Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1842 Lingyun Sword (additional update)

No matter who he is! Since they are all here, what can I do to be polite?

At that moment, I used the Demon-Slaying Sword Technique and fought with that guy.

Although this guy's sword is extremely sharp, I have a feeling of déjà vu, as if I have fought against him before or seen him take action!

The white shadows inside the house and the dead trees and vines outside the door did not make any move for the time being, as if they were watching the fight between the two of us.

At first, I watched secretly, guarding against these two guys, fearing that they would sneak up on me secretly.

But the white shadow actually pulled over a chair that was only intact, sat down on it, crossed his legs, and hugged his shoulders.

As soon as the door rang, the guy outside the house also walked in, dressed in black and also wearing a mask. He looked around and saw that there were no chairs to sit on. When he bent his legs, half a tree stump appeared on the ground.

He sat on it comfortably, stretched out his hand and took out a small square wine bottle from his arms.

His hand holding the wine bottle was missing two fingers.

This is...I was suddenly startled.

Manipulating trees, drinking alcohol, and losing two fingers, isn't this Han Laoliu from Bafang Famous Animals?

That white figure, who can control ice and snow and come and go like the wind, should be the little white dragon.

Seeing this guy fighting me, I thought his sword skills were so familiar. Who else could he be if he wasn't the first grader of junior high school?

It turns out that these three people paid a sudden visit, and in this way!

"No fight, no fight!" I finally figured out the whole story, stepped out of the circle, and shouted loudly: "Are you here to visit, or are you here to destroy the store?"

"Hahahaha." All three of them smiled and took off the masks on their faces at the same time.

A lot of time has passed since the last time we said goodbye to Siberia. I have met the man in the T-shirt twice, but I don’t know what Han Laoliu and Xiao Bailong have been through? Judging from the appearance alone, everything has changed a lot.

Han Laoliu had another scar on his face, but his eyes became more fierce and fierce.

Little Bailong's hair is completely white, and even his eyebrows and eyelashes have become shiny white.

Only the first year of junior high school still looks the same as before, with a fair face and delicate facial features, as if it has been fixed at this moment forever and will not grow old.

I was surprised and happy to see the three of them.

He replied to me on the first day of junior high school and said he had something important to do, and he would come back to me a month later. I thought it would be some time before I could see him. I didn’t expect it to come so soon, and the three of them came together!

"One minute and forty-seven seconds." Han Laoliu looked down at his watch and said, "Xiao Bailong, you have lost. When will your bottle of Tianshan Leng's peerless aged wine be delivered to me?"

"And the half of the sword manual I asked for." Chu Yiyi inserted the Eight-sided Han Sword back into his back without any expression.

Xiao Bailong shrugged helplessly: "Why do I suddenly have the feeling that you two are working together to deceive me? You didn't try your best just now, right?"

"What else does it take to be called full strength?" Han Laoliu took a sip of wine and said: "You have to ask Lu Dongbin to come out on the first day of the new year, and I can use the technique of Burying the Sky Forest? Can you stand up under our repeated attacks? The number of people who have passed nearly two minutes is probably only ten fingers in the whole world!

Jiulin is really making rapid progress. He doesn't want to play tricks and is willing to admit defeat. "

"Oh my god, you scared me to death!" It was only then that Li Mazi got up from the ground and said with lingering fear: "It turns out that they are all one of our own, how could they be so thrilling?"

This guy was still holding half of a chair leg in his hand. It seemed that he was planning to secretly pretend to be dead and then sneak up on someone who wasn't paying attention.

I just don’t know if I didn’t find the opportunity or if I didn’t have the courage.

Xiao Bailong smiled apologetically at Li Mazi and said, "Sorry, I kicked you just now because I wanted to perform the trick well and was afraid of hurting you."

"It's okay, it's okay." Li Mazi rubbed the top of his thigh and said, "I just have a small request. Next time you gang of gods fight, can you pick a time when I'm not around? I'm a mortal person. I can’t bear it, I’m almost scared to death...”

"Li Mazi, if it were ten minutes ago, I would have believed your words. Now you are definitely not a mortal body, at least not an ordinary person." Chu Yi suddenly said seriously.

"Ah? What does this mean?" Li Mazi looked shocked.

I also don’t understand something.

On the first day of the month, he reached out and picked up the sword that fell on the ground, and said calmly: "If I read correctly, the owner of this sword should be Taoist Master Baihe in the early Tang Dynasty."

"His original name is Li Chunyang. You may not be familiar with his real name, but he has a famous younger brother. He is Li Chunfeng, one of the three great Feng Shui masters in the Tang Dynasty."

"There are three brothers in the Li family. One went to the Quanzhen Sect in Kunlun Mountain and the other entered the Gua Sect. Both of them have no descendants. Only the youngest brother Li Chungang married a wife and had children, and it is said that he has descendants."

"So while his father was still alive, he forced the other two people to make an oath to leave something to the descendants of the Li family."

"Li Chunfeng promised him the tortoise shell for fortune-telling. Li Chunyang promised this sword and laid a bloodline seal that cannot be broken except by the descendants of the Li family."

"This sword is his legacy, and only the direct descendants of the Li family can pull it out. It is said that if outsiders use strong force, the sword will turn into green light, kill the person who drew the sword in one fell swoop, and then become useless. Iron. Only the descendants of the Li family can exert the true power of this sword!"

After hearing this, I finally understood.

Why couldn't I pull out this sword even after all my efforts, but Li Mazi couldn't pull it out without any effort? It turns out that this guy's ancestor was actually the younger brother of Taoist Priest Bai He!

When Li Mazi heard this, he was extremely surprised and swallowed several mouthfuls.

On the first day of the new year, he waved his hand and shook his sword and said: "This sword's real name is Lingyun Sword, and it ranks seventh among the top ten famous swords in ancient and modern times. Li Mazi, you should practice hard from now on, otherwise you will not be able to stand up to such a good sword. , and I’m even more sorry to Jiulin who worked so hard to bring it back.”

Needless to say, I have always carried this sword with me from the moment I found it, and I have not been willing to let it go despite all the difficulties and dangers. Fortunately, when the evil dragon came after him, Jiang Dayu casually pulled out a fly whisk, otherwise he would have thrown the sword away and it would have been impossible to retrieve it.

Chu Yi said as he returned the sword to its sheath and handed it to Li Mazi: "Let's set up an incense table when we go back and offer it for a few days to respect our ancestors and gather our immortal energy. I will help you find a suitable sword manual later."

Li Mazi suddenly became serious and wiped his hands vigorously on his trouser legs before he dared to pick it up.

"Go! This sword has seen the light. It's best to prepare the incense and candles before sunset. Also, don't tell anyone about this, including your closest relatives." Chu Yi warned.

Li Mazi hurriedly responded and walked out the door.

"This can't be true, right?" Xiao Bailong looked at Li Mazi's back and retracted his hands into his sleeves: "How could this humble Mazi be related to the Li Chunfeng family?"

"Every sentence is true." Chu Yi said, closed the door with his backhand and added: "Except for the last sentence."

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