them. We didn’t have to worry if we were thirsty. The most indispensable thing in the forest was water.

After walking like this for three days, I finally reached the other side of the mountain. It was also in a mess. It seemed that a war had just happened not long ago.

I picked up two pieces of clothing from the road for the little emperor and myself to change into. His appearance was eye-catching enough, and although the clothes on his body were tattered, he could tell that he was of extraordinary origin. I was wearing a military uniform with the obvious Song Army logo. So it's also very dangerous. I didn't have time to change it in the mountains, so I will definitely change it when I come out.

"Does anyone on the enemy side know you?" I asked.

The little emperor shook his head: "No, I have been in the palace since I was a child. Even Zhang Hongfan has only seen me from a distance. Everyone who knows me now should be dead..."

"That's good." I breathed a sigh of relief: "I will put you in the nearest town. There are wars everywhere now. Many people have lost their parents and become orphans because of the war. Then you will say that you are a refugee from other places. Do you remember clearly?"

"Yes." The little emperor nodded fiercely.

We set off again and encountered a lot of troubles on the way, but fortunately there were many unidentified people, and those who had seen me were still cleaning up the mess at Yamen, so the journey was smooth and safe.

When I arrived at the town, I did not enter the city. Instead, I dropped the little emperor some distance away from the city gate. Then I pointed at a group of refugees waiting at the city gate and said, "You will follow me in a moment. From now on, From now on, you are an orphan, do you understand?"

He looked at me in surprise: "Mr. Zhang, aren't you with me?"

"No, I have other things to do." I couldn't explain anything to him, so I just smiled and encouraged him to move forward.

He looked at me hesitantly, and after confirming that I was really not with him, he grabbed his clothes and ran towards the homeless people.

The little emperor was very smart and did not rush directly into the crowd. Instead, he found a corner to stay. He was not the only child among the refugees. He obviously did not attract anyone's attention.

I just stood there and looked at him. After half an hour, the city gate opened, and the refugees entered the city gate one by one under the inspection of the soldiers.

The little emperor followed the crowd and naturally walked in smoothly. But the moment he entered, he turned his head and looked at me. I didn't care whether he could see it or not, waved to him and smiled.

And the moment he stepped into the city, a white light suddenly lit up, and I felt relieved. This was a precursor to the collapse of the Yinwu Space...

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