Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1841 Li Mazi learns skills

After returning to Wuhan, I don’t know whether Li Mazi really figured it out or was stimulated by the experience in Yamen Town. He actually learned from me how to be a femininity dealer.

It's just that it's okay if this guy doesn't learn, but once he learns, the span is a bit unacceptable!

I haven't memorized all the basic knowledge yet, so he keeps asking me for magic weapons in different ways all day long.

Later, I was really worn out by him, so I let him choose by himself. As long as he was interested in it, I would have no problem with it.

Although this guy is not very capable, he has a very vicious vision!

After entering the warehouse where I store my vaginal objects, I ran out in the blink of an eye: "Brother Zhang, I want this."

I turned around and saw that this guy was holding a rusty sword.

It was the one I picked up from Taoist Master Baihe in the underwater ruins of the Wusuli River.

"You can't use this sword." I said helplessly.

"Brother Zhang, you must keep your word!" Li Mazi stared at his little eyes and said seriously: "This is what you said, no matter what I fall in love with, you don't hesitate. What the hell? , can’t bear to part with this? That’s not possible! I think this sword suits my temperament quite well. Isn’t that what you see in the movies about the worldly masters? Riding the sword and riding the wind, slaying demons in the world, swish, swish Huh..."

As the guy spoke, he pulled the sword hilt out and danced wildly out of thin air.

This time, I was shocked when I stood up to stop him!

It's not that the power of Li Mazi's flurry of moves was astonishing, but that he actually pulled out this sword.

I remember that when I pulled out the sword, it took a lot of effort but it didn't move at all.

Later, when he killed the Dragon Roar Guards, he also used it with the scabbard attached. After leaving the historic site, I tried almost every method I could think of, but to no avail.

The hilt of the sword was as if embedded in the scabbard, and there was no way to pull it out. But how could this guy pull it out so easily?

When Li Mazi saw my surprised look, he made a narcissistic gesture and said, "How is it? Handsome, aren't you? Do you think I look like the Shushan Sword Immortal?"

"Mazi, how did you pull it out? Demonstrate it to me again." I frowned.

"You're not going to regret it, are you?" Li Mazi took two steps toward the door very alertly.

"No regrets, no regrets. I have never been able to pull this sword out of its sheath. Since you can pull it out, it means that you are the master of its fate. I am just very surprised how you did it."

"Isn't this simple?" Li Mazi took a few steps away from me and casually put the sword back into its scabbard. Then he put on a solemn look, raised two fingers and nodded at me and said: "Look, I am about to use my sword, kill!"


With a flash of cold light, the sword unsheathed itself and stabbed straight towards my throat.

"Ah? What's going on?"

"No! Get away quickly."

Li Mazi and I screamed at the same time.

Li Mazi was surprised when he casually said that the sword really listened to his call and flew towards me, and it was aimed at my throat.

And my exclamation was that I discovered something unusual——

Just now, there was a cold light, and then the sword flew out. In other words, it seemed that an external force was urging the sword to fly out. And that external force did not come from Li Mazi, but from outside the house!

Moreover, I saw a white shadow flashing outside the antique store.

Li Mazi asked me to quickly avoid that sword. I asked Li Mazi to avoid that white shadow!

Seeing that the sword light was about to pierce my throat, I hurriedly turned to avoid it, and at the same time threw out the invisible needle and shot it towards the white shadow.

This sword came from the hands of Taoist Master Bai He, and it is definitely not an ordinary evil object. No matter who the sudden white shadow is, I will never let this sword fall into his hands.


With a crisp sound, the man also swung something out, which collided with the invisible needle, and the two objects fell to the ground at the same time.

boom! In this flash of lightning, we both struck at the same time and punched each other.

This guy was very powerful and had a cold aura, so we all took a step back in unison.

However, before I could stand still, the door of the room opened wide, and something flew in, piercing directly into my heart.

I hurriedly turned two somersaults in succession and got out of the way.

With a click, the long wooden table and chairs placed in the middle of the room were neatly split in half.

That thing just retracted with a whoosh, and I didn't even see what it was?

Bai Ying, who was standing in the room, took this opportunity to kick Li Mazi down, and then rushed forward again.

But this time he didn't use any more fists and kicks. With a flick of his hand, there were seven or eight icicles that were as sharp as daggers!

Almost all my escape routes and vital points were blocked, and I couldn't avoid it at all. It was obvious that I wanted to kill him with one blow.

"Where is Zhao Zilong?" I shouted urgently and activated the gentian armor on my body.

With a swish sound, an illusory figure holding a spear and riding a white horse flashed across my chest, facing the ice.

Several icicles fell one after another, and the crisp sound of "dangdangdangdang" was heard endlessly.

The ice fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of snow, and the gentian armor protecting me slowly dissipated.

Only then did I see the appearance of the person coming.

He had long hair, wore a white fur coat, and a silver-white mask on his face, only showing two bright eyes. His whole body was completely white and spotless.

"Who are you?" I asked coldly.

Hum, this guy sneered, and suddenly waved out the two hands that were shrunk in his sleeves.

Suddenly, the cold wind howled in the antique shop, and the temperature dropped by more than 20 degrees.

The whole room was covered with a layer of white frost! It was so cold that people shivered.

The whistling heavy snow continued to fall from his hands, as if his hands opened a door to the world of ice and snow. In an instant, a thick layer accumulated on the ground.

Who is this person? Is he a killer sent by Longquan Villa?

But...that's not right! The Antique Street seems calm, but in fact it is silently guarded by famous animals from all over the world.

But how come this guy has no obstacles?

While I was thinking, the guy clenched his fists, and the flying snow all over the room instantly condensed, forming an extremely solid big snowball that rolled towards me. At the same time, another overwhelming black shadow stretched out from the door. .

"Broken!" I bit my fingertip and flicked it in the air, and a line of blood flew out.

The blood has formed spells in mid-air, glowing slightly with red light!

The snowball and the black shadow all hit it,

With a bang, the snowball exploded and scattered into pieces.

The shadow paused for a moment before retreating.

I finally saw clearly now that the black shadow was a dead tree vine!

Uh-huh! At this moment, another cold light pierced in from far outside the door.

The light was extremely dazzling, almost blinding people, so I quickly rolled closer.

With two clicks, the two wooden chairs were chopped into pieces!

I took this opportunity and grabbed the twin swords that killed ghosts and gods.

Light and shadow flew over, and this guy was also wearing a mask, waving a long sword glowing with blue light in his hand, and stabbed at me desperately.

Dang, dang, dang... they exchanged more than ten moves in a row.

This guy's sword moves are domineering and fierce, but also very weird.

This series of fierce battles has pushed me into a corner, with no way out.

At this moment, I only have one thought in my mind, where do these guys come from? Why are everyone so sharp?

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