Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 1843 The eighth person who is famous in all directions

As Chu Yi closed the door, I also knew that he deliberately wanted to send Li Mazi away.

What he is going to say next may be extremely confidential, and even Mazi cannot hear it.

The three of them came to me together, definitely not just to verify the progress of my strength, let alone to catch up on old times.

There must be something important, and it may even be related to my mission as the 'Lord of All Souls'.

I moved two chairs out of the back room and was about to sit down and listen.

But I heard Chu Yi ask me: "Jiulin, haven't you always found it strange? Our name is Bafang Mingdong, why is there one person missing?"

"One person missing?" When he asked, I opened my fingers and counted them: "There are quite a few."

Hearing what I said, the three of them frowned and looked at each other. Xiao Bailong sneered and said, "Is your math teacher taught by your physical education teacher? Count again."

"Look." I opened my fingers again: "Among the famous names in the eight directions, there are Grandpa, Senior Shu, Master Feng, Zen Master Bai Mei, plus the three of you and the black-hearted monk, aren't they exactly eight?"

"Black-hearted monk? Who is Black-hearted?" Xiao Bailong asked strangely.

"That's the perverted monk who rode the bear in Devil's Valley last time." Han Laoliu said as he took a sip of wine.

"Oh, that guy." Xiao Bailong suddenly realized.

It seems that Xiao Bailong is not familiar with him, which means that the black-hearted monk is by no means one of the famous people in all directions.

It turns out that I thought that in order to save me last time, all the remaining celebrities from all directions had arrived, and the black-hearted monk who had been working for a long time was not one of them!

But now it’s even stranger. Who is the missing one?

Nowadays, although they still have many secrets that they cannot tell me, at least the fact that Bafang Mingdong has been guarding me is no longer a secret.

The first year of junior high school didn't let me continue to guess, and said directly: "The remaining one is called Miss Caiyun, and she is also the only woman among us."

"He has to call aunt." Xiao Bailong added.

"What's the name of aunt?" Han Laoliu objected very much: "If you count it according to his grandfather's generation, you have to call him grandma. If you really want to calculate it like that, I am still a generation lower than you. Where is this? Can't you change those bad habits you learned from the Leng family? Why are you pretending to be superior all day long? "

Xiao Bailong was snatched away by Han Laoliu, and his face turned red as he choked: "If you don't pretend to be superior, it's because you are of lower rank and have nothing to pretend to be. Although I am just a disciple of the Leng family, I am really To put it into perspective, Mr. Leng, who just passed away not long ago, was still my uncle. After his death, I am the senior member of the Leng family. In addition, I also have the identity of a nominal disciple of the thirteenth generation head of Tianjian Sect. This If the seniority is calculated, it is also very..."

He had just finished speaking when he was killed by Han Laoliu's cold eyes.

Xiao Bailong exhaled a breath of helplessness and raised his chin towards Chu Yi: "You continue."

Chu Yi seemed to have been used to the bickering between the two, and continued as if nothing had happened: "Miss Caiyun's identity is a bit special. She is not actually Chinese at all, but the true and only bloodline of the Japanese royal family."

"Isn't there still an emperor of Japan today? How can he be the only one of bloodline?" I asked curiously.

At this time, Han Laoliu explained: "According to the family world, Japan may be the longest-lasting dynasty in the world. It has never been discontinued for thousands of years. No matter which shogunate is in power, at least in name. They were loyal to the emperor! But there was a dark period when endless struggles took place within the royal family, which eventually led to the emperor dying of anger. However, before the emperor died of anger, his son was also poisoned and killed in the seizure of power, so The shogunate found a civilian child to be the emperor."

"It turned out that everyone thought that the true bloodline of the emperor had been severed long ago, but unexpectedly, the prince who was poisoned earlier had already expected that someone would harm him, so he took the antidote in advance! He was just afraid that the enemy would see the flaw, and the antidote was small. He released some to create the illusion that he died from poison."

"While those people were busy preparing for the false emperor to ascend the throne, the prince had already crossed the ocean with two loyal warriors and came to China after going through all kinds of hardships..."

"But then he was afraid of being discovered by his enemies, so he never dared to stay in one place for a long time. For generations, his footprints were almost all over Southeast Asia! It was not until after the liberation that they settled down completely anonymously."

"When it comes to Miss Caiyun's generation, she is the only girl, so..."

"So, Miss Caiyun is the only bloodline of the Emperor of Japan! And starting from the next generation, the Emperor of Japan has essentially been exterminated." Xiao Bailong took over the conversation and explained straightforwardly.

Han Laoliu choked and gave him a sideways glance.

"Let me tell you something. It has to be related to the eighteenth generation of our ancestors. What does that have to do with us? Just let Jiulin know that Caiyun is the only bloodline of the emperor at present. It's such a simple sentence." Xiao Bailong He spread his hands.

"Okay, then you say it." Han Laoliu shouted.

On the first day of the new year, he made a cup of tea by himself, looked at Han Laoliu with gloating, and urged Xiao Bailong: "Tell me, let's see how you can come up with a simple solution."

"What's so complicated about this? It's just a matter of one sentence." Xiao Bailong said directly: "Now that Caiyun has been captured by the Japanese, we have to find a way to rescue her."

"Is this the end?" Han Laoliu and Chu Yi were both very surprised.

"It's not over yet." Xiao Bailong shrugged innocently.

He was very simple this time, and I understood the general idea, but at the same time, my head was full of question marks!

Since Miss Caiyun can be called a famous mover in all directions along with Chu Yi and others, her abilities are naturally not weak. How could she be suddenly taken away? Who could have done it? Where are you being held now? How can we help?

Xiao Bailong looked at me with a confused expression and said, "Don't you understand?"

"I don't quite understand..." I shook my head.

"If you don't understand, just ask, and let Han Laoliu answer you."

On the first day of the new year, I suppressed my laughter and drank a cup of tea.

The corner of Han Laoliu's mouth twitched.

This was the second time I saw Xiao Bailong, and I had the least contact with him. Now I finally understood that this guy's temperament is just like his ability, he is fast, quick, and never sloppy.

I looked at them and asked, "Who was Miss Caiyun arrested by?"

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