Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1840: A glass of wine to pay homage to the heroes

The collapse of the Yinwu Space made me understand that everything was over. Fortunately, although it was not perfect, because of the survival of the little emperor, the 200,000 Song Army finally had hope. It was not as tragic as the death in the Yinwu Space. The collapse also meant that they let go of their grievances...

I breathed a sigh of relief, took one last look at the direction of the little emperor's life, and was sent out of the underworld.

What I didn't expect was that I was still lying on the beach. I asked the man in the T-shirt in shock, wouldn't they have been guarding me on the beach for a month? According to the conversion between ghost space and real time, it is really possible.

The man in the T-shirt shook his head and said that it had only been four or five days.

"Huh?" I scratched my head, and he smiled and explained that the time conversion between each ghost space and real society is different, and I was relieved.

Then the three people looked at me expectantly, and I nodded with a smile: "Thank you!"

The three of them all breathed a sigh of relief, and at this moment, the jade seal beside me suddenly lit up, and then the entire sea surface lit up like dots of light like fireflies.

We looked at this scene in shock, and the man in the T-shirt sighed: "They finally rest in peace."

After hearing these words, the man knelt down and cried uncontrollably. Although he was a descendant of the Yuan Dynasty, his ancestors had actually been moved by the national integrity carried by the jade seal for generations. It was normal for him to have such a big reaction.

At this moment, I don’t even know what I feel in my heart?

In this little bit of light, I know many people. Soldiers like Zhang Shijie, Lu Xiufu, and Er Gouzi have all had real contact with me. Seeing what they are like now, I don't know whether to be happy or sad for them.

Scene after scene went through my mind, and finally it was fixed on the moment when they handed the little emperor to me. That look in my eyes regarded me as my last hope. I will probably never forget it in this life.

"Brother Zhang, why are you crying?" Li Mazi patted my shoulder, and I realized that I had shed tears at some point.

I wiped my tears and said with a smile, "No, why would I cry? It's just that the wind and sand on the beach are too strong."

"Go back first. Entering the Yin Realm this time will be very taxing on you. Go back and have a rest." The man in the T-shirt said.

After he said this, I realized that I had almost no strength at all. I could stand up just now because of the excitement of seeing the souls of 200,000 Song soldiers ascending to heaven. Now I have to hold on to Li Mazi and the others to keep from falling.

After walking a few steps, the man suddenly caught up with him, pointed at the jade seal on the ground and said, "Take it away, we won't have to guard it in the future."

We all looked at him in confusion. No matter what, this jade seal can be regarded as the inheritance of their family. I didn't expect that he would be willing to give it up?

He smiled sheepishly and said that although the Yuxi gave their family a belief, it was also a burden on their family. How many people had been anonymous for their entire lives because of the Yuxi, and did not dare to come forward. After all, it was a national treasure.

I nodded clearly and signaled Li Mazi to put the jade seal away, and then returned to the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, I fell asleep. When I woke up, the room was full of people. In addition to the T-shirt man and Li Mazi, He Chengda and Wu Ping were also here.

They looked at me with concern, which made me confused.

Wu Ping said with a smile: "Thanks to Mr. Zhang for the successful resolution of the matter this time, the victims in all areas have improved. We came here specially to express our gratitude to you. It's just that Mr. Zhang made us wait for a while."

Seeing the confused look on my face, he said with a smile: "You don't know, you have been sleeping for three full days. If the head of the junior high school hadn't repeatedly assured you that you were fine, I would have asked the Capital Hospital to send someone to the hospital." The medical team is here!”

I didn't expect that I slept for so long, I was a little surprised.

Later, He Chengda told me that the victims had returned to their homes, seriously accepted the criticism and education, and lived with the Han people again. The investigation committee also found that most Mongolians are hospitable, but it was only because of the instigation of a social element named Dashan that they formed the so-called Mongolian gang, which led to a catastrophe. Now that Dashan has been arrested according to law, the national unity is once again happy. This should be the best ending.

As for the jade seal...

A week later we donated it to the Yashan Museum and hoped that the museum could publicize the story of the jade seal and tell everyone that the saying "After Yashan, there will be no China" is wrong. The integrity of the Chinese people has not been lost and will never be lost. None will be lost!

The museum did not disappoint me. After receiving the jade seal, it immediately held a "National Treasure Return Day" and invited me to attend the ribbon-cutting.

I saw the jade seals displayed in the glass window. Many primary school students listened quietly to the narrator's impassioned narration, with a long-lost admiration slowly rising on their faces.

This is an atmosphere they have never experienced before, who like to play "Honor of Kings" and like to draw Peppa Pig.

From this moment on, the spirit of Yashan's 200,000 Song army came alive.

From this moment on, more and more generations of the next generation will understand this history...

It is better to be a piece of jade than to be ruined. This is the great national integrity!

That night I took a pot of old wine and went to the beach. Looking at the vast sea under the dark night, Zhang Shijie's resolute face at the last moment of his life, drawing his sword and charging at the Yuan army, once again flashed in my mind.

After a long time, I sighed softly, sprinkled glasses of wine on the sea, and read aloud:

A glass of wine, honoring Wen Tianxiang and shining a light on history.

Two glasses of wine, here’s to Zhang Shijie for leading the lone army in times of danger!

Three glasses of wine. Respect Lu Xiufu. The scholar is so brave.

Four glasses of wine, honor Yue Wu Mu and serve the country with fists and fists!

Five glasses of wine in honor of She Sai, who has white hair and is in command from afar.

Six glasses of wine, Jingran the Great Emperor is so majestic!

Seven glasses of wine to honor the 200,000 soldiers and civilians of Yashan who died for the Song Dynasty!

After reading it, I could no longer hold back my tears and cried in my arms.

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